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January 20 1893/1993

Elk Lake - Wanted by the boys of Elk Lake: razor.

New Milford - New Milford has received the hose carriage ordered by her city fathers, and the citizens of that borough are happy in the fact that they are now prepared to do battle with the fire fiend. A hose company will also be organized.

Montrose - The thermometer stood 16 degrees below zero Monday morning in Wyalusing; at Camptown it was said to be 24 below, and at Stevensville, 29. Probably the mercury dropped out the bottom of the glass at Montrose. [Wyalusing Rocket]: Not much, Mr. Rocket, instead the mercury dropping out of the bottom of the glass, it stood about the same as it did at Wyalusing, and a number of degrees higher than at most places in this section of the State.

Jackson - B.F. Smith, of Gelatt, has a young team for sale that are fine roadsters, and with a little practice can be driven from 8 to 10 miles an hour.

Thompson - And surely the days of funny happenings are not all past. Only recently an aged couple of this town whose ages were almost to the three score and ten years, and who had traveled life's journey together for the past seven years, decided to quit the partnership and "go it alone." The services of an attorney were secured and a strong and binding contract was drawn up containing many a "wherefore" and "the same" and with a modest consideration in favor of the wife for several hundred dollar provided she would forever relinquish all claims to the heart and hand and pocket book of the husband. AND Last Wednesday a man by the name of Vanlone [Thomas Van Loan] who lives near Franklin, this county, came here for the express purpose of marrying one of our estimable ladies, a Mrs. Payne [Phila Payne]. He came without a license; so early Thursday morning they took the train for Windsor, NY, where the two were happily made one, but report doth not say which one. They came back on the afternoon train feeling very happy, judging from appearance. They immediately packed their belongings and hied themselves to Franklin, the home of the groom. Thus endeth chapter first.

Harford - Sale at John Gillespie's Jan. 13. Final bids were good prices. We saw some fine sheep driven home by Chester Chamberlin. Leroy Taft takes possession of the farm in the spring. And so the old John Gillespie estate at last passes out of the family.

Lathrop - Chicken pox at the school at Deckertown AND Ice 16” thick at Lake Side and harvesting going on AND Mr. Noble has moved to this place. All good neighbors are appreciated.

Great Bend - On Tuesday, the 17th inst., Mr. and Mr. Frank S. Barnes celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage at their pleasant home, just below Hallstead. You seldom see a more pleasant and cheerful company together than those who gathered there to enjoy the festivities of the occasion. Mr. Barnes provided a most bountiful and appetizing repast, of which all partook with decided relish. The afternoon and evening was spent in social conversation. A young lady presided at the organ; others sang several choice selections, to the edification and delight of all. Rev. A.F. Harding, who officiated at the marriage of Mr. and Mr. Barnes twenty-five years ago, made a brief address in which he related some reminiscences of past events and joined in the congratulations of the occasion.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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