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January 2 1891/1991

Brooklyn - The Christmas trees in all our churches were so well patronized that "Old Santa" may be happy until next Christmas for making so many hearts glad, by giving not only toys and richer gifts that please the eye alone, but with good, substantial presents, supplying the wants of the poor and needy.

Burnwood [Ararat Twp] - Hauling wood to the acid factory is the principal business at present.

Elkdale - We are in need of a talking machine; in other words, a telephone. AND On December 18 snow was from 16 to 18 inches deep here.

Great Bend - Mrs. A.F. Harding invited her Sunday school to spend last Wednesday evening with her at her residence on Main Street. A happier, more cheerful and intelligent class of young ladies you seldom or never see together. The evening was spent most delightfully in singing, social conversation, harmless plays, eating apples, popcorn, peanuts, and candy. At about ten o'clock they left for their homes saying to their teacher and to each other, "we never had so good a time before."

Herrick Centre - P.H. Flynn comes out with a new harness, which outshines anything in that line around here. Chas. Tucker, of Union Dale, is the maker; he knows how to put on the trimmings.

Hickory Grove [Great Bend Twp] - Doc. Hallstead, who has been very sick with an affection of the heart, is improving. The disease is said to be caused by the use of cigarettes.

Jackson - The roads in many places are impassable and others are but little used, which makes it difficult to go in some directions.

Montrose - The annual rental of the pews in the Baptist Church, and the [horse] sheds in rear, will take place at the church on Saturday, Jan 3, 1891, at one o'clock PM

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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