Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 19 1906/2006
Ararat - Mrs. Leach has succeeded in obtaining a license and is arranging to open her bar in the near future. We are sorry that a woman should engage in the liquor business. Ararat has been free from the saloon for the past 6 months and the quietness produced thereby had been greatly appreciated and we regret that the peace and comfort of the community must be upset by 12 respectable citizens.
Hopbottom - Pupils of the Primary Department of the Graded school present every day of the month are as follows: Aldon Taylor, Maurice Packer, Floyd Titus, Walter Brown, Erman Palmer, Harold Packer, Claude Titus, Letah Packer, Thursey Palmer, Dolly Penny, Pauline Taylor, Alice Palmer, Maud Carpenter, Mildred Patterson, Emma Patterson.
Auburn Twp. - Albert Otis, living in Tuscarora Twp., Bradford Co., just across the line from Auburn twp., took his team and drove to Rummerfield a week ago Friday. There he put out his team and took the train for Towanda, where he transacted some business with A. W. Little, Esq. He also visited his brother-in-law and left at about 2 a.m. to catch a train back to Rummerfield. It was known that he failed to catch the passenger train, as he was late in getting to the depot. This is the last seen of him. Foul play is suspected. He formerly lived in Susquehanna County, near Rush. He had on his person $15 or $20 in money and a check signed by L. L. Ervine, of West Auburn, for $5. It is hoped some clue may be found through this check. Two arrests have been made: Ernest Pickett, a brother-in-law, of Towanda was put through the third degree, but was allowed to go, but will be held under surveillance. Chas. Warner, of Towanda, but formerly of W. Auburn, was examined and held under bond. Both are said to be of intemperate habits. The general supposition is that Otis never got across the river, but was murdered for money supposed to be on his person.
Susquehanna - Mrs. Frank Cronk has brought an action against Cyrus A. Wheaton, a well-known citizen and deputy sheriff of Deposit. Mrs. Cronk claims that while living with her husband in Susquehanna, and on the evening of March 6, 1903, late in the evening, a boy brought a telegram reading: Binghamton, March 6, 1903. "Mrs. Frank Cronk: Your daughter, May, is dangerously sick at the Susquehanna Valley Home. Come to Binghamton on the train that leaves Susquehanna at 1:10 tonight. There will be a ticket at the ticket office for you. No. of ticket 16,178." Mrs. Cronk, greatly frightened, hastened to the depot and got on the train. Just before the train reached Binghamton, Wheaton appeared and said, "I arrest you." He handcuffed Mrs. Cronk and took her to jail until a train went east, when she was taken to Deposit, where she was later released. Mrs. Cronk said she had committed no crime and that the telegram was false and that Mr. Wheaton was the author of it, and she claims maliciously and unlawfully forged it, and used it to deceive and decoy her from the State of Pennsylvania into the State of New York. That by reason of these facts she suffered great mental anxiety, anguish and distress of mind, the treatment made her nervous, weak and nearly prostrated her, and on account of it she sustained damage in the sum asked--$10,000. The case will be tried in Montrose, April court.
New Milford - A business starting in a small way, increasing as demand was made for its goods is the Dr. Geo. Place Clements Prescription Specialty Co., of New Milford, PA. which puts up and sells the medicine prescribed by the doctor in his long practice. The company has been incorporated and will push the manufacturing and sale henceforward. The remedies used by this company are all prescribed by Dr. Geo. Place Clements and were used by him in his extensive practice of 17 years in New York City.
Forest City - Patrons of the Anthracite Telephone company wishing to send long distance messages can do so at Feldman's store, the McLaughlin hotel or the exchange pending there-opening of the pay station at the Taylor Drug store.
East Elkdale - A social gathering was held at the home of Charles Cross Saturday evening and a good time was reported. Professor Truman Ogden, the violinist, furnished music for the occasion.
Franklin Forks - The Franklin Forks boys club elected the following officers for the coming year: Harry Turrell, pres.; Archie Summers, vice pres; E. Wheaton, sect.; Arthur Wheaton, treas; Orra Summers, door keeper; Sydney Stockholm, janitor. The boys are drilling for an entertainment to be given in the near future.
Harford - The death of Mrs. Melissa (Tower) Peck occurred at her home in Harford, Jan. 12, 1906, after an illness of four weeks, aged 86 years, 8 months and 6 days. Mrs. Peck was born in Vermont on May 7, 1819. In 1837 she married Daniel H. Peck, while living in Vermont. Four children were born to them, three daughters and one son, the son dying at the age of 2 months. In 1850 they moved to Susquehanna County, living for several years in Lenox Twp. In 1863 they purchased a farm in Harford Twp. Five more children were born to them. Oct. 8, 1872 she was bereft of a husband, he dying very suddenly, leaving her to struggle on alone. Many a one would have faltered by the way, not so with this energetic woman. By strict economy and hard work she managed to keep the home and the children together. In March 1877, her oldest son, Frank, came home from the west and took the old farm and assumed the duties of caring for mother the remainder of her days. Six children, 27 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren survive her.
Montrose - Go to the Colonial Theatre this evening and hear the Brockway Jubilee Singers, the greatest company of colored artists in the United States. Their hearts are filled with song and good cheer. Do not miss hearing them. Reserved seats secured at Morris & Co.'s Drug Store. Given under the auspices of the Montrose High School.
News Brief: An exchange states that a western medical association has attributed liver and stomach troubles to the practice in the majority of families of warming up coffee for the table use and adding coffee once used to fresh coffee to be drank. In such families addicted to this practice it was found that 50% were victims of stomach and liver troubles.
Compiled By: Betty Smith