Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 18 1924/2024
Montrose – A Montrose Democrat reporter, conversing with “Uncle Fletch” Warner, learned that he had been court crier for 35 years. Mr. Warner is nearing his 87thbirthday, which he hopes to attain on the 25th of this month. He mentioned the recent 85th birthday of O. P. Beebe and said that in the old days when hand-mowing with scythes was the one method practiced, he and “Orson,” during one haying, led a squad of eight mowers, the two of them setting a “clip” that none of the others could exceed. Both are still young men at heart, although their hair is white. [Fletcher Warner was a veteran of the Civil War]. ALSO A large number of young people enjoyed the community skating party at Lake Montrose. Although the weather moderated during the week the skating proved quite good. About eight inches of ice has formed.
Harford – The feed store of Lynn R. Brainard was discovered on fire early Sunday afternoon, started by drying horse blankets falling against a stove. Comparatively little damage was done.
Forest City – The first Hupmobile sold in 1924 was sold to David Krasno. Hornbeck Bros. made the sale. The new car is a special sedan and a beauty. ALSO One year ago yesterday we were wrestling with snow banks. Yesterday we had a severe rain storm with no snow in evidence. The wind boxed the compass and settled in the east, giving us a drenching.
Brooklyn – Literary exercises were held at the school with an interesting program. The results of a debate: Resolved, that the country boy has a better chance of becoming a good citizen than the city boy.
Uniondale – W. E. Gibson, who has spent some time with his sister at Starrucca, is stopping at the home of his son, John. Mr. Gibson is a veteran of the Civil War and is past the four score mark but as active as some much younger.
Alford – On January 11th a surprise party was held at the home of E. M. Aldrich, as it was the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich, the twenty-fourth birthday of their son, Everett, and the tenth birthday of their daughter, Louise.
Springville – The Fisk Hotel is offered for sale by the executor of the estate, Harry W. Turrell, in an advertisement of the property appearing in this week’s Democrat. As the estate must be settled promptly, an excellent opportunity is offered to prospective buyers of this well-established and up-to-date hostelry to purchase it at a bargain price. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bennett, of Binghamton, were here last week, having sold to Springville a portion of land for $500 to be used as a site for the new school building to be erected. This will necessitate the sale of the old school building and will leave a valuable piece of land that would be ideal for a residence and should sell for a nice sum.
Dimock – Old Mollie, the faithful horse belonging to the Mills family for many years, driven on the milk wagon to the creamery, was laid to rest last week.
South Gibson – Mrs. Stella Pickering is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Jenny Pritchard, of Luray, Va. ALSO Howard Miller, George Wells and Russell Rivenburg, of Clifford, are boarding with H. A. Michael and attending school here.
Thompson – The town council held their regular meeting January 7th. The following officers were elected: President, R. E. Allard; Secretary, F. D. Wrighter; Treasurer, Harold Wallace. David Benedict, Harold Wallace and Mrs. M. B. Miller were sworn in as new members.
Marriage licenses were issued to Wm. J. Louther, Vandling and Eva Zaller, Forest City; Albert Unberg and Rhoda Pruner, both of Oakland Boro.
Goes To Bed Poor Wealth Knocks at Door: James Hendershot, aged 65, went to bed in the Almshouse of the Bloomsburg, Pa. poor district, a homeless pauper. In the morning he woke to find himself a comparatively rich man. He was one of the cousins contesting the will of Mrs. Abigail A. Geisinger, of Danville. He had been cut off without a cent in the will, which left an estate valued at $5,000,000, principally to the Geisinger hospital and the Geisinger Home for Friendless Women in Danville. With three other cousins, and two non-relatives, a contest was started. The contest was brought on the ground that Mrs. Geisinger was not of sound mind when she made the will and that undue influence had been exerted on her to obtain the money for the charities. The case had passed through various stages, in each of which the cousins won victories. The estate consists of coal lands near Kingston, Pa. They were left to Mrs. Geisinger by her husband. The Scranton Trust Company is executor of the estate and trustee of the hospital and was the principal defendant in the suit.
News Briefs: Owners of automobiles should not forget that under a new law, which went into effect the first of the year, that a stricter observance is to be followed with front and rear lights when it is necessary to have them lighted. Dazzling headlights will place the owner of the car in danger of arrest by officers and patrolmen. It is also necessary to have a mirror located in the car or on the fender so as to see cars approaching from the rear. ALSO Following is an advertisement inserted in the Rome (Kansas) Record: I want a man to work on my farm. I don’t give dancing lessons. I have no piano. I can’t serve plank steak three times a day. I give three square meals, a real bed and fair wages. If any man who knows a cow from a talking machine, can hear an alarm clock, get up at five o’clock, wants the job, I will agree not to treat him like one of the family, but a darn sight better. Apply at the Steve Wiggin place, Intervale Road.
Compiled By: Betty Smith