Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 18 1895/1995
Forest Lake – Chester Brown has just completed a fine pair of bobsleds for Byron Warner. Mr. Brown is a good workman.
Montrose – Dr. C.R. Newton came this week to locate here. He is a pleasant appearing gentleman, a graduate of University of Pennsylvania, and has a been in practice some 13 or 14 years, during which he has given the science of surgery special attention. He is located at the office heretofore occupied by Dr. Mackey, with office hours 1 and 7.
Springville – It is reported that Frank Johnson will leave town and move to a farm. We do not vouch for its truth. AND Will Barnes and wife have a daughter a week old. The boys are importuning him to set up the cigars, but he objects, so we suppose that settles it.
Little Meadows – Lumbermen are again happy as the bare spots have been whitened over and good sleighing is again on hand.
Stevens Point – Mrs. Geo. Mayo intends going with her husband and board with him, at Gulf Summit, where he has a job of delivering acid wood.
Jackson – Rev. D.B. Wilson has purchased a fine Portland cutter. Think a nice black buffalo robe would add to our pastor’s comfort.
Auburn – Our Auburn items last week stated that the remains of Mrs. Curtis Hinkley, of Nicholson, were brought there for burial. Mrs. Curtis Hinkley, of Dimock, has since called in protest against burial, the insertion of any obituary notices, or the calling upon her husband of tombstone dealers. The item should have read thus: “The remains of Mrs. G.W. Hinkley, nee Lott, of West Nicholson, were brought to Jersey Hill cemetery for burial, Wednesday.
Brushville – The Susquehanna correspondent of a Binghamton paper says that “Brushville is experiencing a great religious boom.” “That’s a queer use for the word “boom”. AND The formal opening to the public of Gus J. Cohen’s new and handsome store, in Odd Fellows Block, at corner of Main and East Main streets, Thursday evening, was attended by thousands of people – the entire lower part of the block being utilized for the evening. The programme of music by the Susquehanna Band was a pleasant feature, and the people came and went all through the evening, admiring the handsome store and the fine display of goods. Favors in the shape of pretty bouquets were distributed to the visitors, and the affair was a most pleasant and successful one in all respects. “Gus” says that advertising in the newspapers pays, and he ought to know.
Rush – Last week whilst engaged in getting ice for the Creamery, Mr. Wm. Hendershot had the great misfortune to have his leg broken by a block of ice, which breaking from the tongs at the top of the 16 foot shoot, slid back into the sleigh, striking with great force. The crippled man was taken to Dr. Warner’s office where the Dr. reduced the fracture. He was then taken to his home on Divine Ridge. This is a heavy blow to this young man and his family of wife and five young children. He has bought the place he is living on, but the struggle to pay for it has but just begun. His neighbors are friends made a bee on Tuesday, at which 10 or 11 teams were present, and did his logging for him. Other efforts for his assistance are in progress. He and his wife desire me to return their thanks for the kindness extended.
Compiled By: Betty Smith