Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 17 1919/2019
Uniondale – Lyman P. Norton died at his home on January 11, of heart failure. He worked for the Montrose Democrat as traveling agent and solicitor for upwards of 40 years. Those at the Democrat feel that no other man had been personally acquainted with so many people of the county as he. He possessed a remarkable knowledge of the county, having traversed its roads for well on to half a century. Deceased’s spontaneous good nature and innate love for his fellow men, made him welcome wherever he went.
Montrose – It has been rumored the past few days that the farmers are contemplating the purchase of the Montrose House, which will be used as a receiving station for milk. No one will object if the Montrose House is made “wet” this way. [As opposed to selling liquor.] ALSO N. Warner announces the arrival, in his store, of that very scarce article these days—real good hats—in the latest spring 1919 styles. Embargoes are still in force on hatters’ fur and there seems no prospect of their early removal; and practically no raw material is produced in this country.
Dimock – Mrs. James F. Oliver has received official news of the death of her brother, Pvt. Austin Jennings, in an accident near Verdun, France, Nov. 5th. He had been in France but two weeks when the accident occurred. His home was in New York City. He came from Ireland about two years ago. Mrs. Edward Donahue, of Dimock, was also a sister.
Springville – Minot Riley, the hustling Buick automobile agent has two new 1919 Buick cars, model H, 6-45, in his salesrooms and is ready to demonstrate to prospective customers. Mr. Riley is looking forward to a big season, owing to the drop in price and the many new features that Buick cars carry this year.
Hallstead – P.C. Florence, our well-known horse and cattle dealer, announces the arrival of a fresh load of U.S. Army horses and mules.
St. Joseph – James A. Sweeney advertises a public sale in today’s Democrat. Mr. Sweeney’s life has been saddened by the loss of his wife, having been a victim of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney were in Montrose but a short time ago, young people, with bright prospects before them, but in a few days the young wife was called home. Truly, these things are hard to understand. Mr. Sweeney has the sincere sympathy of a host of friends, in this, his time of sorrow.
Gelatt – Verna Daniels wishes to thank her kind neighbors and friends who assisted in getting wood and in other ways while she was so seriously ill with Spanish influenza.
Harford – We hear that Harford will soon have a new barber for Wednesday and Saturday nights. This makes a smile spread over the faces of many of our male citizens.
Hop Bottom – An effort will be made to organize an orchestra in the near future.
South Montrose – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, Jan. 5th, a 10-pound son, Robert Alva Allen.
Forest City – A collection for Syrian and Armenian relief will be taken in the churches next Sunday. At present the United States government is not able to render any assistance to the starving people, owing to the fact that their people are part of Turkey, a country with whom our allies were at war. It remains for the churches to aid the distressed.
Luzerne County – Judge Woodward has issued a statement that aliens who neither speak, read or write the English language, need not apply for citizenship papers in Luzerne County.
News Brief: Only one ex-president is now alive—William Howard Taft. Only once have more than two ex-presidents been alive at the same time — Madison, John Adams and Jefferson. Adams and Jefferson died on the same day—July 4, 1826.
The Dairymen’s Strike with New York City over price-fixing: Owing to the milk strike having left dairymen with large quantities of milk, the great question has been to find some way of disposing of it. One farmer says he has been running the milk through a separator and enjoying all the cream he wanted in his coffee and making the rest into butter. The skim milk he has been feeding back to his cows, four of which drink it readily and it increases their milk flow. One horse also prefers the milk to water. Other farmers are installing cheese-making outfits and making full cream cheese. Others are drawing their milk to the Lawsville, Forest Lake and Fairdale creameries. The former is making cheese and the latter to butter.
Most of the dairymen in Susquehanna county are rigidly adhering to the rule laid down not to ship milk to the distributers in New York City. Their seeming disposition to stick to this point is winning for them not a little admiration and plausible comment. It has been common wisdom among even farmers themselves, for years without number, to cuss the farmer’s inability to stand together for a desired end. There is a growing feeling that the dairymen are going to stick to his brother dairymen in withholding milk in an effort to get the price he asks. So far as can be learned only two dairymen in Susquehanna county have attempted to sell their milk without the sanction of the Dairymen’s League. These are two prominent Springville dairymen. Last Friday morning they drew their milk to the Springville station, with the intention of shipping it over the Lehigh Valley railroad. Several dairymen witnessed the procedure and laid forcible hands on the said milk cans and proceeded to give Mother Earth a drink of milk such as the old lady seldom has an opportunity of partaking. It happened again on Saturday morning and the two men consulted attorneys, but were advised not to push the matter.
The 200 Years Ago issue of the Montrose Gazette, for this week, is not available.
Compiled By: Betty Smith