Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 17 1898/1998
Forest City - Attorney James McKinney, of Susquehanna, has opened a law office. AND We are pleased to learn that Mr. Krants, who has been suffering for several weeks past from a attack of typhoid fever, is recovering.
Susquehanna - Chas. Beebe, a Susquehanna milkman, after 40 years of service, has retired. AND A Committee from the Board of Trade is wrestling with the sewerage question. From all the evidence now in, it would appear that Susquehanna needs sewerage, Montrose electric lights and Great Bend a County bridge-- and religion.
Harford - The Soldiers' Orphan School now has telephone connection with Kingsley and Harford. AND The Christmas presents for the children from the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan Schools: 855 lbs of candy; 107 lbs peanuts; 50 lbs walnuts and almonds, and three boxes of oranges.
Auburn - Our school took a week's vacation during the holidays. The teacher was kindly remembered by her school by receiving a fine pair of skates and two other beautiful gifts.
Dundaff - "The Villa," Dundaff's well-known summer resort, was burned a short time since. It was formerly the Ayers homestead and afterwards remodeled by Rev. Christopher.
Friendsville - Our dramatic association gave a first-class play entitled "Uncle Josh," the evening of December 31st, for the benefit of the Catholic church. The entertainment netted over $90, with an audience of over 200. They are showing "Uncle Josh" all round--brought him to Little Meadows and to Birchardville last week and will appear in Rush in the near future.
Dimock - The sleigh bells are opening their joyous music.
Hopbottom - Miss Grace and Bessie Lord are closing out their feather boas, fascinators, walking hats, sailors, etc., at great reduced prices.
Ararat - Fred Brooks found a ladies' gold breast pin, Dec. 15th, in the road between H. M. Davis' and the station. Owner can have same by calling and proving property.
Jackson - Miss Bertha Pope, of Jackson, a niece E. P. Pope, has accepted a clerkship in the Commissioners' office. Miss Lottie Deans, of Montrose, is filling a similar position in the same office.
Montrose - The guns to be carried by five of the Montrose Klondyk- ers, who soon start for the gold fields, are now on exhibition in the window at the Central Drug Store of F. D. Morris & Co. They are Marlin carbines, seven shot, 30-30 smokeless, throwing a ball 4 1/2 miles. The happy owners of these guns are Messrs. L. M. Tyrrel, J. F. Harrington, Frank Lusk, Elijah Sherman and Jas. Stoddard. AND The contract was executed yesterday afternoon between the Borough and the Electric Light Co., for the lighting of our streets by electricity.
Great Bend - Prof. Cargill gave his high school class a sleigh ride to Susquehanna last Friday afternoon. They visited the Erie machine shops--and after partaking of a bounteous repast at the Cascade House, they returned home about 10 o'clock in the evening.
Brooklyn - Misses Josie and Jessie Doloway gave sixteen of their lady friends a sleigh ride to Foster (Hopbottom), after which they returned to tea, on Friday of last week.
Franklin Forks - A new firm has bought the acid works here and expects to begin work in the spring. Wood is being drawn and piled on the lot, which makes it look like business.
Jessup - In speaking of the death of "Uncle Lucius" Birchard, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Montrose, who held the position of tipstaff in the Courts, Mr. L. B. Pickett tells us that in early childhood Mr. Birchard and his (Pickett's) mother were schoolmates, attending a school located in a part of Rush, which is now Jessup, near the Bolles school house, to which five families contributed fifty scholars at one time, which number were included Mr. Birchard and Mrs. Pickett. Verily, those were the "good old days" of which we read but which are no more.
Lawsville Centre - B.L. Bailey had a chanticleer badly disabled by a rampageous canine.
Compiled By: Betty Smith