Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 17 1896/1996
Springville - The Epworth League of Springville, will give an entertainment, consisting of recitations, songs, etc., at the graded school building, Tuesday evening, Jan. 28. Also will be exhibited, the wonderful "Regina" the latest musical success.
Middletown - The skaters are enjoying themselves on the pond these fine evenings. AND J.R. Barnum pays the highest market price for furs.
Kingsley - E.M. Loomis has sold his goods and rented his store building at Kingsley to Emerson Capron.
Forest City- The Forest City Mannerchor will hold a masquerade ball on St. Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 1896, in Davis' Opera House.
Gibson - John J. Potter, of Gibson, has purchased property in Ararat and will open a feed business there. C.G. Roe bought his business in New Milford.
Fairdale - Watch night services were held at Fairdale, at the close of '95, and beginning of '96. Not a very large attendance. Some of the people had rather sleep.
Bear Swamp - The attention of our Supervisors should be directed to the road breaking from here to Middletown Centre.
Harford - At a recent meeting of the Harford Farmer' Club, Mr. Sophia took a "census" of those present, as to the number of hens each kept as follows: Coe Steams, 345; Resseguie, 240; Oakley, 35; Alexander, 150; Jeffers, 163; Sophia, 150; Tyler, 114; Prof. Stearns, 400; Wilmarth. 54; Estabrook, 50; Maynard, 30; Mackey, 12; Darrow, 40; Sherwood, 30; Thatcher, 20; Ransom, 100; Harry Carey, 50; Rynearson, 80; another man, 60. Total 2123.
Susquehanna - Prof. Hanrahan's class in dancing will hold a pillow case march hop in Hogan Opera House on Friday evening.
Montrose - An excellent quality of ice, about nine inches in thickness, is being harvested from ponds in this section. D.V. Gardner has about completed the filling of his uptown ice houses with this first quality congealed liquid, and will begin the filling of his large one at the lake next week. Other parties are also securing their annual supply of "preserved coldness," at Jones' Lake. The creamery ice house at Heart Lake was also filled this week, and the work of filling the big one at that place, by means of the most improved ice handling machinery, will be commenced on Monday next. The capacity of this latter structure is some thirty thousand tons.
West Auburn - The chances in life for a poor boy," were discussed at the last meeting of the Literary. It was shown that there was much to encourage such a boy if he be honest, industrious, free from bad habits and willing to learn. At the next meeting, Jan. 24, there will be a debate on the question, "Resolved, that a scientific education is better than a classical one."
Susquehanna County- During the year 1895 two hundred and twenty-three marriage licenses were granted by the Court of Susquehanna County. About twenty divorces were granted in the same period. Recent marriage licenses: Silas W. Young and Ida Walker, both of Harmony; Orlen Capron and Myrtle Simrell, both of Harford; Frank E. Chamberlain of Oakland to Elizabeth P.V. Jones, of Susquehanna; John Diko to Mary Miko, both of Forest City; Lavella Gifford to Missurie Kreamer, both of Great Bend; James McCoy, of Harmony to Mary Hennessey, of Susquehanna; John Barber, of Hallstead to Katie Madigan, of Susquehanna. [However, another paper reports that Katie intends to marry A.M. Coddington]
News Briefs: A new danger confronts railroad employees who are in the habit of wearing celluloid collars. William Benjamin, a brakeman on the Erie railroad, caught a spark on the back of his celluloid collar as his train entered Hillsdale, a few days ago. The collar took fire and he was burned severely about the face and neck before the collar was removed. Celluloid is composed of inflammable material and there is danger even in a spark. Ex. AND suppose a young fellow goes sparking his best girl, while wearing a celluloid collar, what a conflagration there might be.
Compiled By: Betty Smith