Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 16 1914/2014
Record Cold - The cold snap gripped Montrose like a vice. Tuesday morning the mercury stood at 12 degrees below zero in many places and the day was biting cold, the mercury failing to rise to zero. Wednesday morning the mercury was down to 18 below. Plumbers were busy all over town thawing frozen water pipes. On the E. W. Rogers farm, just outside of town, the mercury was 24 below. On the Frink farm, near Fairdale, along the Wyalusing creek, the same mark was also reached. From Louden Hill Farm, the Percy Ballantine estate, 30 degrees below. Tuesday morning, while the mercury registered anywhere from 6 to 12 below, a biting wind caused the cold to be more keenly felt. Brooklyn also had readings of 12 degrees below in the early morning.
Harford - Fred Osborne is now a full-fledged Justice of the Peace, being here recently to take out his commission, having been elected last fall. He will make a good one.
Montrose - Edward Button, a boy about 14 years of age, was kicked by a horse last Saturday while leading the animal from the blacksmith’s shop to Harrington’s livery. The boy fell and the horse whirled and kicked him just above the right ear. It was sometime before the lad regained consciousness. He is recovering. For a youngster he has had his share of narrow escapes. While living with his parents at Wyoming, PA, a few years ago, he was taken from the river in a nearly drowned state. Only resorting to strenuous measures revived him. ALSO: “Steamer” Flanagan, the well known ball player, a brother of Conductor Chas. Flanagan, has been appointed a policeman in Wilkes--Barre. Twenty cops were dismissed from the force last week.
Gibson - Cornelius Pickering, one of the best known citizens of Gibson township, passed away at his home Jan. 3, 1914, aged 62 years. His death was due to injuries received in a runaway accident. He had been a life long resident of Gibson, residing since marriage a short distance from the place of his birth. ALSO: There was an auction in South Gibson and during part of the sale the weather was so cold that Auctioneer W. C. Cox’s voice froze up, and did not thaw out until he was on his way home on the train, when he was surprised to find himself saying, “How much more am I offered? Do I hear five?”
Hop Bottom - One case of scarlet fever having developed here, the public schools have been closed. A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Roberts is ill with the disease and several children were exposed, before the nature of his ailment was known. The school building has been fumigated and every means taken to avert the spread of the disease.
New Milford - F. W. Dean was in Montrose on Friday. Mr. Dean is a relentless foe of the city commission men who cheat the farmers out of a lot of money they should receive for the produce, and his recent clever ruse, in revealing the tactics of city produce dealers, was given publicity in the New York newspapers.
Auburn Four Corners - There will be a box social in the Four Corners school building Friday evening, Jan. 16. Proceeds to purchase an organ for the Pickett Hill school. Every one is invited to attend. Ladies, please bring a box.
Forest City - A deal has been consummated whereby the Baptist church on the corner of Dundaff and Delaware streets, passed into the hands of the Slavish Roman Catholic Parish of St. Michael and will hereafter be known as St. Michael’s church.
Brooklyn - Extensive improvements are in progress on the interior of the M. E. church.
Clifford - Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Taylor, B. F. Bennett, S. J. Horton, and the Misses Ruth Reynolds, Florence Morgan and Teresa Kenyon made up a sleighing party to Elkdale last Saturday night, where they attended the installation of officers at Elkdale Grange. After the ceremony the party was royally entertained in the dining room. S. J. Horton, of Clifford Grange, was the installing officer.
Springville - There is every assurance that Springville will have a bank of its own in the near future. A good part of the capital stock has already been subscribed and the project is said to be a certainty. It will be a great addition to the place as well as a convenience to business men. ALSO: Strickland & Parks, who own the grist mill at States’ pond, will stock it with a full line of feeds, at once, and have engaged C. D. Travis to operate it. This will be a great convenience to the people in that section.
West Jackson - Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Aldrich, of Lake View, entertained Mrs. Aldrich, Mrs. A. N. French and Mrs. Mame Savory’s Sunday school classes, Friday evening. They were treated to warm sugar and pop corn.
Clifford - Elwood, little son of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. German, met with quite a severe accident one day last week, while coasting near the school house. He lost control of his sled and ran into a tree striking his head, rendering him unconscious for a time. He is all right now, only carrying the marks of the impact.
Franklin Forks - Mr. and Mrs. Friend Summers and children, of Saskatchewan, are visiting their father, Harvey Summers.
Liberty Twp. - Archie Ireland started to Binghamton, Saturday, with a big load of hay for I. H. Travis and when he got below Milbron the wind unloaded his hay rigging and all upon the bank. Archie came home and left the hay and rigging and will try going to town some day when the wind don’t blow.
Great Bend - Henry Ackert, of this place, received the sad news of the death of his brother, Stephen Ackert, who died at his home in West Colesville, Friday afternoon, aged 97 years and 9 months. ALSO: Carl White has returned to Ann Arbor, MI, where he is attending the University of Michigan.
Compiled By: Betty Smith