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January 14 1921/2021

New Milford – The band held a meeting Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows hall and formed an organization by electing the following officers: President, R. B. Browning; Secretary, Robert Oliver; Treasurer, John J. Hand. The band will meet for rehearsal on Tuesday evening of each week. It is good news to the people to know that we are again to have a musical organization. In the past New Milford has been noted for its bands and we have the musical talent to make the present band the equal of any of its predecessors.

Montrose – Montrose badly needs a place where teams may be hitched while people are on shopping trips. Who will start the ball rolling? ALSO A Colonial supper and jubilee concert will be given by Mrs. Beatrice Cuff and Mrs. Ella Thompson at the A. M. E. Zion Church on Thursday evening, Jan. 20th. Admission, including supper, 50 cents.

Forest City– Forest City is well-known as an up-to-date hustling city, keeping abreast of the times in modern improvements. Her business men are wide-awake and intelligent, always with an eye out for anything looking toward the town’s betterment. It is noteworthy that among such men are Thomas and John McCormick, former residents of Silver Lake. The former is Forest City’s postmaster, and one is not in Forest City before he learns that Mr. McCormick is held in the highest esteem by both Democrats and Republicans. John is an active member of McCormick Bros. Store, which has an enviable record for square dealing. Frank M Gardner, John C. Murray and Editor Gelder, who has just taken office as Representative from Susquehanna county, are also among our energetic and useful citizens. ALSO Al Murphy, who worked for the Hillside Coal and Iron Company here last summer and fall, was knocked out in the 5th round at Philadelphia, Monday night, by knockout Chaney, of Baltimore. The men are light weights.

Harford– Robert Frink, rural carrier on Route No. 1, desires to express his thanks and appreciation for the money and gifts which his patrons gave him for Christmas. Mr. Frink has a journey of 29 miles to make each day and he very seldom misses a trip. Snow banks have to be pretty high to keep him away and his patrons very much appreciate his good service. ALSO Elwell Allen is our champion hunter. During the recent season he has captured seven foxes, two coons, one mink, 28 skunks, nine muskrats and three weasels. ALSO J. M. Felton is Harford’s champion pig raiser. His pig, Peter, dressed 560 pounds. Who can beat that? [Poor Peter].

Choconut– Sleigh riding will be a very disappointed thing for many that have nothing much to do.

Brooklyn– Mrs. Louise Lee passed away at her home here on Saturday, Jan. 8, 1921. The funeral services were held Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lee had passed her 90thbirthday, but had full possession of all her faculties and had been quite active in the home until a short time before her death. She is survived by two sons, E. G., of Brooklyn, and Willis, of Washington, D.C.; two daughters, Miss Evalyn, at home and Miss Alice Louise Lee, of New York City.

Howard Hill– Charles Roe has returned home from the hospital and is doing nicely, the only danger feared now being blood poisoning.

Clifford– Dr. Reed Burns is a native of this place, and was educated in medicine and surgery at the University of Michigan. He established a hospital on Adams Ave, Scranton, in 1906 and in 1908 bought property at Jefferson Avenue and built a larger hospital, opened in 1909. This was later sold to the Order of the Sisters of Mercy, in 1917. Among the men who attained proficiency under Dr. Burns was Dr. Birchard, of Montrose.

Rush– Dewey Garrison has enlisted in the U. S. Marines. Also Earl Canfield, a former resident of Rush. ALSO S. B. McCain is having a big sale on shoes and overshoes. He tells us that he has supplied us in shoes for 47 years, coming here from Montrose with his father, Uncle Joe McCain, and his brother, Will, in 1873.

Thompson– A three year old boy was found on Wednesday of last week wandering along the O. & W. railroad tracks by Foreman O. M. Spoor. The little tot was unable to tell from whence he came. Thinking that the boy was from Browndale, Mr. Spoor placed him on the car and took him to that place where anxious parents were looking for him. Had he not been discovered by Mr. Spoor the child would undoubtedly have suffered from exposure.

Herrick and Clifford – The cases of the Commonwealth vs. the Supervisors of Herrick and Clifford have been continued until the April term of court. In the case of the supervisors of Herrick, we are informed, the constable withdrew the charge that they had been negligent in the performance of their duties and the supervisors offered to pay the costs in the case but the court refused to discharge them.

Uniondale– Valentine Knapp has been appointed truant officer of the Uniondale school district. Henceforth the kiddies will have to be in school unless prevented by illness.

The following marriage licenses were issued: Frank Ceglar and Rosie Planisek, Forest City; Leon Carman and Gertrude Moat, Choconut; F. Arthur Buckley and Sarah E. Donovan, Lanesboro.

East Rush– Our pastor, Rev. Hilliard, gave us a very interesting discourse Sunday. There ought to have been more there to hear it. ALSO Chas. Squires went to Binghamton, Saturday, to attend to his father, who is in bad shape after his operation.

Franklin Hill– On account of the poor health of the pastor, the church has been closed for the winter.

News Brief: A little baby with no milk, a starving child with no clothes, reach out their hands to you in utter want and helplessness. If you care, send ten dollars or more to W. H. Warner, First National Bank, Montrose, treasurer, European Relief Council. ALSO Men and women not beyond middle age can remember the time when it was the rule for a person to get a fresh egg for breakfast. Now very few have that pleasure, among town folks especially. The eggs served are of an old time vintage, ancient in months of canned isolation and cannot be served with the “sunny side” up.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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