Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 14 1916/2016
Montrose – Miss Mabel Shaw witnessed the great motion picture drama, “The Birth of a Nation,” in Binghamton. In the evening she attended the concert of the Ithaca Trio in Brooklyn. Her niece, Miss Evelyn Jones, is a soloist in the trio. ALSO Ice of excellent quality, fourteen inches thick, is being harvested on Post’s pond. Many dairymen are already filling their ice houses. The work of cutting ice on Lake Montrose will probably start next week. An interesting letter from the State department of health, regarding sanitary precautions to be taken in cutting ice will be of interest to those engaged in ice cutting or who are consumers of the product.
Kingsley – The teachers of Harford gave a banquet to the directors at Aqua Inn. Twenty-seven plates were laid. All had a very enjoyable time.
Hallstead – Fireman Andrew Carigg, of this place, had both legs severed by a pusher engine when he slipped on the ice, falling under the wheels, on Thursday night of last week. Drs. A. F. Merrell and A. S. Blair attended him and he was taken to the Binghamton hospital on a special engine. The limbs were amputated below the knees. Mr. Carigg was one of the best known railroaders between Scranton and Binghamton, having been employed on the Lackawanna for over thirty years.
Gelatt – While returning from school on Friday last, Oliver Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter, was coasting down what is known as Sawmill hill and lost control of his sled. It ran into the fender of the bridge and broke one of his legs.
Gibson – On Friday last, our community was greatly shocked when the word came that our genial stage driver, O. B. Harding, had died suddenly in Harford. He had gone out to care for his horse and a little later was found dead. He was apparently in usual health. Mr. Harding was a highly respected friend and neighbor and for the last thirty years had been a resident of this place. He will be greatly missed. Besides his wife, he leaves three sons to mourn his loss. The funeral was largely attended at the M. E. church, Monday afternoon. Interment in Gibson cemetery, E. J. Whitney, of Harford, funeral director.
Friendsville – The members of St. Francis’ choir and their friends enjoyed a banquet at the Friendsville hotel on Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John F. Moran, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Murphy, Misses Anna Foran, Kathryn Ryan, Margaret Gillen and Elizabeth O’Connell and Messrs. J. D. Ryan, J. J. Matthews, Joseph Mullen and Hugh Foran.
Powell, Bradford Co. – Joseph Camp, proprietor of a hotel at Powell, killed a monster wildcat after a battle, during which the beast nearly killed Camp’s dog. With two broken legs, the cat continued to fight and held man and dog at bay until a bullet pierced its heart. The wildcat weighed nearly fifty pounds and was the largest ever killed in that county.
Auburn Township – Susquehanna county will soon be in the throes of another murder trial. This was made certain by the finding of the grand jury this week, when a true bill was returned to the court, charging Albert Hughes with the murder of his wife, at his home in this place, a few weeks ago. The fact that two lawyers have been appointed by the court to defend the prisoner insures a big legal battle to save the prisoner from the electric chair.
Fairdale – The young people of the Epworth League will hold a social in the Grange Hall on Friday evening, January 16. It is particularly requested that it be noted that this is not an ordinary shadow social, but a leap year shadow social. This is to be a chance for down trodden womanhood. The men are to be the shadows.
Dimock – Miss Isa Mills, librarian of the Dimock Free Library, is at the City hospital, Wilkes-Barre, where she is recovering from a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Tiffany have charge of the library while Miss Mills is away.
New Milford – Scranton newspapers are the authority for the statement that it is practically assured that the D. L. & W. Railroad Co. will turn over their old, abandoned roadbed between Clark’s Summit and New Milford, out of which will be constructed a modern concrete road by the State Highway Department. No word has come from official sources of the railroad to indicate what is in the mind of the company, but several railroad men say that it would be a lasting tribute to the railroad to give that strip of land to the state for highway purposes. [Now Route 11]
Harford – E. M. Tingley has the sale of Edison Pulverized Limestone, which has given splendid satisfaction to farmers in different parts of the county. ALSO A nice large load of wood was brought to some people in this locality, last Friday, and I think the giver must indeed be a very kind man; and I consider this “act of kindness” worthy of mention.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – The wheeling is fine in this vicinity these days, although a little icy in places. They [roads] are smooth and if a horse is sharp shod one can skim over the roads in good shape. Our local blacksmiths are reaping great benefits these days, sharpening horses from early morn until after dark many days.
Glenwood – The Marcy brothers are getting the acetylene lights installed in their house and barn. You hardly know this old town for many are getting up-to-date.
Brookdale – The young people are enjoying the fine skating on the pond near the Iron Bridge.
South Ararat – Again death has entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emeret Burman and claimed their little 8 month’s old son. This is the fourth time the Reaper has come and taken for his own three boys and one girl. Surely they have the deepest sympathy of this place. Rev. Webster spoke comforting words to the family. Mrs. Sparks and Mrs. Harding sang the selections. W. W. Pope, of Gelatt, was in charge. The little one was laid to rest in the Ararat cemetery, Sunday afternoon. ALSO The hard snow storms and wind blows have nearly put our mail service out of commission. Sometimes it would be two or three days before we could get mail and those sending items and other mail matters were obliged to just wait and not complain.
The Telephone by Sister Ann: If our grandmothers had been told sixty years ago that to-day we could sit in our easy chairs by the fire side and talk with our friends and relatives in distant towns they would have scarcely believed it. A story is told that considerable trouble was complained of on a certain telephone line and upon investigation it was found that one of the ladies on the telephone line was using her telephone receiver for a stocking darner. How is that for a short cut? Yes, the local telephone has many advantages besides saving trips over cold, stormy roads. It keeps one posted on the most important events of the day in the surrounding neighborhood. Many a farmers’ wife can sit all the long, dreamy afternoon taking in their neighbors’ secrets. Of course the men folks never listen and only talk business over the telephone.
*Please be aware that we do not have a copy of the Forest City News for 1916. However, we will try to include news from Forest City that is included in other newspapers.
Compiled By: Betty Smith