Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 14 1910/2010
West Lenox - Last Saturday "Old Dick" the faithful white faced horse of G. S. Lawrence, fell on the ice and broke his shoulder, dying soon after. He was about thirty years old. ALSO - The wood bee at the church was well attended and a nice pile of wood cut.
Great Bend - Walter Wilmot and Mrs. Ella Miner, who were arrested and charged with the robbery of the postoffice on the night of Dec. 21 last, were indicted in the United States Court at Williamsport and Tuesday afternoon were sentenced. Wilmot gets two years in the federal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and Mrs. Miner was sentenced to six months in the Susquehanna county jail. They admitted their connection with the robbery, Wilmot confessing to stealing the money and Mrs. Miner owned up to having helped him spend it.
Forest City - The Forest City News announces Benjamin Maxey, a former mayor and one of the town's best known citizens, as a candidate for the legislature.
Harford - Hon. E. E. Jones, who has served two terms very acceptably, is in the hands of his friends for renomination. Mr. Jones, it may be said, while not actively seeking a renomination at this time, would abide by the decision of his friends in going before the people for third term honors. ALSO On account of the high price of butter a number of our residents are using butterine and say they cannot tell it from the real thing; and the price paid for it is only 21 cents.
Springville - There has been a shortage of coal here for a week and some families have been depending on wood for fuel. ALSO It seems to me poor railroad policy for the Lehigh Valley railroad people to lay off all their trainsmen, when we are having such snow and ice storms as we have had lately. The other day passengers had to wait two or three hours for train men to clean and open switches, we are informed.
Brooklyn - In response to an invitation from the G. A. R. Post at Brooklyn, a large delegation composed of members of the Four Brothers Post, in Montrose, their wives and the Daughters of Veterans enjoyed a delightful sleighride last Saturday where they partook of a splendid chicken dinner. At the conclusion of the day, Commander Lott of Four Brother Post, proposed three cheers for the members of the Brooklyn Post and the ladies who served the dinner, which were given with a tiger.
Uniondale - Bruce Tinker took quite a number of our young folks for a sleighride to Forest City on Saturday.
Hopbottom - People are improving the sleighing and icemen are busy from daylight till dark filling icehouses for the coming year.
Franklin Forks - The Epworth League will hold a social in Alliance hall Friday evening, Jan. 14. Refreshments, consisting of crackers, cheese, cake and cocoa will be served. Price of supper 15 cents. All are invited.
Susquehanna - urrounded by the members of his family and grandchildren, and enjoying the best of health, Alonzo Boyden celebrated his 100th birthday at his home in Oakland Township. Mr. Boyden was born in Massachusetts on January 8, 1810. After moving to New Jersey and Pike county, he removed to Susquehanna in 1870, driving his horses and cattle all the way and resided with his daughter, Miss Mary Boyden. In his early days Mr. Boyden rafted on the Delaware river. Although having reached the century mark, Mr. Boyden still retains his mental faculties and reads the daily papers and is still active working in his garden and the farm. He is strictly temperate and has never used tobacco. He does not worry and to these facts he attributes his old age.
South Gibson - Mrs. Sabra Carpenter celebrated her 90th birthday Dec. 23 and received nearly 100 postcards from friends.
Dimock - W. W. Pritchard, wagon maker of Springville, is repairing wagons and sleighs at the shop of C. W. Barnes.
Franklin Township - Henry Webster, who spent his vacation with his parents, E. A. Webster and wife, has returned to the Pentacostal Bible School in Binghamton.
Ararat - George Ogden and Ina Glover were united in marriage Friday, at Thompson.
Brackney - Jacob Baumgarten, an aged resident of Brackney, died at the home of Henry Fritz on Wednesday, Dec. 29, after a short illness. He had been a resident of this place for more than forty years and was a veteran of the Civil War. The funeral was held from St. Augustine's church on Friday, Dec. 31.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - John Cole, an old soldier living near here, who has been sick for some time, is failing and there is but little hope of his recovery.
Heart Lake - The Mountain Ice Company began filling their large house here Monday. The ice being of an extra fine quality.
Silver Lake - Chas. B. Dayton, the wide-a-wake foreman of the Sheldon farm was in town Saturday. Mr. Dayton is a scientific stockman and is getting together a fine herd of Jerseys.
Montrose - Lack of patronage is causing the management of the Palace Skating Rink to consider whether or not they shall continue to conduct the rink the balance of the winter. The heavy expense in maintaining this up-to-date amusement place with the present attendance makes it impossible to make the venture pay. It is probable that next Tuesday night will decide whether or not the rink be continued, so all lovers of skating should get out and bring their friends if they wish to continue the sport.
Compiled By: Betty Smith