Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 13 1922/2022
Fairdale - Grange met at the hall on Saturday and after an oyster dinner the following officers for the new year were installed in a very able manner by Brother and Sister H. G. Jenner: Master, Cleon Smith; Overseer, Earl Ainey; Steward, Reed Very; Chaplain, Minnie Horton; Treas., Glen Cronk; Sec’y, Edith Ainey; Ass’t. Steward, Frank Tyler.
Montrose – Lake Montrose furnished ideal skating for the young people the first of the week. ALSO J. A. McCabe and Joe Donovan have been harvesting fine, eleven-inch ice at Jones’ Lake [Lake Montrose] this week. We understand the Borden Milk Co. expect to fill their ice houses next week. ALSO Comrade W. A. Taylor, of Cherry street, celebrated his 82nd birthday by entertaining the members of Four Brothers Post, G. A. R., at his home. The time was spent with stories, told as only the old “vets” can relate them, and a delicious supper was served. The Dr. Ellen E. Mitchell Tent, Daughters of Union Veterans, sent a bouquet of cut flowers with their best wishes for the happiness of the veterans.
South Montrose – Eddie Ingraham, who has been in Germany the past four years, was visiting friends here Monday. At the beginning of the war, Mr. Ingraham enlisted, but, being a small man, he was rejected several times. Then he joined the National Guard and was sent to New York to do guard duty. Then a time came when the question was asked, “Who wants to go across?” and Ingraham was among the first to step out. He spent four years in Germany, and has been in Washington, D. C. for a while, and is now at the home of his father here.
Dundaff – Dr. G. A. Fike, age 71, among the oldest practicing physicians of northeastern Pennsylvania, and a resident of this place the last 45 years, died at the Emergency hospital, Carbondale, Jan. 6, 1922, a victim of blood poisoning. Dr. Fike was ready at all times to heed the sick call and it mattered not the hour or weather conditions to him. He felt it his duty to relieve the distressed. His funeral was a gathering of mourners.
South Auburn – The South Auburn Grangers will hold their annual dinner on Saturday. The ladies of the Grange will furnish the baking and each one is requested to bring some kind of meat. Officers will be installed. ALSO Arthur Bunnell, of this township, has recently built an ice house in which to store ice to cool milk in the summer months.
Springville – C. H. Young, agent for Studebaker cars, has an advertisement announcing new prices of the Studebaker line. ALSO Dame Rumor says that Clark Sherman has purchased his grandmother’s farm, known as the Theron Strickland place and will move there in the spring.
Dimock - Judge Charles E. Bunnell is in the States on business connected with the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines. He has been appointed president of the institution which is located at Fairbanks, and is very optimistic over the future for Alaska’s first college. He comes east to visit a number of similar institutions. Also to purchase necessary equipment and to employ a staff of instructors. The school will open next September. He will go to Washington and may appear before congressional committees studying Alaska affairs, and then come to Pennsylvania. [Charles E. Bunnell was born in Dimock in 1878, graduated from Bucknell University, and became the first President of the University of Alaska (first named above) from 1921 until 1949.]
Susquehanna – Rev. D. J. Bustin, the newly appointed pastor of St. John’s, reached here on Friday and greeted his people at both Masses on Sunday. He is a man of scholarly attainments and the people of St. John’s are to be congratulated upon his appointment. ALSO Patrick Sheridan, of Forest City, came here to accept a position on the Susquehanna Transcript.
Franklin Forks – Lyle Stockholm is putting up a telephone line. He will soon be ready for his ‘phone.
Thompson – M. C. Whitney, of North Jackson, went to Binghamton with his truck and brought home the new windows for the M. E. Church.
Uniondale – W. T. Curtis is installing a new furnace in the Methodist Episcopal church. The parsonage has also been provided with a furnace. ALSO The creamery ice house is filled with a superior quality of ice. It holds about 700 tons.
Browndale/Lanesboro – Joseph Miluszusky lost a new Wells adding machine from his Browndale store a few nights ago. While skating under the Starrucca Viaduct, at Lanesboro, some boys noticed a peculiar looking package. On investigation it was found to be Mr. Miluszusksy’s property. He went up Monday to recover the machine.
The Knickerbockers, who conducted a successful dance in the Borough hall, having the Frisco Syncopators of Atlantic City, NJ, will entertain their many friends of the community and vicinity, by conducting a Party Dance in the Borough hall on the evening of January 16. Music will be furnished by Gregory’s Society Six, of Philadelphia. ALSO The Borough Council reorganized by the election of Dominick Franceski, as Chairman of Council. J. W. Jones was appointed Chief of Police and William Connelly, Street Commissioner.
Marriage Licenses: Howard W. Estabrook, of Gibson and Rosamond Westbrook, Jackson; Lloyd P. Hill, Susquehanna and Gladys I. Morgan, New Milford; Maurice W. Ellsworth, Harford and Angie N. Richardson, Hallstead; Harry Lee Ellsworth and Gertrude Louise Tingley, both of Harford; J. W. VanVechten and Beatrice Hay, both of Montrose; Harry C. Sandell and Alice Gathany, both of Hallstead; Mike Kriso and Mary Bednar, both of Forest City; Anthony Mlinar and Annie Mikene, both of Forest City; Ralph Bailey and Annie Matilda Jones, both of Forest City; Theo Pinkole and Stella Mary Andracka, both of Forest City; Eli D. VanAken, and Millie McGuane, both of Susquehanna; Chas. T. Weiss and Mary L. Flummerfelt, both of Bridgewater Twp.
Compiled By: Betty Smith