Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 13 1905/2005
Susquehanna - Walked Ten Miles to Marry: The Romance of a Susquehanna Young Couple Who Over Ruled Parental Objections. Married, at Windsor, NY, Dec. 29, 1904, by Rev. J. C. Langford, Harry Kent and Miss Bernice Tiffany, both of Susquehanna, Pa. Within the compass of the above four lines there is contained an episode of human interest--a romance to tingle the heart-strings of the coy maiden, embolden the spirit of hesitating youth, to cause remonstrating papas to bounce the locksmith and hire one that Love won't laugh at. "Ran away and got married," is a familiar caption. Not so with Harry and Bernice. They walked. What, to them, were ten long miles, darkness, mid-winter, fifty cents in cash, and the folks at home raising strenuous objections? Nothing. Their one thought was of each other. They wanted to wed and they did wed. Mr. Kent and Miss Tiffany reached Windsor via foot-path at a reasonable early hour on Thursday morning. Meeting a mutual acquaintance, they were taken to his home for dinner and there gradually imparted the information that they wished to get married. The groom-to-be was a little short of funds, but the mutual acquaintance loaned him another half-dollar, his whole fortune being pressed into the hand of the clergyman following the solemn words, "I pronounce you man and wife." The newly married couple staid over night with the mutual acquaintance. They decided to go to Binghamton and Rochester the next morning, but at the last moment changed their minds and went up on Kent street to visit friends. On Friday afternoon a horse and carriage moved rapidly into town from the direction of Susquehanna. The carriage bore the male parent of the new made bride. He manifested much impatience and irritableness, while inquiring the whereabouts of the young couple. Then the mutual acquaintance hereinbefore mentioned, deserted his colors, for he gave it dead away to the M.P., who pursued and overtook them, tracing hurried footsteps near the summit of Kent street hill. Denunciation, protestation, reconciliation (add a few tears}. Then all three came down the hill and drove away together. Meantime the groom's male parent had telephoned his forgiveness and told them to come home. Felicitous circumstance. Mr. and Mrs. Kent are numbered with Susquehanna's most estimable young people. The chief objection made to the match by their fathers and mothers was a difference in their ages. Harry being 18 and Bernice four years older. But they think these few years really make no difference, for they truly love each other and they should do so always. Heaven bless them. May they live happy ever after. (From the Windsor Standard.)
Montrose- On Sunday night three prisoners escaped from the jail and up to time of going to press only one of them had been apprehended. They were Charles Ploutz, George Lucatz and Robert J. Sands. Ploutz was captured in Binghamton and returned to the jail. $50 reward has been offered for Lucatz and $75 for Sands. The manner of their escape is more conjecture than anything else, but it is supposed that George Reasch, a boy of 12 or 13, who was indicted for larceny along with Ploutz, aided them in getting out. The boy was not confined with the other prisoners, but was allowed the freedom of the corridor and assisted about the jail. It is thought that he secured the keys in some way and let the three men out into the jail yard, from which they escaped by means of their bedding, which they tore into strips and scaled the wall.
Ararat - Mr. and Mrs. Silas Sartelle celebrated their Silver Wedding, Dec. 20, and were presented with a set of China dishes.
Harford - Winfield VanBuskirk has gone west for his health. He is in Oklahoma, filling the position of station agent and telegraph operator.
Silver Lake - There are only three children of age to attend school in the Sheldon district; this number not being enough to keep the school open, they all attend different schools, none of which is nearer than one and two miles. A graded school in this township would be a great improvement.
Springville - The Grangers have rented their hall to Crescent Lodge Coming Men of America, which meets every Tuesday night. This is a patriotic and fraternal order, composed of the best young men of Springville and neighboring towns.
Auburn Corners - Frank Riley, of Auburn Corners, who was stabbed by Ulysses Emmons, near Stevensville a short time ago, and was taken to a Wilkes-Barre hospital, is improving.
Forest City - The proposed bridge across the Lackawanna river is again a dead issue for the time being. The Grand Jury refused to approve the viewers report in favor of the bridge. One reason for the failure was probably due to the lack of interest shown by our citizens at the crucial moment. Of those appointed by council only Atty. Carpenter and J. R. Budd went to Montrose. Mr. Carpenter should be commended for the efforts he has put forth, and it was through no fault of his that the project failed. The county is certainly not playing fair with Forest City. The next court should be asked to appoint viewers to go over the ground and report on the necessity for a bridge at this place.
Glenwood - The three Wescott brothers spent Xmas at the old homestead and caught a fine string of fish through the ice. AND C. W. Hoppe has a fine new cutter.
Clifford - R. H. Wells died Dec. 27th, 1904. He was born in Orange county, N.Y. in the year 1820, being at his death nearly 85 years of age, having been a man of very little sickness, although frail in appearance. He was one of those honest, hard working Christian men; a true Christian, not by pretense, but by acts and deeds. He was one of a large family but has now living but one brother and two sisters. AND Thomas Morgan, our old Supervisor, is now proprietor of the Royal Hotel. Travelers and teamsters will find everything O.K. He is a fine fellow.
Kingsley - Rev. T. L. Drury will deliver a Temperance address at the M.E. Church here next Sunday evening. Subject: "The Saloon as seen by a news paper man."
Rushville - It is reported that there will be a telephone line from West Auburn to Rushville in which John Power expects to furnish poles.
Elkdale - Joel Stephens, one of the oldest residents in Elkdale, died very suddenly Monday evening. He was past 90 years old. He is survived by three sons, John, James and Grant and one daughter, Martha.
Compiled By: Betty Smith