Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 13 1900/2000
South Auburn - On account of the funeral of Isaac Bunnell, at Bunnell Hill last Wednesday, the wood-bee for the church here was not very well attended, only three teams being there, they hauled 10 loads of wood.
Montrose - "Captain Jack," a faithful four-footed servant belonging to W. F. Babcock, died on Jan. 11, aged 30 years. Deceased was an old white horse and has been a familiar figure upon the streets of Montrose for many years. He acted well his part in life.
Little Meadows - C. M. Garfield and his sister, Mrs. A. W. Cogswell, of Forest Lake, have gone to South Haven, Michigan to visit their brother, Solon F. Garfield, who has been seriously ill for more than four weeks.
Hallstead - It is probable that the American Chair Co. Will remove its factory at Brandt to Hallstead. The company has agreed to go to Hallstead if the borough will provide a free building and site, and the Hallstead Board of Trade is hustling to that end. The factory is Brandt's chief industry.
Susquehanna - Both Susquehanna papers very properly defend former District Attorney W. D. B. Ainey from the charges made against him by the late Eagan and Shew. Mr. Ainey is all right. He has a host of friends who will not believe he acted unprofessionally or unfairly in his work of securing evidence against the murderers; the charges made did not come from a very good source.
East Rush - The attendance of our school has increased very much since the small-pox scare has blown over. It was reported that the teacher had visited a small-pox patient at Dimock; in a short time after this report there was but a very few pupils present at school.
Harford - Dr. W. J. Galbraith, formerly of Harford, was recently divorced from his wife and has since married his stenographer and is going to China. Since going west the Doctor has established a great reputation as a surgeon and for several years he was Chief Surgeon of the Union Pacific road, at a salary of $10,000 per year. The New York "World" of Sunday last has portraits of the Doctor and of his former and present wife.
Hopbottom - Fire visited our town on Wednesday night, the 10th inst., burning Charles Miller's building which contained the post office and meat market. Frank Bell's barber shop and Grace Lord's Millinery shop were also burned.
Glenwood - We understand that Mr. Duane Potter, of Clifford, has purchased another saw mill in Potter County, and will go into the lumber business there. Mr. Potter owns and carries on a saw mill at the foot of Pine Hill--about two miles from this place. He is a good business fellow, is well liked, and we wish him success.
Springville - The report that a form of small pox has developed in the home of Jerome Johnson, manager of the milk station at Woodhouses', has caused much alarm among the people of this vicinity, and many are censuring the attending physician for not quarantining the house.
New Milford - The young men's Social Club gave a hop at the Opera House, Friday evening. AND - One hundred and fifty new books have been added to the Pratt Library.
Welsh Hill [Clifford Twp.] - Bennie Anthony met with quite a painful accident while gong to school one morning recently. On account of the distance from his home to South Gibson he drives, and while going around the corner at Davy Davies', he was thrown out, cutting and bruising his head, rendering him unconscious for several hours.
Herrick Centre - The following is a report of the Herrick Centre School, of which Miss Margaret Bowell is teacher, for the past month--Those averaging 90 per cent or above in their studies were - Nettie Thompson - Reading 95, arithmetic 97, spelling 96, writing 94, grammar 99, geography 96. Rose Kiernan - Reading 88, arithmetic 98, spelling 100, writing 95, grammar 90, geography 96, history 87, physiology 100, composition 90. Miss Nettie Thompson was the only one perfect in attendance during the past month.
Uniondale - A Uniondale merchant has posted a notice forbidding the discussion of the century question in his store. AND - Last week, Tuesday, as Charles Wilkenstein was moving a load of household goods from Pleasant Mount to Uniondale, where he has just taken up his residence, his aged father, who was riding on the load, reached down for the brake as the wagon was going down a steep pitch; just then a wheel struck a large stone and the old man was thrown out, falling under the wagon, where he was struck by a wheel and instantly killed.
Lenoxville - If true, ‘tis strange, and strange as it is, ‘tis true. Tuesday the 2nd inst., with a boisterous wind and temperature hovering about zero. Miss Ethel Hartley, an estimable young lady, went at noon hour to feed some chickens that were housed in an end of the mill sheds. The wind closed the door after her and made her a prisoner for the entire afternoon. A much traveled road runs within a 150 ft., while an unoccupied house is between shed and road. She saw her father, S.B. Hartley, and brother, Harold, pass along the road in addition to many others, but in vain did she halloa and pound upon the door. She gave up her efforts to make any one hear and concluded to make the best of a bad situation, by petting her companions, the chickens, and otherwise keeping herself warm until the brothers returned from school when her absence was discovered. Fortunately she suffered but little by the mishap.
Franklin Forks - The ladies of this place raised $20 on their album quilt; the money was used to buy furniture for the parsonage. The quilt has not yet been disposed of.
NEWS BRIEFS - The days are getting long, says an exchange, and we are on the high road to the first summer of the nineteen hundreds. So far the wish-bone of the old gray goose maintains its reputation as an weather prophet. Here we are in the middle of winter and yet we have had scarcely a cold or even a disagreeable day. The sun was nearer to us on New Year's day than it will be again this year, but as it is laying low for us at present, we don't feel the warmth of its ruddy beams as we will when it mounts higher in the heavens, even if it does shy off a bit. The goose says good weather until March.
The pay of census enumerators will be, it is said, not less than $3 or more than $6 for each day's work of 10 hours.
Compiled By: Betty Smith