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January 13 1893/1993

South Auburn - The topic of conversation is a creamery to be owned by a stock company, to relieve the housewife of the heavy toil and care of making butter. AND The Ladies' M.E. Aid presented Rev. G. 0. Beers with a quilt, comfortable and 23 pounds of rags for carpet.

Harford - Uncle Dan, our mail carrier, says an experience of 25 years on the road has not brought so bad a week for travel as the opening one of 1893. His teams were in the shop every other day for sharpening; an outlay of $9.00 for the week. Even where the road seemed free there was ice under the grit and gravel; and a horse right from the shop would slip, as the rocks did not penetrate. Thus every step was a filing down of sharp edges.

Alford - A.N. Goodrich, of Fayette, Iowa, is here on a visit of several weeks, after an absence of twenty-eight years in the West.

Silver Lake - Ten below zero Tuesday night. The sleighing is very poor, the snow having drifted off the roads.

Birchardville - It is very much to be regretted that Birchardville is at this time without a resident physician, Dr. W.W. Strange having gone to Media, Pa. By the way, Dr. Strange would rent his house and lot to responsible parties. It is very pleasantly located in this village. The Dr. has a fine new residence, nicely finished throughout, new bam and other outbuildings, etc., good water, making it a very desirable location for some “good" M.D., which is very much needed here. The Dr.'s brother, Myron Strange, has charge of the premises during the Dr.'s absence at Media.

Montrose - There has been considerable difficulty in heating the schoolhouse during the recent severe weather, owing, it is said, to some deficiency in the heating apparatus. The Wills-Smead Co., guests the funniest and most wonderful entertainment ever given in Montrose, but cannot give you the details until next week. But be sure and do not miss it, for we will give you the best time you ever had in your life. It will be worth the price of admission to see "The man that struck Billy Patterson."

News Briefs - "Have you any old postage stamps” is the serious inquiry of the small boy at present. The young people are doing quite a business in the collection of stamps, and the following from an exchange explains why. “There is a steady market for cancelled stamps at prices ranging from $3.50 to $5.00 for each 50,000. Certain firms in New York and Chicago make use of old postage stamps for decorative purposes, and they have quietly advertised their desire for stamps among the school children." The new Columbian stamps are not only hard to beat, but their size also renders them hard to lick.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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