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January 12 1894/1994

Glenwood - Mr. & Mrs. I.A. Spencer, of Glenwood, received a Christmas present of a fine daughter, Christmas day.

Susquehanna - The Erie has reduced the wages of its trackmen ten-cents per day.

Montrose - T.A. Brashear, representing the Wrought Iron Range Co., of St. Louis, has, with his salesmen and teams, arrived in town from Bradford County, and will make this place their headquarters for some time, stopping at the Tarbell House. They have l3 mule teams, and a number of horses and their plan is to canvas the county, selling their ranges. Their advertisement, in another column of this paper outlines their plan of work.

Elk Mountain - On Elk Mountain, this county, the highest point in northern Pennsylvania, John C. Bravner has discovered scratches by the ice during the glacial epoch, at an altitude of 2,700 feet above the sea level.

Brookdale - Jno. Sheridan died Dec. 30th at the residence of M. Dolan. Mr. Sheridan first voted after coming to this country for Andrew Jackson.

Harford - John Adams, in his 71st year, has just completed his ninth violin. They are very fine-tuned. His son has one, which is valued at $100.

Birchardville - The Buster brothers are still behind the counter ever ready to wait upon those who may favor them with a call for groceries, dry goods and other supplies usually found in a country store. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods. Give them a call.

Jackson - We are having a winter similar to 1866, as there was but a trifle of snow. Mr. Andrew Slocum informs me that the winter of 1880 was one without snow of any amount, and also 1890. We may have snow late, as we did last winter. AND Rev. Barnes is trapping for polecats failed in securing three animals by their nawing out, as it is termed, and going off on three legs. We understand furs are in good demand at high prices this winter.

Forest City- The death of John R. Davis, a prominent and respected citizen of Forest City, occurred at his home in that place, Wednesday, January 10. When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Davis enlisted in the 132nd Regt., Pa. Vol., and did gallant service for the Union for a period of three years. He had been for years an honored member of Ezra Griffin Post, of Scranton. He is survived by a wife and seven children.

Clifford - Ella Maude Stewart, of Clifford, Pa., is seeking literary fame. Her novel entitled Majella, or Nameless and Blind has much merit, and shows that the author’s talent is well worthy of cultivation. [A copy of the book is in the collection of the Susquehanna Co. Historical Society]

Heart Lake - O.C. Whitney’s mammoth ice house at Heart Lake was destroyed by fire Thursday night between nine and ten o'clock. The origin of the fire is not known. Preparations were being made to put in this year's harvest and it is possible that some of the men might have had fire about the building. The reflection of the light on the clouds could be very plainly seen at this place [Montrose]. There was an insurance of $5,000 on the building, placed with Lathrop & Titsworth of Montrose.

News Briefs: Somebody over in Lackawanna county has revamped the ancient, if not honorable scheme to cut slices from Susquehanna, Wayne and Lackawanna counties and form a new county, with Carbondale as the county seat. Some years since a meeting was held in Thomson, to build a new county, with Forest City or Thomson as the county seat but the movement died a natural death. None of the three counties above named are any too large, and nobody except a few self-sacrificing patriots who long to be Judges, Sheriffs, Tipstaffs, etc., can see half a necessity for a new county. Give us something new!

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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