Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 11 1924/2024
Jackson – We have a Boy Scout organization and they are real scouts. Saturday night they went scouting and armed with lanterns and milk pails they entered the barn where a herd of hungry cows were waiting for their supper and milker, the owner being called away unexpected. The scouts, five in number, decided to do their bit. The star route letter carrier’s bus busted in North Jackson, in the afternoon, and he phoned to Jackson for help. A young farmer of Jackson, who carries a smile all his own, responded with his truck. When they rode into Jackson the young mans smile turned to fear, as he saw his [barn] basement all lighted up. Rushing in he saw the five scouts milking. At once his fear changed to its usual smile, and ever since the scouts are trying to wear one like it.
Dimock – Earle Sherman, herdsman at Louden Hill Farm, was in Montrose for the first time following his accident a couple of weeks ago, in which he sustained severe bruises when a Lehigh Valley train wrecked the automobile he was driving. Mr. Sherman is still lame, but expects to completely recover and will have no permanent lameness. ALSO The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ely wish them the best of success and happiness in their new married life. Mr. and Mrs. Ely will reside in the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Shelp and will be at home to their friends after Feb. 1st.
Upper Lake –Earle Richardson, of Harford, and Miss Meda LaBarre, of Moxley, were married on New Year’s Day. ALSO A few from this vicinity attended a carpet rag social at Clarence Smith’s, last Friday evening, for the benefit of the Sweet Sunday school. Enough money was realized to buy new song books.
Gelatt – Some one entered the home of John G. Jones a few days ago and took his gun, rifle, revolver, also his Dairymen’s League Certificate of Indebtedness.
West Lenox – Mrs. Grover Lawrence and two children, of Bainbridge, N. Y., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hortman. ALSO Wesley Woolsey is the owner of a Dodge car.
Hop Bottom – The ladies of Book Club, No. 1, were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. M. McVicar, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. May Miller was hostess. A delicious luncheon was served.
Montrose – Robinove’s Department Store advertizes Boys’ Knickerbockers [knickers, or baggy-kneed breeches] for sale—their entire stock, of which sell regularly as high as $2.50, at 89 cents. Also J. & P. Coats Thread, all sizes, white or black, 9 spools for 50c or 20 for $1.00. ALSO O. P. Beebe celebrated his 85th birthday at his home on South Cherry street, Saturday. Only five other persons in Montrose are known to be older than this octogenarian. They are: B. F. McKeage, Sr., W. Johnson Baker, Mrs. Martha VanZandt, Mrs. Eunice Harrington and Mrs. Willis B. Deans, all of whom are past ninety years.
Ararat – “Bosom,” a large black cat belonging to Bert Porter, and generally known in Ararat, met a tragic death by drowning on January 4th. “Bosom” had much notoriety because of being in the U. S. Navy during the World War. He was mascot on the boat Porter served on in the navy, and at the close of the war Bert brought him home to Ararat. Here he has lived and his many friends regret his untimely end, and Bert’s loss. ALSO The man whose New Year’s resolution was—“to cripple the Northeastern Telephone line”—cut down a telephone pole half way between Ararat and Thompson, making the innocent patrons of the line victims of his personal grudge. No messages could be transmitted last week up or down the Branch.
Forest City – Early Saturday morning some one broke into “Andy’s” restaurant and took from the money drawer over $20 and helped themselves to cigars and cigarettes. Entrance was made through the front window by prying a corner of the glass front loose, the aperture being large enough for an average sized man. Local talent, it is believed, is responsible for the robbery. ALSO Violet Evans, a member of the senior class, has received a gold medal from the Remington Co. for her proficiency in type writing. She wrote 70 words correctly in one minute, making a record seldom equaled. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H, Evans, of Vandling.
Silver Lake – John Terry died from pneumonia at his home, January 7th. The deceased was 18 years of age and was the oldest of a family of six children. His parents died within a few minutes of each other a number of months ago and since that time the boy had taken the brunt of the responsibility of rearing the family, aided by his grandmother and several sisters, who were a few years younger. It was a hard task for the young man, who accepted his responsibilities willingly and did all within his power to meet the arduous farm work, and with the assistance of neighbors, who took a great interest in them, they were meeting their obligations. His father, John Terry, a miner in Scranton for some years, had purchased the farm, hoping that the outdoor life would relieve him from ailments and ill health contracted in the mines. The body of John was taken to Scranton for the funeral and interment. Burial was made by the side of his parents in a cemetery in that city.
Susquehanna – Angelo Tolomei, employed as a fire cleaner in the Erie terminal, met his death in the ash pit in the yards. While engaged in his work, Tolomei fell in the pit, in which ashes were dumped from the engines, and was drowned in the water at the bottom of the pit. The deceased was 45 years of age and leaves a wife and six small children. He was well known and popular with railroad men and at one time conducted a store in Oakland. The funeral was held in St. John’s church. In the funeral procession were about fifty automobiles, headed by the Erie Band, and a large number of Sons of Italy. Interment was made in St. John’s cemetery.
Compiled By: Betty Smith