Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 11 1901/2001
Oakland - Mrs. May Edick Frey, the singing evangelist, has commenced revival meetings in the Congregational church. The attendance is large.
Susquehanna - The borough has purchased the old "Transcript" building on Euclid Avenue for a fire hall for Keystone Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. The subject of a central fire station is agitated. AND Susquehanna has a chicken thief that uses chloroform. AND A Susquehanna man, aged 90 years, is threatened with nervous prostration. His physician attributes it to the excessive use of tobacco during the last seventy-seven years.
Hopbottom - Ernest Lewis lost a horse Tuesday. Milo Tiffany had it beside one of his hauling ice; it died just as they got the last load to the ice house. AND The board of health closed the school one week for fear some of the children had taken the measles of their teacher who was quite sick with them. She is recovering.
West Auburn - The singing school conducted by Elmer Clapper is well attended, but hard colds seem to be prevalent so the singing was not as good as usual on Tuesday evening.
Choconut - Edward Burke is 97 years old and Lawrence Murphy is about the same age. Has Susquehanna County older residents?
Auburn Centre - Report of Auburn Centre School for the month ending Jan. 3d. Those not absent during the month: Catherine Harrison, Letha Bennett. Absent one day, Garrie Lee. Those receiving 100 per cent in spelling: Euphrasia Stevens, Letha Bennett, Claire Reynolds, Fred Lee, Perry Lee, Frank Ming, Mary Dean. Those receiving 95% or above in the several Branches: Euphrasia Stevens, Frank Ming, Fred Lee. Alpha M. Howard, Teacher
Montrose - A noteworthy sight on West Maple street, yesterday afternoon, was ex-Burgess Andrew B. Smith renewing his boyhood days and enjoying a good "coast" along with the "small boys." Andrew turned pale and gripped the sled hard as it whirled around the corner by J. M. Jeffers', but he returned to the top of the hill none the worse for his experience. AND Owing to slippery sidewalks now-a-days, "creepers" are in great demand.
St. Joseph\Silver Lake - A very long pastorate is that of Rev. Fr. John J. Lally, who for over 27 years has been in constant charge of the Catholic parishes at St. Joseph and Silver Lake. In an address made to his people at the Midnight Devotions, New Years Eve, he reviewed the labors of the years spent among them, and thanked them for the interest shown in keeping the parish in such a splendid condition. Fr. Lally was ordained 28 years ago, New Year's Day.
New Milford - The ladies of the New Milford M.E. church conducted a rhyme entertainment, at which they made $90. They must have been good rhymers.
Clifford - A couple of small barns owned by thomas Atkinson burned recently. It is said that this is the first fire Clifford has had in twenty-four years.
Hallstead - T. J. Davies, at the sheriff's sale last Saturday, purchased the studio and entire estate of D. Arthur Teed at Hallstead, for $150. The property, however, was sold subject to heavy mortgage.
Kingsley - Geo. A. and Coe Stearns, enterprising citizens, have recently established a modern grist mill there. M. M. Moon, formerly of New Milford, is their miller.
Thomson - The Spencer Steam Heating Co. has been putting in a large heather in a block at Wyoming, also one in Scranton. AND A. O. Salisbury has his household goods, also house and lot, advertised for sale, Jan. 17. He intends moving to California soon.
Uniondale - Our usually quiet little town has recnelty had considerable excitement caused by one elopment and two runaway affairs; a young lady book-keeper for one of our businessmen figuring the first affair. In the second, a young married woman leaves husband and two small children, and the third, a Southern lady, quite recently a bride, on account of domestic infelicity, leaves her husband, returning presumably to the sunny South.
Springville - William Lathrop has rented rooms in Williams' hardware store, where he will put in a bakery and ice cream saloon and meat market. AND Ed Avery met with quite a loss the other day. He was taking one of his horses out to water, it slipped on the ice, fell and broke its hip and burst a blood vessel, dying in a few minutes.
Elk Lake - George Fargo is confined to his bed and has his neighbors sit up with him every night to give him the best of care.
News Briefs - Vicinity telephone managers report that a few farmers' wives are utilizing their wires for clothes lines. AND In planning a business or pleasure trip one of the most essential features to consider is the route that "gets you there" in the shortest space of time, fewest changes of cars, least annoyance by dust and smoke, perfect road-bed, best equipment of coaches, dining cars, pullman sleeping and parlor cars of the highest possible standard of excellence that modern ingenuity can devise such as afforded you by the Lackawanna Railroad. Through Pullman sleeping cars and coaches to Chicago and St. Louis daily. Twenty-four hours to St. Louis, 21 hours to Chicago without change of cars and 26 hours to Jacksonville, Fla. The very lowest rates of fares to all points. Apply to the nearest D.L.&W. ticket agent, either in person by telephone or by letter and you will receive prompt attention and courteous treatment. AND John M. Kelly announced he has removed his law offices from the Sayre building to the second floor of the Blakeslee Building, formerly occupied by the Young Men's Christian Association on the west side of Public Ave. in Montrose.
Compiled By: Betty Smith