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January 10 1919/2019

Theodore Roosevelt died suddenly in his sleep. The former President succumbed to rheumatic attack, which had given him trouble for nearly a year. Roosevelt was intensely human. He was what he was. There was none of the artificial mannerisms about him. His smile was the smile of a man who enjoyed life—his swinging of the cowboy sombrero was a naturalness of a man who has ridden the bronco of the plains or signaled in a friendly way the chance meeting with a hunter on a trail. His deeds are known to us all; his life was a wide-open book; he did not “pussy-foot” nor “speak softly,” but whenever a wrong lifted its horrid head he swung the “big stick” with a lusty stroke. He had accomplished that work which his Creator intended him to do.

Harford – The Harford Band is playing especially good, showing that girls, as musicians, are superior to boys when they try. It was certainly unlike anything we have ever heard before. We hope they continue in practice. ALSO Winter is here now. Twelve degrees below zero. Some go with sleighs and some with wagons, but we are told that the “wood-shod sleds” go best, and quite a few of them are seen around town.

Susquehanna – G. P. Kuhn has been awarded $1,311 for the loss of a foot, by the State Compensation Board, which was injured in the Susquehanna yards of the Erie last December, and the following March he submitted to the amputation of the injured foot.

New Milford – M. M. Frasier, of Friendsville, was here last week, making arrangements for a public sale of the furnishings of the Carpenter hotel, according to an item appearing in the New Milford Advertiser. Mr. Frasier recently sold his hotel, widely known as the Jay House, to the temperance people of New Milford. W. E. Carpenter, who for several years has conducted this hotel, has closed its doors and gone to Buffalo, where he has accepted a position.

Rush – The funeral of Thomas Wheatcroft, of New York city, was held in the church here. Thomas was born in England in 1849 and came to this country with his parents. He had a mercantile store at Rush where he remained for 20 years. After selling out his business he gave scope to his inventive faculty and produced for retail stores an automatic machine for selling hot peanuts in the shell, creating an entirely new industry. He joined the historic Plymouth church in Brooklyn, NY. Here he won the respect and esteem of those high in the church.

Clifford – The people of our town are very much interested in the subject of good roads at present. Two meetings have been held and on Monday a delegation, viz., Messrs. George Gloom, O. C. Jones, N. Johnson, A. R. Bennett and E. C. Greene, went to Harrisburg to interview the powers that be in regard to the completion of the stone road from Carbondale to Clifford.

Forest City – Edward Callaghan, of Dundaff Street, arrived home Saturday. He left here for Camp Meade and after a few weeks landed at Brest, France. He was attached to the 304 Pioneer Engineers, a regiment that won fame and distinction on the field of battle. Mr. Callaghan was at the front for 27 consecutive days and then was relieved. The second time proved disastrous to him for he was gassed and laid on the battle field all night and was picked up the following day and removed to base hospital. He states that tongue cannot describe the horrors to be seen on the battlefield. It is beyond description. He was sent home on the Martha Washington, which held about 600 wounded and gassed, and landed at Newport News. ALSO Harry Lumley, a native of this place and one of the best known baseball players in America a few years ago, has taken a position as clerk in John W. Murphy’s hotel inn Oakland. He played with the Brooklyn team during his last days in the major leagues and then came to Binghamton as manager of the State league.

Elkdale – Archie McAlla, one of the best-known young men of Clifford township, died at his home on Tuesday night of pneumonia. He was born here 30 years ago, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James McAlla. He is survived by his wife and one child.

Thompson – On New Year’s morning people were glad to see G.W.B. Tiffany, of Kingsley, get off the early train and begin loading apples. He has loaded two cars of handpicked apples and is now loading a car of potatoes. He is well pleased with his helpers, two of our young men, Clyde Crosier and Leon Stone. Mr. Tiffany is well impressed with our town, the farmers and businessmen, but regrets that so many of our bright, young men, are addicted to the cigarette habit.

200 Years Ago from the Montrose Gazette, January 9, 1819.

*ACADEMY. Public Notice is hereby given, that the Susquehanna Academy, in the village of Montrose, is now open for the reception of scholars from abroad. The Trustees having completed the building for the accommodation of a number of scholars, and having obtained a competent number of good teachers, the principle of which is Wm. Jessup, a graduate of Yale College, flatter themselves that from the healthy situation of the village, the moderate price of board and tuition, the attention that will be paid to the morals of those young Ladies and Gentlemen whose education shall be entrusted to this Seminary, that it will receive a liberal patronage from an enlightened and intelligent public. The price of tuition for the higher branches of the Mathematicks and the learned languages 4 Dls. Per quarter—for English Grammar and Geography 3 Dls. Do. For reading, writing & common arithmetic 2 Dls. Do. And for reading and spelling $1.50 ct. By order of the President.  J.W. Raynsford, Secretary. Montrose, Jan. 9th, 1819.

News Brief: The old saying, “A green Christmas and a full graveyard,” has no reference to death, although nearly everybody has come to regard it that way. The saying originated in the old country, where Christmas was celebrated by general gatherings in the cemetery, where festivities were carried out.  If snow was deep, few came out, but if there was no snow, the churchyard would be full of people. Hence the allusion to a green Christmas, which people in this country have come to regard as ominous. There is nothing in the notion that a white Christmas is more healthful than a green one.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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