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January 10 1896/1996

Union Dale - Another cold wave struck our town Sunday night, the mercury dropping to 23 below zero. AND Quite an, ice harvest is expected here, as Elias Westgate and son Frank are putting up a large house by the lake. That's right; let the work boom.

Susquehanna - The Concert Dancing club opened a dancing school at the Starrucca House on Monday evening, with fifty pupils. Prof. Fred L'Amoureux, of Binghamton, is instructor. AND The Susquehanna Library contains over 4000 volumes. AND To reduce expenses for the current month, the Erie shops were closed on Saturday afternoon. These enforced holidays are not like angels' visits.

Lanesboro - An ice boat will be built in Lanesboro to run between that place and Windsor.

Springville - Mrs. A.T. Grattan has removed her store to her house, where she will be pleased to see her past customers, as she is selling cheap for cash.

South Gibson - After spending her vacation with her parents Miss Ruth Wells has returned to her musical studies at Mansfield, PA.

Harford - When such men as Resseguie, Oakley, Tyler, Chamberlain, Darrow, come four, five or six miles [by sleigh] to meeting of Farmers' Club, with mercury at zero, getting home again at midnight, then you have an exhibition of what we call grit.

Great Bend - At the Catholic Fair at Great Bend they cleared $1000.

Franklin Forks - All persons interested in organizing a company to start the Acid Factory at Franklin Forks, are requested to meet at the Alliance Hall at 2 o'clock, Friday, Jan. 10.

Forest City- A Forest City correspondent says that during the past few months there have occurred many deaths among children in that borough and in almost every case the cause has been credited to membranous croup. It is also a noticeable fact that, although not generally believed to be contagious, where one case of the disease has been known to exist it has often been followed by a type more malignant in its nature. One of the leading physicians was heard to remark that the disease was really diphtheria. Whether this be true or not, the fact remains that in most cases the disease is fatal, and steps necessary to prevent its spread should be taken.

Glenwood - Some unprincipled person borrowed some 10 or 15 bushels of corn from Noah Phillips, one night last week. There is a great deal of this kind of business going on in this vicinity of late, and there should be some way to put a stop to it.

Lynn - Our shoemaker seems to be busy most of the time repairing shoes and harness.

Auburn - Larry McDermott has sold his blacksmith stand to Ed Cavanaugh, for which he received $1,200. We consider this a handsome price in these times, and yet his many customers were made sorry to hear of the sale, for we considered him not only one of the best workmen, but so accommodating and always ready to please. He talks of buying a farm and becoming an expert farmer.

Elk Lake - The Elk Lake mill is in full blast these days, and the miller's face is all smiles and dust.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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