Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 09 1920/2020
Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – The Alford school will be closed permanently in a decision handed down by Judge Smith.
Montrose – The Montrose barbers will, commencing January 15, raise the price of hair cutting, five cents, with an additional five cents for a neck shave. ALSO Landlord D. J. Donovan, proprietor of the Tarbell House, has largely sold his hotel property in Benton, Pa. Mr. Donovan has greatly improved the Tarbell House since he obtained possession of it, and is making it into an up-to-date hostelry. The building is frequently filled to capacity and the accommodations to the public are such that it is steadily increasing its excellent reputation. Many local people take their meals there and Sunday dinners are specialized in. Mr. Donovan is preparing to remodel the former pool and billiard room in the basement, facing Maple street, and will convert it into a lunch room or meat market, he not yet having decided. It will have a large plate glass front and will be modern to the latest detail.
Clifford - Floyd Spedding and Wm. Horton leave Tuesday for State College, where they will take a course in agriculture.
Jackson – Many of the young folks from here and Lake View enjoyed a sleigh ride to Susquehanna, Wednesday night, and attended the play, “Shepard of the Hills.”
Springville – Harry Palmer has rented the Strickland blacksmith shop and begins work at once. ALSO Dame Rumor says Herbert Fish has purchased a new automobile and it’s not a “Tin Lizzie.” A very good time to break her in—very few traveling these days and all his neighbors anticipating a nice ride.
Upper Lake, New Milford Twp. – A coasting party was held on Shay Hill, Saturday night. After riding for about two hours, they were invited to the home of H. J. Tingley where the remainder of the evening was spent in games and visiting. In South New Milford a large caterpillar truck and trailer came up from town Saturday and got a large load of saw logs. Some different from hauling them with oxen, as they did years ago.
Dimock – Mr. and Mrs. James Bunnell entertained, New Year’s day, to a fine dinner, which included roast pig and Florida fruit. ALSO James W. Gavitt is the type of man who rests only when his debts are paid. ”Uncle Jimmy,” like some of the rest of us, might not cut much of a figure at a dress ball, but we hope to occupy a seat along-side of him some day when the overture from the heavenly choir opens up. From our knowledge of him we do not think St. Peter will even ask to see his invitation at the gate.
Lenoxville/Heart Lake – H. L. Stephens, of the firm of Ridgeway & Stephens, the Ford agency of Lenoxville, was in Montrose, Monday, driving through in his automobile. He found no snow to interfere with pleasant driving, till near Montrose. John Ferguson attempted to drive his car to Montrose, Monday, but was unable to negotiate the snow drifts on Gardner Hill, near Heart Lake. He said he found the roads in splendid shape, with no snow to give trouble, till he reached Gardner Hill.
Gelatt, Gibson Twp./Susquehanna – The most unusual wedding to ever take place in the county, took place in Susquehanna, Dec. 20. The contracting parties were Howard Warner and Miss Belva Barnes. The wedding was to have taken place at the home of the bride, in Gelatt, Dec. 17. The minister was on the scene and the home decorated. When all was in readiness for the happy event, it was learned the marriage license had not arrived from Montrose. Without the license, the minister was helpless. He tried to phone the court house, but the wires were down. The mercury was five degrees below zero, and it was a terrible night. No wedding, but the wedding supper was served, all the guests sitting at the banquet table. Many from Susquehanna journeyed to Gelatt, braving the zero weather. Autos were put out of commission by the cold, and much hardship was experienced. Two days later Mr. Warner and Miss Barnes traveled to Susquehanna and were united in marriage at the Baptist parsonage. The marriage license reached Mr. Warner that morning.
Gibson – The home of Mrs. Sabra Carpenter was the scene of a very pleasant gathering on Tuesday last, the event being Mrs. Carpenter’s 100th birthday, a number of her neighbors and friends being present. Light refreshments were served. ALSO Max Tingley, who is home from State College on his vacation, is laid up with the measles.
Susquehanna – Brush Brothers have sold their hardware store to Stack & Bryant, who have been owners and managers of the one-time Brush Brothers grocery store, Oakland side. Mr. Bryant has had considerable hardware experience, and will take charge of that department. Brush Brothers, who have the Miller Tire agency here, will continue that line and endeavor to expand the large business already enjoyed.
Great Bend – Robert Howard, aged 83 years, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home here on Christmas Day. He is survived by his wife, and four children, Mrs. Frank Grant, of Painesville, O.; Mrs. John Connell, of Binghamton; Mrs. John Flynn, of Hallstead; and Melvin Howard, of Yardley, Pa.
Forest City – The Hillside Volunteer Hose Company has purchased a Dodge fire truck from Bartholomay Bros., says the Forest City News. A fair will be held early in February to secure additional funds to make the purchase price complete.
East Kingsley – Galusha Benjamin, whose home is near Loomis Lake, is recovering from a slight paralytic stroke, which he sustained recently. He was found near his barn, where he had fallen in the snow, and was unable to arise. He is attended by Dr. Williams, of Brooklyn.
Harford – Coasting is the pleasure of the day for the youth around here. Just now it is superb on Fairground hill.
News Brief: Someday there will be a female president of this country. And, if she has a husband, there will be one man in the country less important than the ice-president.
Compiled By: Betty Smith