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January 09 1902/2002

Montrose - For three weeks the people of Montrose have been subjected to great mental stress and anxious foreboding because of the fearful visitation of smallpox, which now in the good providence of God has entirely disappeared. Business in all departments having been very seriously interrupted, it is important that the activity, which existed before Christmas, should be resumed. No one of the many who met and greeted Mrs. Gilbert at the Presbyterian church on that last Sabbath has felt any ill effects from it, and it is scarcely possible to conceive of any danger from the contagion in church.

Brooklyn/Hopbottom - Dr. A. J. Ainey and A. S. Waldie, of Brooklyn, were in town on Wednesday talking up the subject of the entrance of the Hopbottoom and Brooklyn telephone line into Montrose. This will accommodate a section of country not now enjoying telephone facilities. They do not ask to enter into local business, but only the privilege of extending through to Montrose the line, which they now have, from Hopbottom to Brooklyn.

Ararat - The house and barn of Noah Smith, at the head of Fiddle Lake, were destroyed by fire, with the entire contents, Friday evening last, between the hours of six and seven o'clock. Mr. Smith's family was away from home at the time, Mr. Smith being in Montrose. Neighbors discovered both buildings in flames at the same time, a fact that proves it to be of an incendiary origin. Prompt measures have been taken to arrest the guilty parties. Insurance unknown. The buildings were comparatively new.

Susquehanna - Michael Foley, of this place, a fireman of a pushing locomotive, was killed Monday morning at Gulf Summit while coupling cars. He leaves the widow to whom he was married about a year since. The funeral will take place from St. John Church this morning. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen will attend in a body.

Hallstead - There are five cases of small pox in this place. All are at the pest house across the street from the new depot. Those that are sick are Mrs. Coddington's little girl, Mrs. Coddington and sister and two brothers, Jim and Dick Barber. [Dick Barber died Thursday morning, Jan. 16th ]. They have three trained nurses.

Gibson - At Christmas time a four-horse team arrived from South Gibson for the pastor, with a donation amounting to nearly $50. The pastor extends a heartfelt thanks to all his people at both Gibson and South Gibson for their generosity.

Birchardville - Floyd Ball and Edward Birchard caught 42 pickerel through the ice at Bixby's pond, last Saturday.

Lakeside - Prof. Snyder entertained the older members of his school by taking them for a sleigh ride to his home at E. Lenox, last Friday evening.

Herrick - Lyon Street is in Herrick township, on that section of "the old Wilkes-Barre road" that stretches between Burn's flat and Dimock Corners on the Newberg turnpike. Burns hill road has been snowed under for nearly two months. The traveling public leaves it at Sanford Burns', go across Gibson's farm, and strike it again near Uniondale. AND Groups of men with cross-cut saws and shovels can be seen opening roads, not withstanding they did a thorough job over the same ground but three days before.

East Rush - Our school of 27 scholars is progressing finely with Alice Hastings as teacher.

Retta, Auburn Twp. - A petition is being circulated to raise funds to build a Methodist-Episcopal Church. If $800 can be raised the church will be built. More than one half of the amount has already been signed.

Springville - The big drifts so discouraged the Narrow Gauge train that it did not try to run this side of Springville for several days the first of the week.

Lakeside - N. G. Bishop and Edward Cantrell were returning from Susquehanna when the sleigh slued violently to one side, throwing them out and down a steep bank. The team ran away and was stopped at L. W. Carrington's. Those who went to their assistance found the two men suffering severely from their injuries. Mr. Cantrell, who has but one arm, sustained a broken rib and numerous bruises. Mr. Bishop, while not injured as badly, suffered from many bruises and an injured hip.

Dimock - Mr. and Mrs. William G. Parke, of Scranton, formerly of Montrose, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, to Mr. Percy Ballantine, of Newark, NJ. It is also reported that Mr. B. will come to the Parke farm, near South Montrose, and build a palatial summer home there, next summer.

Auburn Centre - Two persons [are] looked for with anxious eyes, one male and one female-Mr. Thornton, carrying the mail from Montrose, and Miss Annie Eisman, from the Eddy. She hasn't missed but two days this winter; she is the champion. She also found a letter that had been put in a wayside box, but had blown out. People mailing letters in that way better put a stone on them to hold them down, especially if they have checks directed to the school marms. AND Overfield & Gregory, stone quarry men near Auburn Centre, are trying to blow the whole top off the earth. They put down 32 holes, 12 ft deep and used 28 kegs of powder. Gee wiz, how the rocks and dirt did fly, and nobody hurt, but it made kindling wood of their derricks.

News Briefs - The work system has been established in the Lackawanna county jail. One of the industries is making rag carpet and the prisoners have turned out over 2,000 yards this winter. AND F. I. Lott, Esq., solicitor for Commissioners, has advised the board that the adoption of the constitutional amendment, last election, does away with the numbering of ballots, in the ballot box, by an election officer, and that hereafter ballots should not be numbered and the voter will deposit his own ballot in ballot box. The County Commissioners have sent notices to this effect to all election boards.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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