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January 08 1909/2009

Gibson - The business section of the town was destroyed by fire last Sunday morning, entailing a loss of from $10,000 to $12,000. The fire was discovered at about three o'clock in the store of W. J. Lamb & Son and was well under way before the citizens were aroused. The fire seemed to be burning fiercest under the roof and a number of men went into the garret to put out the flames. Unknown to the firefighters the fire was eating into the timbers under the box cornice and the roof suddenly dropped in, and several had narrow escapes from death and injury. All hope of saving the store was given up and attention turned to saving the goods and adjoining buildings. As their only means to fight the flames was with buckets of water and wet blankets, the Lamb dwelling house was soon in a blaze, it standing near the store. His barn was next in the course of the fire and was completely destroyed. While the fires mentioned were raging, the C. H. VanGorder store caught fire, and was soon beyond control, communicating to the paint shop. A. C. VanGorder's blacksmith and wagon shop was the last to go, and other buildings were saved only by desperate efforts. Mr. Lamb's loss is placed at about $7,000, C. H. VanGorder's at about $3,000 and A. C. VanGorder's at about $2,000. All carried a partial insurance and leaves but one store in the town and it is doubtful if the buildings burned will be rebuilt.

Flowery Valley, Liberty Twp. - An overcoat was exchanged at Tom Ward's hotel Monday night, Dec. 20. The coat was black and the pockets contained a white silk muffler, a handkerchief and a pair of gloves. The coat belonged to Earle Conklin. Will the person who exchanged please return same and get his own coat?

Harford - Hallie Lewis, one of Harford's rising young business men, has opened a meat market in the Osborne block and has a fine line of meats. AND In Oakley, O. J. Ashley has been confined to the house by illness the past month. His neighbors made a wood bee for him the past week. William Robinson, while doing chores for Mr. Ashley on Christmas day, was kicked by a horse. The bone of the leg was not broken, as was at first supposed, but he has not been able to work since.

Susquehanna - His numerous friends in this county will be glad to hear of the continued success of Artist Robert E. Lea, in his profession. Mr. Lea formerly lived in Susquehanna, but with his mother a couple of years ago, removed to New York city. Mr. Lea is praised by the press as being a true born artist, and does not swing the brush in an amateurish way. Five of his choice paintings are in Montrose homes.

Forest Lake - Booths' mill, now having water, will resume grinding feed, etc.

Laurel Lake, Silver Lake Twp. - A sleighride party of about fifteen young people from Forest Lake came over to John O'Days last Wednesday evening. Dancing was indulged in and a dainty lunch was served.

Forest City - L. J. Wells on Saturday disposed of his restaurant and confectionary business in the Osgood building to Henry and David William Davis. Mr. Wells enjoyed a large trade and the new proprietors, who are two of the town's most popular young men, should do a flourishing business.

Hallstead - On Friday evening, at the Hogan opera house in Susquehanna, the Hallstead basketball team was defeated by the Laurel Athletic Society of that place by a score of 22 to 15. AND Wallace Simrell died at his home in Brooklyn, New York, Jan. 5, 1909, aged 79 years. About 25 years ago he was master mechanic in the Hallstead shops and later was Prothonotary of Susq. Co. Funeral will be held in Hallstead Thursday.

Springville - Ziba Lott's youngest daughter has been sick for several days with appendicitis, but her condition was somewhat improved the first of the week.

Hopbottom - We were never blessed with a finer run of sleighing during the holidays than we had the present winter. The rain early this week spoiled it.

Montrose - T. W. Tinker has reopened the Jeffers mill, opposite the D. L. & W. station, and is putting in a full assortment of all kinds of flour and feed, which he proposes to keep constantly on hand for sale at the lowest cash prices, and is also arranging to do custom grinding. Call and see him.

Jessup Twp. - Annual meeting of the Prospect Hill Telephone Co. will be held at Fairdale, January 9th, 1909. AND Butcher Roy went to his hen house to gather eggs and raising a cover of one of the nests instead of a hen a skunk was there. B. S. Risley came down with his rifle and dispatched the intruder.

New Milford - Fred Whitney starts for Texas this week, where he will engage in buying fruits and vegetables for shipping to northern and eastern markets.

Glenwood - A birthday party for P. H. Hunt was held on New Years' day, it being his 51st birthday. His children and grand children to the number of 18 being present, a good time was reported. The table groaned beneath its load of good things and all was merry as a marriage bell.

Thompson - The peal of the school house bell called the pupils to their studies after the holiday vacation this morning.

St. Joseph - William Goggin has purchased a new cutter. Joseph Jeffers is breaking his colt.

News Brief - A Pennsylvania pastor who wished the mammoth hats of the feminine part of this congregation removed, and who believed more in the exercise of tact than of authority, announced that he would not expect the elderly ladies to take off their hats in church, but would request it of the younger ones. Every woman had to take off her headgear or stamp herself as elderly. There was no further obstruction of view. AND It is very annoying to the telephone subscribers to find during the very busy hour in the evening, when they want to use the phone, that some young couple is sparking over the wire, or somebody else is holding a long, gossipy conversation. Some people use the telephone almost any time for almost anything.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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