Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 07 1921/2021
Brooklyn – The death of Amos G. Sterling occurred on Dec. 29, 1920. He was born in 1853, son of Ansel and Lucina (Kent) Sterling. He was the great-grandson of Justice Kent, who settled in Brooklyn in 1810, the head of the large Kent family, who for 100 years (now 200 years) have been prominent in the township. Mr. Sterling bought the old homestead from his father and became a successful farmer. Twenty years ago he sold his farm and moved into the village of Brooklyn, where he resided with his wife until his death. The clean and upright life is the highest eulogy that can be given him. ALSO Some of our young people enjoyed the skating on McKinney’s pond Saturday evening. The ice was fine they reported.
Fairdale – A heart-mending social will be held in the M. E. Church this Friday evening. If your heart is broken come. At 11:30 a watch-night service will be held. A cafeteria lunch will be served. [The Heart Mending social was a success, both socially and financially.]
Dimock – We are pleased to greet Byron Benninger and wife after their many months of illness with typhoid fever.
Hallstead – Editor Ira A. Thomas, of the Hallstead Herald, returned from the Binghamton City Hospital on Friday, following a month’s confinement, due to an operation for appendicitis.
West Auburn – On Sunday, Dec. 19, Rev. McGowan, our pastor, brought with him Miss Hastings, the missionary who is carrying on the Effie Dunmore school in Mexico. She gave one of the most interesting addresses on foreign missions that we ever listened to. [Effa Dunmore was born in Rush township in 1863 and died in 1919. She spent 27 years as a missionary in Mexico and taught at a girl’s school in Guanajuato. She returned to the United States after a lingering illness of several months and died at the home of Tracy E. Darrow, in Binghamton. She is buried in the Bunnell Cemetery in Auburn.]
Lakeview, New Milford Twp. – Fred Ralston, of the Highlands, has bought the house known as the Maggie Wood house and is tearing it down and moving it to his place to replace the one he lost by fire. ALSO Mr. Butterfield is still giving music lessons around here. Many of his scholars are fine musicians. Most of them play the violin.
Montrose – W. A. Welliver, owner of the Ideal Theatre, announces that on Saturday, January 1, 1921, Will Rogers will star in “‘Jes’ Call Me Jim.” ALSO E. C. Wells, of South Montrose, while renewing for his Montrose Democrat, and New York World, remarked that he had been a subscriber of The Democrat, continuously, since 1858.
Silver Lake – The body of the late Earl Raynor, who died in France in the early days of America’s entrance into the World War, was brought to his former home here. An escort from the Gardner-Warner Post, American Legion, met the train bearing his body and it was taken to the Hart undertaking rooms. The body is enclosed in a hermetically sealed heavy metal casket, furnished by the government. The funeral will take place in the Baptist church, Rev. L. B. Bryden officiating. The citizens of the town and vicinity are invited to participate in this loving tribute to his memory. A guard of honor and bearer will be made up of members from the local Legion Post. The deceased was a highly regarded young man, son of Mr. and Mr. Samuel S, Raynor, of this place, formerly of Montrose.
State College – Clifford E. Devine, of Rush, Maurice Mack, of Franklin township, Edward Bailey of Franklin Forks and Glenn Ellsworth, of Alford, are taking a two-months course in butter-making at Pennsylvania State College.
Clifford – The annual oyster supper was served by the men of the congregation of the Baptist church on New Year’s night. Proceeds, $50.
Bethel Hill, Thompson Twp. – A wood bee was held on Friday last for Fred Stark, who has been on the sick list and unable to get wood.
Middletown – The farmers of this section are busy cutting wood in preparation of the big snow storm about to come. ALSO Harry Jones was seen on our streets the other day carrying four foxes. But this is nothing new for Harry.
Hop Bottom – About 45 children of the Universalist Sunday school and many grown people enjoyed a free Christmas supper at their church on Thursday evening, Dec. 23. This was followed by a program, consisting of solos, recitations and Christmas songs. Mrs. W. B. Van de Sand at the piano and Rev. Mr. Morton, of Brooklyn, with the cello, furnished the instrumental music. Santa Claus appeared with boxes of candy. The Christmas tree, donated by Oney Case, was prettily decorated and laden with gifts. It was a gala evening, especially for the little folks.
Lanesboro – James O. Taylor, who was born July 12, 1846, in the Old Toll-gate House, which stood near where the Beach sanitarium now stands, died December 30. When James was four years of age, his father built the “Old Homestead” across from where the Firemen’s hall now stands in Lanesboro, where he lived until the Civil War, when he enlisted as a private in Co. F. 219th PA. Volunteers, being 19 years of age. When the war ended James married Della Eldred and two sons were born of this union, ex-Sheriff Harry Taylor and Lee Taylor, who died as sergeant in the Spanish-American War. Ms. Taylor died in 1873. His second marriage was to Eunice Stone and to them was born their daughter, now Mrs. Valentine Soop. The funeral was conducted from the family home and burial in the family plot in Lanesboro.
East Rush – Our school has dwindled down to two or three scholars on account of the different diseases in the neighborhood.
Forest City – The appearance of the two nifty red fire trucks of the local fire department on our streets, give us a real smart metropolitan appearance. Our department is now, without question, one of the best equipped fire fighting forces in the state. John F. Callaghan has been appointed chief of the fire department. He was the unanimous choice of a committee selected by the two fire companies. He is a fireman of wide experience, having been a member of the Enterprise Hose company for nearly 25 years.
This column is a combination of two weeks of news from Dec. 31, 2020 and January 7, 2021. More back issues of 100 Years can be found on our website, www.susqcohistsoc.org.
Compiled By: Betty Smith