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January 07 1910/2010

Uniondale - Newton J. Corey has a fine new cutter, springs on every side, and the thill like a sedan chair. Newton looks happy when out sleigh riding with his wife, son and daughter, and driving his famous pacer, Bills S. C. Newton says that he has no return ticket on this trip in life, so he is going to take all the comfort he can on the out going trip.

Rush - Much excitement was created in our town New Year's eve and many aroused from their beds about 10:30 when the cry of fire was heard and the T. S. Wheatcroft house, lately occupied by Benj. Anderson, was discovered to be in flames. The fire gained such headway that no entrance could be made to the burning building. The entire contents, with the dog, were destroyed. Mr. Anderson carried no insurance. It will be remembered by some of our readers that the Wheatcroft store and dwelling, on the same ground, were destroyed by fire New Year's night, sixteen years ago, when Romeo Robinson's goods and dog perished.

Jackson - H. M. Roberts received a letter last week from Frank B. Lamb, of Westfield, N.Y., offering the Jackson Library Association a donation of fifty newly published books as soon as their membership reaches fifty. It will be remembered that Mr. Lamb gave the library a fine lot of books when it was first opened. The patrons of the library held a meeting last Tuesday evening and decided to give a year's membership the month of January for 50 cents. We have enrolled the past week 40 members and hope to get as many more.

Franklin Forks - Miss Mary Bailey has returned to Great Bend after spending her vacation at her home in this place. ALSO Franklin Forks school is closed this week because George Peck, one of the pupils, has the diphtheria. It is reported he is much better.

Friendsville - Bird Corson is the new stage driver on the Friendsville end of the route.

Glenwood - H. N. Wilson has harvested his ice for the winter. ALSO The severe cold weather stopped all the water in town.

Springville - Jeremiah Cokely died December 27, 1909, after a brief illness, aged 65 years. He enlisted in Co. H, 4th Pennsylvania Reserves, June 18, 1861 and was transferred to the 2nd Regiment Cavalry, being discharged at the close of the war.

Montrose - The Palace Roller Skating Rink will be open Tuesday evenings only, until further notice. Considerable enthusiasm is being aroused over basketball and several good games have been played at the rink already and more will follow as soon as teams can be gotten in shape.

New Milford - Engine 849 on the Lackawanna road turned turtle here, Tuesday, Engineer Humphrey sustaining a sprained wrist and Fireman Fisher receiving burns which it is feared may cause his death. Fisher was taken to Moses Taylor hospital. The engine was backing up on a siding at the time of the accident and ran past the block, when it careened over on its side and pinned the engineer and fireman in the cab. A special train was fitted out and Fisher was hurried to Scranton for treatment. His injuries are such that very little hope is entertained for his recovery.

Fair Hill, Jessup Township - The photograph entertainment given in the Taylor Hollow school house, by Prof. Samuel Bazzler, was well attended and all report a good time.

Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - The next time you go to see your best girl you'd better take a carriage instead of a cutter when it is all mud over in Auburn.

Ararat - Our roads have been so bad that the mail man, Mr. Brown, has been compelled to stay at home two days of last week, Monday and Thursday. If you don't think we have any snow banks in "Old Ararat," just take a pleasure ride to this place and you will go back contented.

Hopbottom - The annual New Year's Ball was held in Masonic Hall New Year's Day; Wm. Purvis, of Factoryville, presided at the piano and all who attended report an enjoyable time.

Forest Lake - H. B. Stone & Son are operating a portable sawmill and doing considerable custom sawing. While the sawmill is in operation in that locality, it makes it very convenient for the residents, nearby, who desire timber sawed for building purposes.

Brooklyn - B. A. Oakley, the breeder of fancy rose combed Brown Leghorns, was at the Madison Square Garden poultry show last week. He entered one hen and a cockerel. The exhibit of this particular breed was the largest and best ever made at the garden, yet he succeeded in securing second prize on the hen and first on the cockerel, also securing the specials for best shape and color, competing with twenty males.

Harford - Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lott entertained their entire family of children and grand-children, at their home, Christmas day. The pleasure of the day was somewhat saddened by the thought that this would be the last Christmas dinner mother would cook in the old home, as Mr. Lott sold his farm to his son-in-law, Art Turrell, who will take possession March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lott have lived forty years on this farm, but declining health has compelled them to sell.

News Briefs: - The prevailing high prices of agricultural products are sure to send thousands of men back to the farm and increase the valuation of the land. This is as it should be. There is no more honorable and wholesome vocation than farming, but far too many men have held it in disdain and sought the marts of trade or speculation. "Back to the farm" is a safe and sensible slogan. ALSO The famous Big Six of the New York Nationals--Christy Mathewson, has just about completed the manuscript of a baseball story for boys of all ages, and it is the promise of his publishers, the R. J. Bodmer Co., of New York, that it will be ready for delivery in February. This will be the first of a series of boys' stories on sports, top be known as the Matty Books.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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