Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 03 1919/2019
South Montrose - The following excerpt is from a letter written to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheen, from their son, Sgt. Earl Sheen: “Well, it is all over. Thank God. We were in it to the last minute. The last two weeks were bad ones and we were a mighty happy crowd when the signal rockets went up to cease firing. How the Germans did celebrate that night. They were happy as well as we. We are at present in a town, Danvilliers, but do not send any mail here, because we are leaving tonight or tomorrow and it is possible that I may be home for Christmas. I surely hope so. I hope they will not parade us when we get back, because it will be a little too hard for those whose sons are not coming back and there are a lot of them.”
Hop Bottom – A Community Christmas was celebrated Christmas night. A Christmas tree, on Main St., was lighted by electric lights. A short program was given, after which two Santas made their appearance, bringing candy to all the children in attendance. Gift boxes were sent to all those confined to their homes by illness.
Thompson – Just before Thanksgiving someone, or more, took seven chickens from Rev. E.C. Layton’s hen house, and then last Sunday night, five more were taken—nice, large Plymouth Rocks. Too bad. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Harney Brown, son Willis and wife and daughter, Lena, and husband, Mr. Adams, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Empet and family. When returning home their horses were frightened by some cattle and ran away. They made the turn at Whitney Corners safely, but at the one near William Roskelly’s, the axle broke and the people were thrown out and hurt, some severely. Mrs. H. Brown has a broken arm and her shoulder injured. She was taken into Mr. Roskelly’s where she remained over night. Mrs. Willis Brown has a sprained ankle and Mr. Adams a badly crushed foot.
Liberty Twp. – The social held at the creamery hall, at Lawsville, was well attended. Ed. Bailey drew the quilt and Charley Welsh, the sofa pillow.
Springville – Mr. and Mrs. Miles Compton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 24th. Although the day was stormy a goodly number of the town people called to pay their respects, leaving a token that will long be appreciated—two nice chairs. ALSO, in Lynn, It is good weather for blacksmiths, these days, keeping the horses’ [shoes] sharp.
Uniondale – Hon. Philo Burritt died last week at the City Hospital, Carbondale. Deceased was born in Uniondale in 1840 and remained here until 1902 when he moved to Carbondale and later to Washington, D.C. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of Mt. Hermon Lodge and of the Presbyterian church, of this place. He represented the county in the legislature in 1891-93. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Frank Couch, and one son, Samuel; also two sisters, Dr. Alice Burritt and Mrs. Lillian Brock, both of Washington, D.C. Interment was made in the Uniondale cemetery. ALSO Harry Paye writes from a hospital in France, where he is recovering from pneumonia. He was gassed and before he had fully recovered he was stricken with pneumonia. He expects to be sent home soon.
News Brief: It is noticed that the dear girls are marrying aviation lieutenants more than any other class of soldiers. This is not because so many of them are killed, but because the service is the most romantic, and if there is anything a well-balanced girl likes more than anything else, it is romance. And to have a husband who sails the blue skies and goes hiding in the clouds makes a girl very proud. She has a right to be. He is looked upon as a superman who gets beyond the domain of gravitation and wanders in the regions where the angels are supposed to fly. When such a one gets back to earth and sits with his wife before the cordial fireplace and talks to her of stars, sunsets and dreams, could there be more delightful company? Who would not be an aviator and face all the perils of aviation for such an experience? No wonder the government has more aviators than it wants. [From the Ohio State Journal] ALSO Hotelmen throughout the country are planning to focus a campaign in 13 states, the number required to block a ratification of the prohibition amendment by 3/4ths of all the states, where the prohibition issue is an uncertain factor. The attack of the wet forces will start after the various legislatures convene on January 1. Lemuel E. Quigg, of New York, has been retained to examine the legal phases of the federal amendment as to its constitutionality.
Montrose – A reward of $5.00 has been offered for the arrest and conviction of the party, or parties, who are destroying the hangers and hooks for milk pails, on Lake Ave. ALSO Wood For Sale, by the Montrose Cemetery Association, $8.50 per cord.
Forest Lake – There will be a drama, entitled, “Mrs. Tubbs Does Her Bit For Her Country,” at the Forest Lake Baptist church, Friday evening, Jan. 3rd: Admission, 25 cents, children, under 12, 15 cents.
Forest City – Four pigs, each weighing about 25 lbs., were stolen from William McCoy’s wagon on Tuesday night, of last week. He left his team standing in front of Wm. Muchitz’s hotel while he got some butter jars from the hotel. When he came out and discovered the pigs missing he was completely jarred. Whether they were taken as a joke or not is not known, but Mr. McCoy is minus his roasters. ALSO Mrs. Opeka and children are ill with influenza. All were down at once. ALSO James Feraro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Feraro, of South Main St., is home from France, where he was wounded in about the first battle of which the Americans engaged. He will return to Camp Dix for treatment. ALSO On December 22, in Prescott, Arizona, Miss Helen T. Carpenter was married to John Sarrells, a young soldier stationed at Fort Whipple. Miss Carpenter resided in the hone of Mrs. Mary Jones, of South Main St., from infancy until about two years ago, when she went to live with her mother in Prescott.
Jersey Hill, Auburn Twp. – V.R. Dean, of the Jersey Hill Creamery, was in Montrose with a bunch of pelts, and made affidavit in claim for bounties aggregating $20. In the bunch were five foxes, four grays and one beautiful red fox. “Vern” is some hunter and trapper, as well as an expert butter maker.
Compiled By: Betty Smith