Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
January 03 1913/2013
Dundaff - The Episcopal church here received a bequest of $500 by the will of the late Robert W. Johnson, of New Brunswick, NJ, member of the chemical manufacturing firm of Johnson & Johnson. He died February 7, 1910, leaving an estate valued at $3,222,520. Mr. Johnson was a native of Dundaff and was financially interested at Crystal Lake, where he spent many summers. The church at Dundaff is a small one and is under the rectorate of the Forest City church of which Rev. E. G. White is rector.
Montrose - On Wednesday evening next Guy Brothers Celebrated Minstrels will be the attraction at Colonial Hall, and it is one that can be depended upon to please the patrons. Geo. R. Guy always carries a first-class production, and this season will retain the name won years ago. Thirty-five people are carried to make the company complete, and they are the best of soloists, musicians, acrobats, jugglers, dancers and comedians in the business. Everyone will be pleased to hear Guy Brothers Famous Silver Band and Orchestra. Wednesday evening, Jan. 8. Tickets now at Morris & Co’s Drug store at 50 cents.
Lawsville Center - A pretty home wedding occurred here on New Years day, when Mildred, the popular and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Caswell, was united in marriage with James Blake, of Ashtabula, Ohio. The bride is well and favorably known in Montrose, where she has spent considerable time as a student of the High School and pursuing musical studies, and the groom holds a responsible position with one of the Lake steamship companies, as engineer. After a wedding trip, they will take up their abode in Ashtabula.
Dimock - Sterling Beebe and Arthur Comstock are busy getting up their yearly supply of wood while the snow lasts. ALSO: Isaac Mowers, a man in his 90th year, walked to Springville and back Monday last and is none the worse for his trip. He is a brother of Mrs. Beebe.
Lenox - The turkey shoot that was held on W. B. Manzer’s flat, Tuesday, the 24th, was well attended and the turkeys were furnished by R. S. Pickering and Glen Davis and the lucky ones were: Silas Howell, Millard Belcher, A. G. Cameron, Ralph Lewis, Edson Oakley.
Jackson - The second number of our entertainment course will be held at Roberts’ Hall, Tuesday evening, Jan. 7. Mr. H. Russell Palmer, “The Man of Mystery,” comes highly recommended by the Empire Lyceum Bureau, and we trust the people of this vicinity will embrace this opportunity to witness an entertainment that does not come within our reach very often. Mr. Palmer’s program will be varied and intensely instructive. Magic is more than entertainment. It awakens and stimulates the senses of the auditors.
Bennett Corners, Auburn Twp. - Misses Bertha and Daisy Luce spent Christmas at Tunkhannock, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bennett with Arthur Shay at Elk Lake, Miss Esther Avery with friends in Springville and I guess the rest of us stayed home.
West Auburn - The new parcel post commenced operations on Wednesday. We would advise farmers to go slow about sending packages this way. Give the R. D. men and the postmaster’s time to get used to the business before you rush them.
Lynn, Springville Twp. - We wish to compliment little Dorothy Titman on her song at the Christmas tree exercises, more than one mentioning the same.
Rush - Having occasion to pass through Rush Saturday evening, we noticed the fine new electric lights, which almost made us believe we were in the suburbs of some large city. We hope the promoters of this system of lighting will keep a careful and accurate account of the cost of operating the same, that other neighborhoods may judge whether it will pay to follow suit.
West Bridgewater - John Valentine and family, of Rush; Wm. Valentine and family, Harvey Heath and wife, of Choconut, Harry Valentine and family, and Miss Grace Totten, of Binghamton, spent Christmas at C. C. Burr’s, at Friendsville.
Harford - Susquehanna county friends and acquaintances of Dr. W. J. Galbraith will learn with pleasure that he has erected a sanitarium at Safford, Arizona. The institution is known as “The Arizona Sanitarium” and will be open to occupants Jan. 15. Dr. Gailbraith was a practicing physician here from 1880 to 1884, and studied medicine with Dr. Olmstead of Dundaff. He has risen in the medical world having been professor of surgery and clinical surgery in Creighton University and the Omaha Medical Colleges and chief surgeon of the Union Pacific railroad. Special attention will be given to surgical and diseases originating from toxic absorption and uric acid poisoning.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - Santa invested the Christmas tree, at the Welsh Hill Congregational Church, with fine and numerous presents. The pastor, Rev. T. S. Lewis, was remembered, receiving a large turkey and other presents. Miss Verdie Morgan, who has served the church faithfully as organist, was presented with a purse of money in recognition of her services the past year.
Forest City - The season for fishing through the ice closed Tuesday. Some good catches were reported in the past season. Beaver Flow has been the favorite place of the fishermen and great was the exodus to that locality during the last week of the season.
News Brief - With additional privileges, of course, come additional responsibilities. If mother insists on wearing trousers she will have to put out the cat and wind the clock before going to bed. ALSO: A motion was adopted at the Pennsylvania State Grange urging the investigation of agricultural affairs at State College and a petition was signed urging the coming legislature to appropriate $1,000,000 for the purpose of putting agricultural matters at State College on a plane which would be of some benefit to the state and the boys of Pennsylvania who want to study agriculture.
Compiled By: Betty Smith