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January 03 1901/2001

Brooklyn - F. H. Kent has purchased the milk route and good will of N. L. Packard and now Brooklyn has a "trust." Only one milk wagon from here to Foster. AND Miss Jennie Weston has very recently taken a special course in the typhoid ward in the Seney hospital in Brooklyn. She is now visiting her sister, Miss Mollie Tracy Weston, at Boston, who is taking a course in elocution in that city.

Hallstead-Great Bend - Mrs. Dr. Mara Wingate is succeeding finely in her practice of medicine. AND Very energetic measures are being adopted by the citizens committee in the opposition to the granting of several licenses for the sale of liquors additional to those long established. Personal solicitation is being done to secure every available protest to present to the excise authority at Montrose to indicate the objectional state of feeling to any further increase of the facility for obtaining strong drink in town.

Hopbottom - Our townspeople had a scare on Monday morning. Mr. Merithew, the miller, built a fire at the mill and was grinding some buckwheat when he smelled something burning. He stopped to investigate and found the fire around the stove pipe overhead. He ran to the house for water and help, and Mr. Brotzman and son, who were near the mill, assisted in extinguishing the flames before much damage was done. The mill was full of grain and if it had got 10 minutes more of a start it would have been in ashes.

Susquehanna - About 150 employees in the boiler department of the Erie shops went out on strike on Monday. For some weeks there has been dissatisfaction among the men employed on account of the introduction of the piece work system in the shops and, it is alleged, that laborers have been doing the work of regular boilermakers as apprentices. The local boilermakers union unsuccessfully attempted to have their grievances righted, and the strike was the result. The chief officers of the road arrived in town on Thursday to consult the local officials and the men and the strike may end in a few days. It is possible that the strike may extend to the other departments of the shop. The boilermakers in other Erie shops along the system are also on strike.

Elk Lake - The lake is so low that the water cannot be used for grinding. This condition of affairs is so unusual that it cannot be remembered but three times in the ken of the oldest inhabitant.

Silver Lake - The many friends of Hon. Geo. C. Hill are quite anxious to know what course he will take in the struggle at Harrisburg, but have confidence in his integrity. Mr. Hill is the first Republican from this township to fill an important office and will doubtless do it with credit.

Auburn Corners - P. Riley is filling his ice house with beautiful ice from Elk Lake, 10 inches thick.

South Montrose - A "Twentieth Century Chicken Pie Supper" will be given by the gentlemen of this place, at the home of Adelbert Allen, Friday evening, Jan. 18. Proceeds to apply on pastorÕs salary.

Elkdale - Fishing on Lake Idlewilde is the favorite pastime at present, some parties catching as many as a hundred a day.

Lakeside - Prof. John Morse very pleasantly entertained the members of his school to watch the old year out and the new year in.

Thompson Township - John Mumford Wrighter, the first child born in Thompson township, born in 1821, and who has lived on the farm where born the most of his life, died December 30th.

Rush - There will be a Grand Concert in the Rush Baptist church tomorrow evening, Jan'y 12, 1901, under the leadership of Professor Cobb. The singers of Rush will be assisted by talent from Camptown, Stevensville and other places. The program will embrace A Drama in Two Acts, Vocal and Instrumental Music, Cornet and Clarinet Solos, Recitations, etc. Proceeds to aid in purchasing a furnace for the church. Admission 10 and 15 cents.

Lanesboro - P. L. Norton and Frank Prentice, residents of Lanesboro, missed some fine chickens and rabbits. The next morning Officer Taylor captured Charles Fay, Jr. and Wm. Leahy, and the bag the men were carrying was found to contain chickens and rabbits, which Norton and Prentice identified as their property. Leahy escaped from Officer Williams, but was recaptured by Officer Williams and Palmer in a house near Lanesboro. They were given a hearing before Justice Williams and in default of $300 were committed to the county jail.

Forest Lake - The dance at the home of the Misses Kelly in Forest Lake New Year's night is said to have been a pleasant affair. Over sixty couples were present.

Ararat - The telephone man is making everyone twice glad. We can talk with our neighbors now as well as talk about them, and then we can know so well just what they are all doing. Oh, how handy.

Montrose - One year ago the first of Jan. 1901, E. D. Bronson took possession of what is now known as the Bronson Studio on Church Street. With 25 years practical experience in all branches of photography as a foundation, and by untiring energy and applied business principles he has built up a fine business and the people of Susq. county are finding out that it is no longer necessary to go away to get even the best up to date work.

Rushboro - Mary, Martha and Hazle LaRue attend singing school at Retta every Monday night.

Springville - George M. Sheldon and Carrie Avery were married here last week and a host of friends are wishing them bon voyage oÕer life's stormy sea. Of course George set up cigars for everybody. AND The band boys are getting ready to give a minstrel show.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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