Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
January 01 1914/2014
Little Meadows - Henry Ford, a well-known farmer, who resides on the Irving Beardslee farm here, was crushed to death while felling timber in the woods near his home on Tuesday. Mr Ford was cutting wood and had been working on a tree that had been tipped over by the wind. The roots were pulled out of the ground, considerable earth clinging to them. When the whole of the tree was sawed through, the stump and roots toppled over on Ford, pinning him underneath. It was necessary to go to Little Meadows to get help, and when the mass of roots and earth was raised, he was found terribly crushed and lifeless. He was about 55 years old and leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Frank Turrell of Apalachin, NY.
East Rush - Earl Arthur Robertson, of Lestershire, and Miss Nina Lulia Palmer, of the same place, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Palmer, at East Rush, Dec. 28. The wedding a pretty affair, the ceremony being performed at high noon by Rev. Ivan Lott Snyder, pastor of the M.E. church. The bride was attired in blue messaline and the couple stood under a beautiful arch of evergreens. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served. The young couple will reside in Lestershire. [Now Johnson City]
Great Bend - The post office at Hickory Grove, near here, will be discontinued January 15. The Susquehanna post office will receive, deliver and account for mails addressed to Hickory Grove.
Binghamton - Reed B. Freeman, owner of the factory which was burned some months ago, with great loss of life, has sold out and turned over to the families of those killed his entire fortune, worth from $200,000 to $300,000 a year. He has gone to New York and begun life anew, as an employee, boarding in a modest home at East Orange.
Brooklyn - The cantata given by the Universalist Sunday school on Christmas eve was greatly enjoyed by the large audience present. Santa Claus was ably represented by Wade H. Barnes. The children acquitted themselves in fine shape.
Gelatt - Myron Gelatt is home from State College, where he is taking a course in farming.
Montrose - The Christmas tree at St. Paul's church was one of unusual beauty. It was lit up with 112 electrical bulbs, which alternately burst forth in various colors. To Dana Watrous and Stacey Oakley belong the credit for the unique lighting scheme of the tree. ALSO You will not have to talk long with Proprietor Donovan, of the Tarbell House, before you will see that he has just one big hobby at present, and that is to remodel, renovate and beautify the interior of the Tarbell House, to afford the maximum of comfort and convenience for his guests. A ladies' parlor will be provided on the second floor, fronting Public Avenue, the halls and reading rooms will be re-arranged and the dining room will be re-decorated and beautified.
Forest City - Jake Paulak died at Emergency Hospital, in Carbondale, from injuries that he received by being struck with a train of cars while returning from work. He was 29 years old and had only been in this country about four weeks. The remains were removed to his boarding place, here, where the funeral and burial occured.
Brushville - There was a Christmas home-coming at the residence of Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. R. N. Brush, at Brushville, which was greatly enjoyed by the families present. Fifteen of the number were grandchildren and five of the grandchildren were children of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brush.
Lawsville - A sleighride to the Pleasant Valley Hotel, here, was enjoyed by Merchant D. L. Robinove, Myers Robinove, Miss Helen Robinove and Miss Martha Maine, of Montrose.
Fowler Hill, Auburn Twp - Dewie Ruger came through the drifts with the mail both days, although the roads were full. ALSO The price of eggs is again soaring. The cold weather is good for something, anyway.
Flynn, Middletown Twp - The teachers at Flynn graded school had an entertainment and Christmas tree. A large crowd was present and an enjoyable time had.
Harford - The Harford Agricultural society will hold its annual meeting on Monday, Jan. 12, at 1 p.m., in the I.O.O.F. hall. Everyone should attend this meeting, as the fair now receives State aid, and the society contemplates giving more and better premiums.
Herrick Center - A basketball game between the town boys and the High School boys was played at the Athletice rooms Monday evening, followed by a social at the school house. Score in favor of the town boys. ALSO A sleighload of young people went to East Ararat Tuesday evening to the home of Manly Borden, to celebrate the birthday of Miss Bessie Borden. Ice cream and cake were served and the occasion was one of great enjoyment.
Susquehanna - A large number of Susquehanna people went to Scranton to be present at the reception of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary, when Agnes Fitzgerald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzgerald, of this place, took her initial vows.
Lawton - C. E. Gregory has built a workshop and installed a gasoline engine and saws, and expects to put in a plane, soon.
Transue, Auburn Twp - Miss Etta Peet, who has been spending the past few months at Syracuse, studying music, is enjoying a two weeks vacation.
Compiled By: Betty Smith