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January 01 1909/2009

Forest City - The first sleighride party of the season took advantage of the fine sleighing and went to Dundaff, Monday night, where a most enjoyable time was had by the participants. Arrangements had previously been made to accommodate the party and a delicious chicken supper was awaiting them on their arrival. The hall was given over for their pleasure and dancing, games and music formed the amusements of the evening. Those who enjoyed the ride were: Misses Clara Devaney, Lillian Stephens, Mary Healey, Irene Hood, Mary McKenna, Louise Hornbeck, Irene Pohren, Joe Unger, George Hornbeck, Edwin Stanton, Howard Reese, Joe Kelleher, John Cleary, Harry Brown and Leo Soully. James Hoar was the official driver.

Rush - Dr. A. G. Gary, of Walker, Iowa, was in Montrose, Tuesday evening, on route for a visit in Hallstead before returning to his home in the West. The doctor was accompanied by his father, A. D. Gary, of Rush, where he had been spending Christmas. [Artist Grant Wood asked his dentist, Dr. Gary, to pose as a farmer in his painting, "American Gothic," one of the most famous and recognizable paintings in the history of American art. Dr. Gary was born and lived in Rush until leaving for school and eventually Iowa.]

Brooklyn/Montrose - Mrs. F. B. Jewett is spending some time with her sister, Miss Lillian Chamberlain, in Montrose, helping to care for Dr. Richardson, who is not expected to last very long. Dr. Richardson, who is 95 years old, began to study medicine in Brooklyn while working at his trade, that of carpenter, in building the house now owned by H. H. Craver, for his uncle, the late Dr. Braton Richardson. Instead of spending his evenings in the stores or barroom, he read his uncle’s medical books and by the time he had the house built he was ready to take lectures and soon began to practice. He married Miss Mary Fish and soon after began to practice in Carbon county. About forty years ago he located in Montrose and became one of the best known surgeons and doctors in the county.

Elkdale - Miss Muriel Stevens, of West Chester Normal School, Janette Stevens, of Wyoming Seminary, and Meryl Jones, of Mt. Vernon, are spending their vacations at home.

Uniondale - Otis Dimmick died at his home on the farm where he was born, Dec. 1, 1908. He lacked only 15 days of being 91 years old. His grandfather, Edward Dimmick, was one of the pioneers of the place. His father, Marshall Dimmick had a family of five sons and two daughters, Otis being the eldest son. Three of his brothers chose professions as a means of getting a livelihood. Sidney was an agent for musical instruments, Addison a lawyer, Marion a Presbyterian minister, and Elmer a farmer for several years who later moved to California. Only one sister remains, Mrs. Diantha Reynolds of Glendale, Calif. Otis married Miss Caroline Burritt and to them were born three children. His first vote was cast for W. H. Harrison, Republican, and he voted that ticket at every election since. An aged patriarch has passed from among us, one who was a Christian every day and whose pure life was a constant rebuke to evildoers. A good man has gone from us, for, like Enoch of old, "he is not, for God took him."

Laurel Lake - Farmers are taking advantage of the good sleighing and are hauling logs to the mill.

Jackson - Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus W. Gates have just celebrated the 62nd anniversary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Gates were united in marriage at Jackson by the Rev. A. H. Fish, a well known minister of three-score years ago. Mr. Gates, now being 88 and his wife, 85, are both vigorous and give promise of many more years.

New Milford - G. H. Edwards, who conducted a bakery and restaurant here for several years, has sold the business to Pierce H. Comstock, who will take possession Jan. 1.

Dimock - In reading the notice of the death of Mrs. Thomas, in her 95th year, I am reminded that she was formerly a resident of Jessup township; a worthy teacher, and was known as Miss Caroline S. Bowman. A card neatly printed by her own hand, while a teacher in the Bolles school, was shown to her only a few years since, and caused a pleasant smile and cheerful conversation. The card is still carefully kept in remembrance of one who was a life long friend; and also as the first record of the possessor’s good deeds. The card reads, "This may certify that Edgar W. Bolles is a good boy in school." Mary 14, 1841- Caroline S. Bowman. AND Curtis Hinckley, who sold his farm some time ago, expecting to retire from farming, of which he thought he was very tired, found himself uneasy without a farm, like a "fish out o water," and has now purchased the Wm. Perry farm in Brooklyn.

Herrick Centre - Last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson was organized a grange. Allen Miller, of Thompson, and Bingham Smith, of Gelatt, were over and helped give it birth. Eighteen members were taken in. They expect soon to build a hall and start a grange store.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - There will be a dance and chicken supper given in Friendsville on New Years night for the benefit of the new church at Middletown. The diamond ring contest between Misses Degnan, Reilly and Flynn, will close on that night; also a beautiful dinner set will be disposed of.

Clifford - We have good sleighing and it is being thoroughly used for pleasure and business. As high as 25 loads of props pass through here for Carbondale in one day.

Lawton - Filling ice houses is the business of the day. Ice is 12" thick on Shoemaker’s Pond.

Susquehanna/Lanesboro - While Erie train No. 47 was passing over the stone bridge at Lanesboro, Saturday morning, some object protruded from a passing freight train, struck the storm window, breaking it. The flying glass struck fireman Edward Taylor, of Port Jervis, causing a bad gash over his right eye. On arrival of the train at Susquehanna he was taken to Simon H. Barnes Memorial Hospital, where his injuries received medical treatment. He returned to Port Jervis.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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