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February 3 1893/1993

Lathrop - A part of the Lake Side Church Cushions are completed and we expect the rest will be Finished soon. They will cost ninety dollars. AND The West Lathrop Creamery will be built located at the comers near Jasper Williams. Dyer Williams, Dallis Welch and Ira Miller are elected Trustees or Directors and they are expected to push the work along. Work was commenced on the ground for the icehouse on Tuesday. We hope a better day is coming for the dairyman of Susquehanna Co.

West Bridgewater - Mr. Geo. Horton has been appointed as delegate to attend the county meeting of Patrons of Industry at Rush Pa., Jan. 28.

South Auburn - T.R. Place made a flying trip to Towanda on Saturday.

Great Bend - As the youngsters of the town were enjoying themselves coasting on Barry's hill last Friday night, a party of young men with sleighs coupled together came dashing down the hill at a furious rate of speed. Miss Hoe Kilrow, a young lady aged about sixteen years, was walking in the track of the coming sleds. For some reason unexplained she did not see them, or at least did not evade them, and was struck with great force. She was thrown into the air, and her body turning in such a manner that she landed on her head. She was rendered unconscious from the shock and it was feared that fatal injuries would result to the brain, but we learn she is recovering from the shock without evidence of permanent injury. [Gt. Bend Plaindealer]

Brooklyn - Allie Gere has the mail route from Brooklyn to Hop Bottom for the next four years. Consideration $88 per year. AND C.H. Tiffany has purchased the O.G. Hempstead property, formerly the Universalist parsonage.

Dimock - H.T. Allen will move on the Newton farm in the spring. We are sorry to lose Mr. Newton and family.

South Gibson - Thomas Penny has set up housekeeping on his own account, on what is known as the Walker farm, having rented the same with 20 cows of Freeman Brundage.

Thompson - J.W. Coon, station agent at Brandt, is moving his family from this place to that. AND Will M. Whitney has purchased the coal business of F.E. Ingall.

Susquehanna - Vincent Blackburn, of [his place, who was recently appointed Master Mechanic of the Lehigh Valley shops at Buffalo, has resigned his position and returned home.

Harford - Welcome Wilmarth has a sale of personal property Feb. 9. Charles Saar has purchased the farm. ANDThe home of J.L. Williams, occupied by Mr. Wagner and Mr. Titus, narrowly escaped destruction by fire. One of the north rooms was burned on the inside until plank and clapboards were burnt through. AND Drifts on the Tingley road send travelers through W.W. Wilmarth's sugar camp.

Birchardville - Willis H. Alien has bought the Oscar Keeler place, the latter named having moved to Montrose.

Auburn Corners - A gold chain was recently lost near the Comers. If the finder will hand it to C.E. Voss, Postmaster, he will be suitably rewarded.

New Milford - Dr. Edw. B. Joachim of Odontunder fame, will visit New Milford next Thursday and Friday for the purpose of extracting teeth by this delightful process. AND E.S. Hayden has gone to New York, where he has accepted a position with the Postal Telegraph Co.

Montrose - An application will be made to the Board of Pardons on Tuesday, Feb. 28, for the pardon of Joseph Drinker, who was convicted in our county court, Jan. 16,1885, for the shooting of Banker Cooper. AND W.S. Maxey, a law student in the office of E.L. Blakeslee, received the appointment of weigher of mails in the U.S. railway mail service, between New York and Dunkirk. This appointment holds only during the month of February, the only month in the year in which the mails are weighed.

Springville - Clark Strickland and wife, from the West are visiting his father, Theron Strickland.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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