Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 28 1913/2013
Lynn, Springville Twp. - On the evening of Feb. 20 there was a box social at the Springville High school and several from this place attended, among the number being Ralph Loomis, one of the students of the school, who hitched his horse in front of R. L. Avery’s store, and when he came after it, lo and behold it was gone. Indications showed that some miscreant had driven it away. Russell Howard and Ralph drove all over the surrounding country, but got no trace of the horse until the next morning, when it was found in Leigh Risley’s barn. He had found it wandering near his place and had taken care of it. The horse showed that it had been driven very hard.
Transue - S. E. Harned, one of our highly respected citizens, passed away Monday morning at about 8 o’clock. He went to the barn to harness the horse to take his daughter to the depot. He had been gone about 20 minutes, when the family became worried about him and on going to the barn found him dead. He was in his usual good health that morning.
Elk Lake - A very interesting debate was held in the schoolhouse last Friday afternoon. “Resolved: that the men of today are greater than the men of yesterday,” was the subject discussed. ALSO: Skating was the outdoor sport of the young people the first of the week.
Lenoxville - In the suit of Teresa Robinson, of Lenoxville, against Wayne L. Stephens, of Nicholson, for breach of promise, the arbitrators appointed to hear the evidence in Wyoming county’s court awarded the plaintiff the sum of $500. AND: In Lenox several attended the bean--bake that was held at the Grand Army hall, at Glenwood, Thursday evening.
Forest City - Percy L. Cole, of Honesdale is acting as temporary manager of the McHale pharmacy since the resignation of J. R. O’Brien, who has become a bond salesman.
Fairdale - Invitations announcing the marriage of Mss Vera Brotzman of this place, to Clarence Hitchcock, have been issued. Congratulations.
Clifford - Our Nicholson stage will change hands April 1st. William McAlla, retiring, and Frank Hasbrouck taking his place. The route is an arduous one, having to start at 5 a.m., returning at 6:30 p.m. The distance is 13 miles and the road one of the worst.
Montrose - There is a strong probability of Rev. Ernest Wood, the popular rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, leaving to become a chaplain in the U S. Navy. Mr. Wood and family have made many friends here who will deeply regret their removal. President Taft has nominated Rev Wood for the position, but the appointment has been held up by the Senate, although it is said they will confirm his military appointment. ALSO: G. C. Shafer was victorious over W. C. Grant, national indoor lawn tennis champion, which gives Mr. Shafer this national honor. Shaver proved an easy victor in the big tournament in New York last week, and his friends are confident that a player of his strength and ability will retain the championship against all comers for some time to come.
Silver Lake - Pretty hard traveling for the Silver Lake stage and the minister.
Kingsley - The Kingsley Book Club was entertained by Mrs. A. H. Tiffany on Saturday, 16 being present.
Uniondale - Prof. James P. Wilson, formerly principal of the Uniondale school and now superintendent of pubic school of Dickson City, has filed a suit for divorce from his wife. Her parents are sued for $25,000 for alleged alienation of his wife’s affections. ALSO: McPherson Post G. A. R. has been re--organized with 14 charter members and officers, elected and installed on the 19th by officers of the Scranton post. The comrades from Scranton were as loyal and full of patriotism as in the days of ‘61. They told war stories galore. The Uniondale comrades were not slow to reply, as they too had seen hair raising sights while serving in the union army and while at Libby and Andersonville prisons. The poem composed and ready by C. M. Buckingham was highly received; it told of the hardships of war and what the boys of Uniondale did. It can be sung to the tune of “Maryland, my Maryland.” The wives and daughters of the comrades served the dinner and such a layout brought forth many remarks about the hard tack and raw salt pork they used to eat in Dixie land.
Brooklyn - The Foster-Brooklyn dancing class, under the direction of Prof. Chas. Cohen, will give an Easter Hop, at Masonic Hall, at Hop Bottom, Friday evening, March 28. An orchestra of Binghamton’s best musicians will furnish music.
Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - The drama at Welsh Hill called Uncle Josh, was a success in every particular, with people coming from miles away. Prof Shifles(sp.) and Capt. Buckingham, of Uniondale, were bound to get there if they had to walk. After imbibing freely of Adams ale, at the town watering tank in central square, they rolled up their pants and started on their long bike ride around Elk Mountain; the Captain fell by the wayside from heart failure, that is, he did not have the heart to go further; the Prof. being young and with a good supply of cyclone material, never faltered until he reached the West gate, then to his dismay, in changing his working clothes for his evening suit, he had forgotten to take along what little change he had, consisting of four of Uncle Sam’s nickels. Being a stranger no one would vouch for him; his heart sank and so did he; after resting his throbbing temples against the West gate for some hours, he was seen coming into town in the early hours carrying his shoes and his hat in his overcoat pocket. The net receipts for Uncle Josh was about $75.
Liberty Twp. - H. Craik is again able to drive the wagon carrying the school children from the Lake to Lawsville.
Hallstead - Ezra Whited has disposed of his farm stock and tools and has secured a position as conductor on the Binghamton trolley line.
Deaths of Veterans - L. W. SCOTT, aged 68 years, died at his home in Susquehanna, Feb. 22, 1913. Deceased served in Co. F, 20th Regt. Pennsylvania Infantry and had an honorable war record. He was commander of Tremaine Post, G. A. R., of Lanesboro. His wife, two sons, Ralph and George, of Susquehanna, and two daughters, Mrs. P. E. Razey, of Elmira, and Grace, residing at home, survive. The funeral was held from the Baptist church and interment in Evergreen cemetery. ALSO: A. J. LEWIS, an aged veteran of the Civil War and former resident of Lynn, died at the home of S. F. Lane, Thursday morning. He is survived by a wife and one son, Edson N. Lewis, of New York city. The funeral will be held Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and burial at Factoryville.
Compiled By: Betty Smith