Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 26 1915/2015
Lynn, Springville Twp. – We are enjoying a whole week of good old fashioned spring weather. Not far away, in Ainey, the bluebirds have made their appearance and groundhogs have been seen, all sure signs that spring is here. ALSO W. E. Button, our genial blacksmith, met with quite a loss on Saturday. When he went to dinner he left his coat hanging in the shop which contained a bill book containing about $45.00 in bills; when he returned lo and behold the money had, in some mysterious manner, flown away, leaving a lean and lonely bill book empty to be hammered out of iron to refill it again. Well, we fail to see where there is any fun in that.
Uniondale – The Uniondale Symphony orchestra will give an entertainment in the Herrick high school building, Feb 25th, in the evening. ALSO The McPherson Post, G. A. R., held their monthly meeting at their Post rooms last Saturday. C. M. Buckingham, Adjutant, read an interesting account of the inside life of Robert E. Lee. Experiences were told by some of the veterans that were enjoyed by all, after which dinner was served by the Post ladies.
Kingsley – Union services were held in the Universalist Church, Sunday afternoon, in honor of the birthday of Frances Willard, the founder of the W.C.T.U. A program, consisting of singing by the school children, solos by W. W. Oakley and Mrs. Will Capron, and an address by Rev. Dowson was given.
Bridgewater Twp. – Judge Little, the first of the week, appointed Mrs. Rebecca Benedict, a local suffragist, overseer of the poor, to fill the unexpired term of the late T. W. Tinker. A petition asking for Mrs. Benedict’s appointment was presented to the court by Attorney C. L. VanScoten. The appointment is said to be worth about $100 a year. She is the first lady in the county to hold office, so far as known.
Hop Bottom – The Methodist-Episcopal Sunday school and Ladies’ Aid are to hold a two day bazaar at Masonic Hall, Friday and Saturday of this week, Feb. 25 and 26. On Friday evening the ladies will serve a chicken pie supper, after which various amusements will furnish entertainment for the evening. Sales will be continued Saturday, and at 5:30 an oyster supper will be served by the men’s class, followed by an entertainment, consisting of a miscellaneous program of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc.
Montrose – The average daily circulation of the Montrose library, for January, was 54 books. The largest number given out in one day was 128. The largest daily circulation, for February (to the 23rd), was 162. It is hoped that the people will take an increased interest in the work of the library, and this can be best done by reading the books. [The average daily circulation of the Montrose Library, for January 2015, was 491 books.]
Springville – Otto Drake, young son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake, recently met with a very peculiar and painful accident. He was being treated for rheumatism by application of heat supplied by burning gasoline in some sort of a machine, when the thing burst, covering the boy with the burning gas. His father and mother succeeded in putting out the flames, but not until the boy was frightfully burned about the limbs. A nurse is in attendance and the boy is doing nicely.
Thompson – Married, February 19th, at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. Elbert Pickering, of Jackson, Earl Jenkins and Miss Norma Craft, both of Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins are at home to their friends, corner of Main and Water streets. Congratulations are extended.
Dimock – Columbus C. Mills, octogenarian, passed away last Monday. A delegation of Warren Lodge No. 240, F. & A. M., of Montrose, had charge of the grave. A fine floral tribute from the lodge attested to the respect in which Bro. Mills was held by his fellow members. At the time of his death Mr. Mills was the oldest member of the Warren Lodge, having joined in January 1864. Mr. Mills was 85 years old and for many years was a justice of the peace at Dimock. He also carried on a wagon-making business. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Isa Mills, who had made his declining years as comfortable as possible.
Forest City – Washington’s birthday was quietly observed here. Flags were floated in front of a few houses but no public demonstration was made. ALSO H. P. Johns has purchased from the Keystone Realty company, agents for this vicinity, a new touring Reo car. The company received a carload of these famous cars one day last week and sold them the following day.
Rush/Jessup – Wm. H. LaRue, of Rush and Aria I. Oakes, of Jessup township, were married at the M. E. parsonage, Montrose, by Rev. Carl Councilman, Wednesday, February 25th, 1915.
Brooklyn – It is three good long miles from Luther Benjamin’s house to Brooklyn village. If you doubt it, ask the four gentlemen who paced it last Friday between the hours of 12 and 1 a.m.
Clifford – The January meeting of the Clifford Women’s Christian Temperance Union was held in Finn’s Hall. The speaker, Mrs. E. E. Wells, of Lackawanna county, urged the training of young people to take up the cause and to “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart therefrom.” In the evening the meeting opened by singing “The Fight is On,” followed by a prayer, afterwich all joined in singing “The Brewer’s Big Horses.” Mrs. Wells gave a sermon rather than a lecture, dealing with the moral side of the temperance question—an appeal to join forces against the greatest evil of this age, if not of all time. At the close Mrs. Agnes Miller sang, “Molly and the Baby” very pleasantly. This was followed by a social hour, during which light refreshments were served.
The Underground Railroad. This article came from the Scranton Times and was written by W. M. Atherton, Clark’s Summit, in 1915. “Editor Times – Allow me to add somewhat from personal knowledge and hearsay: My father was a member of the Underground Railroad. I well remember a knock frequently on the door and father calling, “who’s there?” and it was Mr. [William] Gildersleeve’s colored man, with a load of fugitive slaves. [William Gildersleeve was a well-known abolitionist from Wilkes-Barre.] My mother would get up and make supper for them and they would go on to Leonard Batchelor’s or Rodman Sisson’s and were hid through the day and the next night were driven to Montrose to Mr. Sayre’s, who married Mary Gildersleeve [daughter of William Gildersleeve]. In 1822 Rev. Gildersleeve was a slave owner in Virginia. He became disgusted and sold his property and moved to Wilkes-Barre, freed his slaves and died there. He was the one who located the route of the underground railroad from Maryland through Waverly to Canada. His son, Camp Gildersleeve, was ridden on a rail in 1839, and tarred and feathered in Wilkes-Barre by sympathizers [pro slavery]. The Rev. N. G. Park, for 50 years pastor of a Pittston church, married his daughter, Anna (Will Park’s mother) in 1850. My father found a kidnapped colored boy in a house car of the Pennsylvania Gravity railroad, taken from Hawley, brought him to our house and sent him home.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith