Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 26 1904/2004
Susquehanna - March 1st, Editor-Manager H. T. Birchard will assume the proprietorship of the Transcript/Ledger. AND It is said that James Paye recently received an order for 500 horses for the Japanese cavalry. Now if the Japanese really want 500 horses and have got the price, Mr. Paye is just the boy who can furnish them quick.
New Milford - The Lackawanna bridge gang, who are engaged in erecting the new iron bridge between this place and Summersville, will place the structure in position on Sunday next. AND W. A. Kenyon, who recently bought a traction engine of the Huber Mfg. Co., has taken an agency in the company for Susquehanna county.
Vestal Centre - Will Rounds, wife and son, are sick with scarlet fever; they contracted the disease by attending the funeral of Mr. R.'s sister's child, who died of it at Franklin Forks. AND Regardless of the weather Aunt Eleanor Platte is seen daily on our streets; she celebrated her 88th birthday Feb'y 10th, and thus expressed herself on that day--when calling on her friends, "I never felt better than I do to-day." Her form is erect, and intellect and memory such as to make it a pleasure to converse with her. In her early days she graduated from the Boston Conservatory of Music and with her husband toured the states giving concerts. She is perfectly at home at piano or organ at this age. The summer she spends at her antique home "Solitude"--but spends the winter with friends; her maiden name is Lathrop, and she is a cousin of D. D. Lathrop, Montrose.
South Auburn - It is reported that the Rural Delivery No. 2, passing through here from Meshoppen, will begin April 1. The post office here will be discontinued.
Brandt - Monday evening the A. A. club held a progressive flinch party at the home of H. E. Morgan and wife.
Great Bend - William J. Day, while putting a bridle on his horse Thursday afternoon of last week, had his nose almost bitten off by the animal, it simply hanging by a shred of skin. It was sewed on, twelve stitches being taken, and he is now considered past any dangerous effects which might have resulted. Animals of all kinds are more irritable during periods of extreme cold weather as in very warm seasons of the year. Dozens of instances in this section of the state where dogs have gone mad this winter might be cited to support this view.
Lenox - A little hamlet in Lenox township, Susquehanna county, is called "Hell's Half Acre." It got its name many years ago in the following manner, according to a writer in the Nicholson Examiner: "The place is situated on the Montrose and Carbondale turnpike and in 1844 was the principal stopping place for stage coaches and teamsters. The postoffice was kept at the hotel and the Grow Brothers--of which ex Congressman G. A. Grow was a partner--were doing a flourishing business in the community. The changing of the turnpike to run through Glenwood, a few years later, left the little place off the main artery of travel, and business so decreased that the hotel proprietor finally sold out to a man who came in merely to sell what grog he could. The temperance people became so indignant at the way he ran the place that they determined to drive him out. Somebody wrote a song about him and his business, the first line of which was "Hell's Half Acre can't be beat." They sang this so lustily and incessantly that the maddened landlord had one of his tormentors arrested and brought into court at Montrose, where he obtained $1,500 damages. But the name Hell's Half Acre still sticks to that locality.
Lanesboro - An interesting truth in the life of William [Wilhelm] Schmidt, of Lanesboro, was developed yesterday in United States court, when he applied to Judge R. W. Archbald for naturalization papers. Schmidt came to this country from Germany when 16 years of age and has lived here 43 years, four of which were spent in the army during the Civil War, and the remaining time at Lanesboro, first as a farm hand, and now as a prosperous merchant. Until yesterday, on the eve of his first return to Germany, he had never thought of becoming a citizen. The explanation given by Schmidt himself, is that the step was taken at this late day to ward of a feeling, when he got across the water that the boast he might make of "our country" would not be an honest one if not a real citizen. The fact that Schmidt was not a full-fledged citizen was not generally known, his loyalty to the cause and public-spiritedness in affairs at Lanesboro tending to dispute it. A retiring nature was the excuse made by friends when he declined office, when really it was for the above reason. Mr. Schmidt said the reason he had not had his papers before was because he wanted to convince himself that he would be a good citizen if once he did, and it took him a long while to find out, he said, laughingly. [Mr. Schmidt ran a home bakery in Lanesboro].
Oakley, Harford Twp. - The gray mare familiarly known as Old Nellie, owned by W. M. Wilmarth, was killed last week, she having outlived her usefulness, being 28 years old; she had been a faithful servant on the farm where she died, for over 20 years.
Little Meadows - Election results: Assessor, G. R. Graves; Justice of the Pease, A. Graves; Commissioner, E. B. Beardslee; Auditor, P. Foster and S. A. Pitcher, each received 19 votes; School Director, A. G. Darling and J. M. Russell; Judge of Election, Joseph DeKay; Inspector, Lindley Williams; High Constable, A. C. Darling; Town Council, I. R. Beardslee.
Hopbottom - The 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. [William P.] Crandall was celebrated on Feb.1st on the place where they commenced housekeeping. He is 81 and she is 80.
Lindaville, Brooklyn Twp. - H. W. Roper, who conveys the children to and from the Brooklyn High School, had the misfortune to tip over [his kid wagon], Monday morning; fortunately no one was injured.
Clifford - Jason Brownell met with an accident that nearly cost him his life. While feeding his cows that were in stanchials [stanchions], he stooped down to pull some hay off that had lodged on one cow's horn, just at that moment the cow next to that one turned her head and hooked at her, one of her horns struck Jason in the neck, passing through the skin; with her horn in his neck she raised her head up until Jason's head hit the top of the stanchial then her horn tore out leaving a large hole and a bad wound within an inch of the jugular vein. Dr. Edwards dressed it and although very sore, it is doing well.
Montrose - A new feature of the season is the rain-proofing of the overcoatings sold at the Warner Store--without additional cost.
North Bridgewater - Feb. 12 being the 81st anniversary of the birth of C. S. Bush, about 50 relatives and friends gathered at his home and gave him a pleasant surprise.
Compiled By: Betty Smith