Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 26 1897/1997
Susquehanna – Prospects for local baseball this season are not very bright, but it is to be hoped that something will be done to place a winning team in the field, as there is plenty of material in our town to form a good club.
Rush – A public ball was given on Washington's birthday evening in Hibbard's Hall; about 75 couples occupied the dancing floor during the evening.
Tunkhannock – The venerable Capt. James B. Harding, of Tunkhannock, is one of the original California "Forty-niners."
Elk Lake – The Elk Lake Band of Mercy will give an evening to the public, March 2, at Grange Hall, to which everyone is cordially invited. We have received the copy of the entire program and are sorry that we have not the space to publish it in full. There will be no admission charged. These Bands of Mercy are doing a most excellent work for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and judging from the unmercifully tight check reins, and the many other abuses of dumb animals to be seen every day, it would be a good place for a similar organization in other places.
Montrose – Six graduates of the training school for nurses attached to the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania were granted diplomas on Tuesday last, upon their completing the required three years course of instruction. Dr. W.F. Norris presented the diplomas. Miss Bessie L. Crocker, of Montrose, was a graduate.
New Milford – Quite a sensational accident occurred on Friday last, which did not result as seriously as might have been expected. The fine gray team belonging to Myron Moon was left standing unhitched while the driver went in the post office to get his mail. The team started and ran around the Opera House, down to Division street and across a vacant lot; then dashed in the rear of the photography gallery, demolishing one side of the building, then falling upon the floor, knocking down and hurling across the room Mr. Wilcox, the photographer, who received several severe bruises upon his face. As soon as he recovered himself he led the frightened horses out "to pasture green," and then he repaired to the office of Dr. Ainey and had h is wounds dressed. Although his cherished mustache was sacrificed, and his face is adorned instead with as many plasters as a court beauty in olden times, still Fred thinks he can well congratulate himself on getting off so cheap without loss of life or limb.
Harford – The Union Defenders' Day exercises given by the pupils of the Graded School in the Congregational church, Feb. 12, was a grand success. The day was very stormy, but several of the old soldiers that fought for the flag were out to see the unfurling and giving to the breeze the fine new flag that was run up on the pole, 80 feet high, that was put in place in front of the school building the day before.
Lawsville – F. H. Southworth has traded his house and lot in Binghamton to E.O. Potter, for his store property in this place. AND Frank Bailey look first prize, a gold medal, at the State College, where he went to perfect himself in the art of butter making.
Forest City – Howe's marvelous animotiscope will be at the Davies Opera house, March 2, under the auspices of the Epworth League.
East Rush – Master Willie Yost is selling blueing, in hopes of getting a watch as a premium.
South Montrose – There was a good attendance at the chicken pie supper held at the Geo. P. Wells'. 136 were served with supper. Receipts $33.64.
Dundaff – T.W. Reeder had an experience while returning to his home from Carbondale, that he does not care to repeat. Mr. Reeder was accompanied by his teamster and was driving a heavy wagon and team. The road between Carbondale and Crystal Lake has been since the recent blizzard, in some places impassable. Mr. Reeder and his companion had reached a point on the lake road near the Russell farm when they attempted to drive across lots. There was a sharp pitch to the field and the horses were unable to secure a foothold. In a moment the whole outfit was precipitated down the incline to the ravine below, with terrible momentum over 100 ft down hill, the animals wagon and men [fell] in a confused heap. One of the horses was seriously injured, but the men were fortunate in receiving only a few slight bruises. T.W. Atkinson, of Clifford, and others, who happened to pass the spot, found the wreck and set to work to extricate the horses.
Lynn – George Gesford has opened a blacksmith shop
Union Dale – D.B. Carpenter has located in town and is ready to repair clocks and watches.
Forest Lake – Lafayette Shelp killed a water snake, Jan.29. To find a snake in the winter is very rare.
Compiled By: Betty Smith