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February 26 1892/1992

Hallstead - The Rail Road YMCA building is nearly completed. It contains bathrooms, game rooms, reading rooms, and a hall for lectures and religious meetings, and is an elegantly finished structure. It shows [the] interest" the DL & W. Company takes in the men under their employ.

Montrose - We are informed that Hon. James T. DuBois, of Washington, will during the first week of April court, present a life-size portrait of Hon. Galusha A. Grow to the Legal Association of Susquehanna County. He has been asked to make the presentation speech, and will probably do so. The portrait will be placed in the courthouse at Montrose. AND the old church, which has stood almost 60 years at the corner of Chestnut and Cedar Sts., has been razed to the ground. It was erected by the Episcopalians in 1832, sold to the Catholics in 1857, and has been vacant since the occupancy of the new Catholic Church on Main Street. D.V. Gardner, the cigar and tobacco dealer, recently purchased it and commenced its demolition on Monday last.

Harford - The remains of Mrs. Sally Molt, a sister of Major Hammond, and the youngest child in the family of Samuel Hammond, were interred in our cemetery last week, being brought from South Dakota, where Mrs. Mott has been residing several years. The family monument contains the names of Samuel and Esther Hammond; also Lydia Hammond who died in 1811 aged 80 years. The Hammonds came from Winchester, New Hampshire. Sally Hammond married Sylvanus Mott, a son of Ithamar Mott, Mott's Hill, New Milford. Many years ago Sylvanus kept a tavern in Herrick. Taking a drove of horses to New York, he disappeared and his fate has never been known. Major Hammond made search afterwards, but without success

Jackson - Sleighing lasts long enough this winter for people to get out their cutters, if not long enough for them to take a sleigh ride. AND The funeral of Arthegates Potter was attended Sunday. Interment at North Jackson. Mr. Potter was about 75 years old and was brother of the late James and John Potter and of Benjamin Potter, who is the only remaining son of the family. Arthegates is given the credit of having given to the community the story of saying, "That's too much pork for a schilling." A story is also told of his carrying an old "A" harrow on his shoulder and the one for whom he carried it, who was something of a joker, walked along by his side and made himself useful by complimenting him on account of his powerful strength and ability to bear a heavy burden. Arthegates was a bachelor.

West Brooklyn - Wm. Smith is making shingles for F.E. Merrill. He is working up a fine tree that he estimates will make ten thousand shingles. Who in this county can beat that?

Glenwood - There is talk that B.E. Miles is going to go boring for coal at the old Glenwood Tannery in the near future. Some years ago a vein one-foot thick was found there, while digging a well.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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