Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 25 1921/2021
Forest City – David A. Davis, of this place, in memory of his son, Lieut. Reese Davis, presented the Reese Davis Post No. 187, American Legion, Scranton, with a stand of colors on Tuesday evening. Lieut. Davis fell in the fields of Northern France among the bodies of the men he was attempting to save. The young physician, just out of medical college, had been one of the internes at the State Hospital in Scranton. With two other members of the staff, he left the country early in 1917 and became attached to the British army for service, although he wore the uniform of the United States army. Judge George Maxey, who presented the standard to the post in behalf of the father, said the following: “Up in Forest City we call the man who sits at my right, Davey Davis, and he had a right to call upon me to present these colors for him and I had no right to refuse; for his son gave his life that your children and mine might enjoy peace and liberty. Reese Davis gave his life in a worthy cause and you have done well to name your post after him.” In conclusion he said: “Back in Northern France there is a place that is a part of America and a part of Forest City to the mother and father of Reese Davis, for there his body is buried.”
Thompson – The Thompson Electric Light Company cleared $25 on the motion picture entertainment given in Keystone Hall last Saturday evening. The Company will have a meeting Monday night to find out the expense for running the plant the first month.
New Milford – George A. Lewis has been awarded $4,000 in the settlement of a large action against the Lackawanna and Pennsylvania railroads. The action was a result of the death of Cecil A. Lewis, a son of Mr. Lewis, who was killed in Oct. 1918 in the yards at Buffalo. While engaged in his duties as an employee of the Lackawanna he was struck and killed by a Pennsylvania train.
Ararat – Isaac Rankin, Civil War veteran, now living in Carbondale the past few years, died at his home following an illness of a week’s duration. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted as a member of Co. B, 145th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was a resident of Ararat township for many years. He and his wife were married 54 years last July 8th, and celebrated the occasion by a visit to the Gettysburg battlefield. He is survived by two daughters and two sons. Interment in Maplewood Cemetery, Carbondale.
Rush – “The Little Red Mare and Mother Goose” operetta at the Rush M. E. church, Friday evening, Feb. 25th. Come and hear the whistling birds. Proceeds for community building fund.
Heart Lake – C. L. Stephens informed this newspaper that no trace has been found of the thieves who stole his National touring car, last week, while on sale in a Binghamton garage. The car, which was recovered near Heart Lake after it had been abandoned, was in as good condition as ever, save that one of the head lights had been broken. The thieves evidently were trying to reach Scranton with the stolen car, but when it became stalled in a snow bank they left it and made off on foot.
Lake Montrose – Charles Hoyt has harvested around 7,000 tons of ice from the lake this winter, a substantial part of same being for the Borden’s shipping plant here. The farmers have been extraordinarily good customers of Mr. Hoyt this winter, taking around 3600 tons. The quality of ice taken from the lake, always good, was particularly fine this winter. The ice this year averaged around 12 inches, which is lighter than that usually harvested here.
Hallstead – The Democrat has no more loyal subscriber and friend than Mrs. W. L. Ainey, who has been a continuous reader of the Democrat for more than 55 years. This lady has hosts of friends in various parts of the county who will be pleased that she is enjoying good health. She has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Giles Carpenter, for some years past.
Montrose – Landlord D. J. Donovan opened his handsome new restaurant, the “Everbest,” in the basement of the Tarbell House, last week, and is using same for patrons of the hotel, while the dining room proper of the hotel is being improved by a new floor laid of marbeloid. The restaurant is most complete in every respect and the genial landlord is due full credit for giving Montrose one of the “spiffiest” eating places to be found in northern Pennsylvania. ALSO A. L. Titman, president of the borough council, believes that all good citizens should remove the snow from their sidewalks. He not only preaches it, but practices it. President Titman has a horse-propelled snowplow and after using it to clean the snow off the walks on his own properties, the horse is given a little needed exercise by pulling it over the sidewalks on neighboring blocks around Jackson and South Main streets and Lincoln avenue. This thoughtful act on his part has greatly lessened—so tis’ said—the migration of Montrose residents south this winter.
County Women Jurors: The names of 24 women were taken from the jury wheel during the past week to serve as jurors at the April term of court. Of this number only two happened to be drawn to serve on the grand jury, which meets here the last Monday of March, the 28th. They are Amelia Baker, of Franklin township and Beatrice Milliken, of Gibson township.
Snow Storm – About a foot of snow fell Saturday night and Sunday morning, making the heaviest snow fall of the winter. Fortunately the wind did not pile the light snow into drifts, and it has made excellent sleighing. Monday morning the mercury registered as low as 20 below zero in some places, it being so reported from Kingsley, while at Rush, Springville and other points, 16 was recorded. The best Montrose could do, which always feels hurt if beaten in the matter of frigidity, was around eight below.
News Brief: Hatpins are carried in the hands and not worn on the headgear of many girls of Hazleton, since a “Jack the Hugger” started to operate in the residential section and has terrorized many young women by his attacks.
Compiled By: Betty Smith