Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 25 1910/2010
Jackson - On Monday evening, Feb. 14, the M. E. ladies aid gave a valentine social which consisted of instructive and ingenious amusements, a fish pond and refreshments. All spent a very enjoyable evening and a neat little sum was realized.
Forest City - The Clifford breaker, which has stood as a towering sentinel at the North End of Main street, having outlived its usefulness, is being torn down. The breaker has been idle for about a year. The contractor has been using dynamite to dislodge some of the heavy timbers.
Brooklyn - Considerable excitement has been caused by the refusal of the health officials of New York City to receive milk shipped from our creamery. They have been inspecting the sanitary conditions around town and some rather pointed statements have been given out. It is hoped that our school board and individuals may take immediate steps toward better sewerage. ALSO The large barn attached to the Tewksbury Hotel was demolished by the heavy weight of snow on Monday morning; fortunately there was no stock in the barn at the time of the collapse, as Mr. Tewksbury left for his farm a short time before, taking his horse with him. The horses of the guests will be cared for in the large barn of H. H. Craver's. Mr. Tewksbury will rebuild as soon as possible.
Lynn - A. B. Sherman has purchased the farm of his father where he has lived since boyhood and is one of the best farmers in this locality.
Springville - There will be no commencement exercises at the Springville high school this year, as they are adding one year to the course, elevating the standard of the school accordingly. Prof. J. Lee Tiffany, the principal, has the work of elevating the high plane of the high school much at heart, and it will rank favorably with the high schools of the county.
Lanesboro - James Buckley, an aged man residing on a farm above here, died Monday morning, Feb. 21, as the result of being kicked in the face by one of his horses, Saturday. He was leading a horse with a halter when the animal suddenly turned and kicked its hoofs, striking Mr. Buckley on the jaw and fracturing it. Dr. Miller, of Susquehanna, was called to attend the injured man.
Sankey - The pluck shown by our teacher, Miss Hazel Smith, in coming through the snow drifts Monday, will explain in part the success of our school.
South Auburn - Mrs. T. C. Brewer is spending a short time with her son, Tracy, of Black Walnut, who was injured by the overturning of a load of witch-hazel brush that he was taking to Meshoppen.
Silver Lake - W. Donovan had the misfortune to freeze his ears coming home from Hallstead, Sunday last. ALSO Frank McGraw and Willie Mahoney cut ten cords of wood for M. J. Hannagan, last week.
Little Meadows - Miss Theresa H. Shaughnessy is very busy arranging her line of spring millinery. Oh! you Easter bonnet.
Elk Lake - Plenty of snow and it is on the move and the boys have hard times to make their Sunday calls. The ice is 36 inches thick at the Lake.
Howard Hill - The wood bee for the Brookdale Orphanage Thursday was well attended; they got the wood on Mrs. O. B. Howard's farm.
Forest Lake - Pat Carney and lady friend took advantage of the sleighing last Sunday. He reports a good sleighing and but one serious upset with his new cutter. Watch the horse and not the lady, Pat.
New Milford - Amos Kent is getting up an autograph book of the names and date of birth of friends, having already secured names and date of birth of six hundred. Mr. Kent is 84 years of age and a fine writer for one of his age.
Susquehanna - A big ice gorge three miles above here threatens to take out the bridge connecting this place and Oakland, if the river suddenly rises. Ice is piled up to the height of 30 feet in the gorge. The county commissioners and Erie officials have been consulted, but no action has been taken. It is feared to dynamite the gorge, as it might cause the huge mass of ice to go out at once, which would prove disastrous.
Hallstead - A young man named Lewis was arrested here last week for selling oleomargarine without a proper license. Special agent of the dairy and food department investigated the case and made the arrest. He represented the firm of Mitchell & Lewis of Binghamton. The case will be heard before Justice Crook at Hallstead.
Montrose - The afternoon passenger train on the Montrose branch of the Lehigh Valley, due here at 4 o'clock, failed to get through Wednesday afternoon, getting stalled in huge snowdrifts a short distance this side of South Montrose. Liveryman Cox was phoned for and he went down and brought the passengers and mail up in a sleigh. The train managed to back down to South Montrose, allowing the snow plow to pass, and arrived at the station about 6 o'clock Thursday morning. Much snow was encountered and the snowplow had difficulty in getting through.
Hopbottom - We have had sleighing every day since Christmas. It is thought by some that the great snowstorms are intended to make up for the rain we so much needed last fall.
South Montrose - The mill has been temporarily shut down for a few days on account of there being no lumber on hand. A car of lumber arrived the first of the week and on Wednesday work was again resumed. From 12,000 to 14,000 trunk slats are manufactured daily and still the company cannot fill all the orders on hand.
Compiled By: Betty Smith