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February 25 1899/1999

Forest City - voted emphatically for the purchase of a farm by the poor directors where the indigent of that place will hereafter find a comfortable home. Neither the taxpayers nor the poor of Forest City will ever regret the action. AND Forest City can now be safely placed in the column with Susquehanna as one of the banner Democratic towns of this county.

Harford - The Harford band will give a concert in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Monday evening, March 6, assisted by the Gibson Band and Miss Jennie Moore, of New Milford. The program is a good one and all attending are assured of a splendid musical treat.

Lanesboro - The hand fire engine which had done valiant service as the property of Rough & Ready Fire Company of Montrose has been sold to the newly organized Lanesboro fire department. The apparatus has reached its destination and undergone a successful trial.

Great Bend - The Junior League of the Methodist church held a pink tea social in the church parlors on Friday evening.

Rush - The hoisting of the bell to the belfry of the Baptist church on Saturday, the 25th, was successfully accomplished under the engineering skill of County Surveyor Hickok. The bell is a large one weighing, without the bearings, 850 lbs and barely cleared the aperture by an inch. The hoisting apparatus worked perfectly and it only took ten minutes to raise it from the ground and place it in its proper position. Great credit is given Mr. Hickok for the successful accomplishment of the feat, as it had been proposed to send of L. B. Pickett, who raised the Fairdale bell, but that was overruled in favor of home talent. The bell is an exceedingly sweet toned one and the society is to be congratulated on the possession of such a pleasant addition to the church.

Jackson - Uncle Charles French, after an illness of ten days from grip, died Feb. 19th. He was the oldest man in the township and at his decease had attained to the advanced age of 89, having been born in Vermont, Aut. 9th, 1809. He came to Jackson in 1832. He married Eliza Wilder, also of Vermont, and from their union ten children were born.

Springville - Sugar makers are just boiling over with sweetness these days. AND N. D. and Geo. Taylor are doing a right smart lot of work at their gallery. One dozen pictures for half a dollar.

Susquehanna - At a recent ball of the S.A.C. held this place, Miss Mamie O'Neill was [the] bell. Miss O'Neill wore a pink satin, elegantly trimmed with pearl passementerie and chiffon.

Ararat - Those who neglected to get their ice before the blizzard are having an unpleasant task harvesting and hauling it now.

Hopbottom - Mrs. E. A. Williams visited her daughter in Binghamton and got caught in the blizzard. You could not see but a little ways, it snowed and blowed so hard, but when over the snow plow was used; men and boys using the shovel very brisk to keep warm. The street cars stopped running, and but few ran on the other roads.

Kingsley - The pupils of the Kingsley graded school and their teachers enjoyed a sleigh ride on Monday to the home of Miss Louise Sophia, the primary teacher, where they were delightfully entertained.

Flynn - Jim, when you take your sweetheart out again, keep your cutter [sleigh] right side up. AND On account of the storm Maggie Golden and Lizzie McCormick were unable to reach their schools on Tuesday.

Quaker Lake - The Quaker Lake Creamery Company advertises for a buttermaker. Married men need not apply.

Silver Lake - Some of the officers of the A.O.H. thought it would not pay to walk to the meeting in the rain Sunday, on $1 a year salary.

Herrick Centre - John Murray has sold his fast horse to the man who has taken the Tresco mail route to Uniondale, to commence March 1, and to be a daily mail. According to the price for carrying the mail the driver needs a fast horse. AND Town meeting in Herrick was a wide awake one and one of great interest. There were 7 Republicans elected, 4 Prohibitionists and 2 Democrats. There was a good deal of loud talk by one of the Prohibition leaders on election day near the polling place, against Mr. P. H. Flynn (Dem) for school director, on account of Mr. Flynn being a hotel-keeper, but it did not seem to cut any ice, as he received the largest vote of any of the School Directors. There was great debate about who was and wasn't on the ticket and a decision by the State Superintendent that the voters were ignorant of. The debate ran well into the next day.

Death of Amos Bunnell: The late Amos Bunnell, of Rush, whose funeral took place on Sunday, the 19th, lived to the unusual age of 95 years and 3 months, retaining much of his native vigor up to a year or so of his death. He frequently walked to Birchardville, a distance of five miles, after he had passed 90. His memory of much of the early history of Montrose and vicinity and of the older inhabitants was quite vivid, and he liked to dwell on old times, old customs and contrast them with the present. At one time nearly everything was bought and sold by barter and a poor man had hard work to secure money to pay taxes, which had to be paid in cash. He remembered the first store in Montrose, the first store in Rush, the first wheeled vehicle and nearly the first of everything.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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