Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 24 1922/2022
Little Meadows – We wonder how many of our readers know that a lime quarry has been opened here. The opening of the quarry promises to be of great value to this section of the county. The farmers largely use lime. It has heretofore been shipped in to Apalachin, the farmers having to haul it from there, a distance of from 12 to 15 miles over a dirt road, which, at times with loads, are impassable.
Montrose – D. J. Donovan purchased the old rink lot, located on West Church street. Just what Mr. Donovan intends to do with the property is not known. This spot was for many years the site of the old skating rink and a deal of history and sentiment is attached to the place. When the rink burned Montrose lost a very useful building, as it was a large structure and well suited to many purposes.
Forest City – Miss Angeline Skubic, a student at the Stroudsburg Normal School, is home for a short vacation. She is a member of the basket ball team of the school and a star point getter.
Springville – A very pleasant surprise party was attended at the home of John Cokely, on Feb. 17th, in honor of his 78th birthday. His children were present and made a “wood bee” for him. Mr. Cokely is the oldest member of the Cokely family now living. He has nine living children and twenty-nine grandchildren.
Fairdale – Some of our young men have been calling on the famous Rook players of Lawton. They report a good time.
Williams’ Pond, Bridgewater Twp. – A merry sleighload from this place attended a surprise party for Ralph Lewis, at Heart Lake, on the evening of February 14th, the occasion being his birthday.
Susquehanna – Many residents, if not the merchants of this place, are rejoicing over the fact that a bus line between their city, Windsor and Binghamton was put into operation the first of the week.
Hallstead – The marriage of Mrs. Florence Barber Monypeny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Barber, of Englewood, NJ, to Henry P. DuBois, of New York, will take place in Pinehurst, NC, Feb. 25th. Mr. DuBois is the son of the late Hon. James T. DuBois, former minister to Columbia, and Mrs. James T. Dubois, of this place.
Herrick Center- By the new auto service, the Scranton Republican will be transported over the Lackawanna Trail to Great Bend and reach stations on the Jefferson branch on the Erie morning train, thereby reaching R.D. subscribers on the date of publication. Kenneth Carpenter will represent the paper here, delivering it to his patrons each week day morning.
Uniondale – Clark Tingley, who for some time has been connected with a well-known architect on New York city, has located in Binghamton, where he will teach the inhabitants how to build sky scrapers.
Gelatt – Wedding bells were ringing recently in our town when Miss Hazel Gelatt and Ray Holmes were married at the home of their pastor, Rev. M. Shelly, of Jackson. Everyone joins in wishing them a happy voyage through life.
Heart Lake – Mrs. Freeman will have the Ladies’ Aid dinner at the parsonage on March 2nd. All ladies are requested to bring thimbles, as quilting will be the pastime of the day.
Burnwood – Herbert Carpenter lost a horse one day last week. It fell through the ice and was drowned.
Carbondale – Pierce Butler, aged 91, one of our oldest and most highly esteemed residents, died on February 16. He was born in Kingston township, Luzerne county, Oct. 13, 1830. He was a grandson of Col. Zebulon Butler, who distinguished himself as a defender of the Wyoming settlers against attacks of British and Indians [Wyoming Massacre] during the early days of the history of Pennsylvania. He was at one time master mechanic for the gravity system of the Delaware & Hudson.
West Auburn – In Memoriam: On Feb. 9, 1822, Miss Susie Swackhamer passed from earth into everlasting life. In her passing we have lost one of our best beloved and noblest personalities. By her unselfish life and service to others, she made for herself a place in the community and she will be missed by old and young, for she was a friend to all. Susie was born at Retta in 1871 and came to our village in 1895. For many years a teacher in the school of the county, she was highly successful, winning the esteem and love of both patrons and pupils and her beautiful Christian character has radiated an influence that will remain.
From the Republican: Again we are forced to call our readers’ attention to the fact that we send bills to everybody. Just because you receive one is no sign we think you are not going to pay us, or that we have a grudge against you. When it comes to sending out bills we have no favorites whatever. Everyone gets them.
Notes From the Historical Room…Joseph Potter continued: Another interesting manuscript is marked “Copy of New Lebanon Letter,” and reads: “To the postmaster of New Lebanon, Unknown friend, I am under the necessity of writing a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and entitled to a pension, if I can prove my service as such. I left a man in New Lebanon about 45 years ago by the name of Peleg Spencer who belonged to Captain David Nobles company, of Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Massachusetts, and said Patterson first lieutenant, and Hall ensign; Jonothan Stoddard orderly sergeant, and we joined Colonel Patterson’s regiment in the year 1776. Said Spencer was spinning wheel maker and lived in New Lebanon when I left there. If he is still living and you can find him, do me the kindness to show him this letter and get him to make a deposition of my services, sealed and signed, and send it to me as soon as he conveniently can. If he should be moved away or dead, be so kind as to inform me of the particulars, and should you find him, and he is knowing of others that can attest to my services, I want he should get their depositions also, and send to me, in so doing, you will confer a great favor on a soldier in the Revolutionary war. “ Joseph Potter, Gibson township, Susquehanna County. N. B. –“In order that Spencer may know that I am Joseph Potter, I attended the Shaking Quaker meetings one summer, and he was sometimes there, was a step-son of Joshua Green, who died with the smallpox about 45 years ago and his wife, my mother, also died a few days after in said New Lebanon.” [Spencer’s reply in next week’s 100 Years.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith