Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 24 1911/2011
Clifford - Eber A. Burns, one of Clifford township's most prominent citizens, died on Tuesday, aged 44 years. Death was due to sugar diabetes his decline was rapid. Mr. Burns was magnificently proportioned and until disease took hold of him was an unusually strong man. His ill health dated from three years ago when he had a fall in the barn and received injuries to the back of his head. For the past 18 months he had realized that life for him was rapidly drawing to a close yet he continued calmly in his usual vocation and put his house in order. He was a man of keen intelligence and one of the early promoters of the North Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone company, and was largely instrumental in getting the Rural Free Delivery of mail in his locality, took a prominent part in securing the division of Clifford township, and was a member of the grange. In politics he was a Republican and at the time of his death was Justice of the Peace. He was the son of Homer and Emeline (Burdick) Burns, born in Clifford twp., March 5, 1867. The family came from New England several generations ago and was among the first to settle that section. Eber resided on the old homestead. He married Annie Lillian Crandall in 1887 and she and their child, Homer Milton, survive him. His mother, Emeline Lyons, who resided with him and one step-brother, Walter Lyon, also survive him. His funeral will take place at his late home, near Elkdale. [David Burns came to Clifford Twp. about 1800 and settled about two miles east of where Dundaff now stands, on the road leading to Belmont. Little Eber Burns was born about 1802 and in his fourth year, while out in the woods with his father and sisters, started for home to fetch his shoes. When the father and sisters returned home that evening Eber was missing and presumed lost. Neighbors and family members searched the woods and blew horns and shot guns, to no avail. Eber was thinly clad and the weather turned cold, with a thunderstorm and flooding streams, and added to that wolves and other wild beasts roamed the woods. No trace of Eber was ever found. Two years later his mother died, his father remarried and much later removed to the State of Ohio, from thence to Indiana. This story, written by Eber's sister, Mrs. Thomas Burdick, was published in the Montrose Republican, in 1866 and perhaps was the reason the subject of this obituary was named Eber, born just one year later in 1867.]
Forest City - Miss Pearl Freedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Freedman, one of the most popular of Forest City's young people, was united in marriage to Jacob Levy, of Scranton. The ceremony took place in the parlor of the bride's home on Main street and was witnessed only by the relatives of the contracting young people. Rev. Tannerbum, of the Hickory Street Temple, officiated. Mrs. Levy is an accomplish-ed young lady, a graduate of Forest City High School, and Mr. Levy is to be congratulated on winning her for a wife. Mr. Levy is a member of the firm of B. Levy & Son wholesale shoe dealers of Scranton.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - It has been rumored here that Flynn came near having quite a sensation the past week when by mere chance it leaked out that a couple were about to take their departure for parts unknown, which was prevented by a mere accident, by a friend of one of the parties interested. They should receive a severe talking to and if that does no good, he ought to be spanked.
Lynn, Springville Twp. - W. P. Sheldon has severed his connection with the firm of Fish and Sheldon and has accepted a position with the Stony Brook Lumber Company, at Lopez [Bradford Co.], as general manager of its company store in that place. Mr. Sheldon has conducted the store in this place for the last two years, giving complete satisfaction to its many patrons. He is a young man of sterling character and good business ability and we are sorry to lose so popular a young man from our midst. ALSO, in Springville - Brown and Fassett are preparing to erect large coal chutes in connection with their flour and feed business.
Montrose - The entertainment at Colonial Hall last evening, under auspices of the Base Ball club, was an unqualified success from start to finish. Special mention is due Mrs. Wirt H. Conklin and Mrs. Harry Patrick for the splendid drill work incident to giving "Fourteen Little Indians," in which the little folks outdid themselves; and to Miss Virginia McClintock, for the fine number by the boys High School Glee club. The "Three Birchard's" were great and Messrs "Dick" Stroud and Paul Clark were "all to the good" in comedy work. Young Charles Flannagan sang a pleasing solo, "Call me up Some Rainey Afternoon." The receipts were about $1.65 or $165 [depending on whether a period was after the 1, as in 1.65, or if it was a smudge on the old newspaper].
East Bridgewater - Horton Reynolds, the proprietor of the East Bridgewater saw mill, has very lately installed a new and up-to-date steam engine, which he will use in conjunction with his water power. The engine equipment came from that well known machinery dealer, William Bright, of Scranton.
Harford - Live Oak Lodge I.O.O.F. entertained on Saturday evening, Feb. 18th, a sleigh load of brothers from Susquehanna. After some degree work an oyster supper was served in the lower hall. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
Franklin Forks - There was a donation for the pastor of the M. E. church last Friday evening, Feb. 17. Precedes $18.00. It was a very bad night. ALSO The G. A. R. celebrated Washington's birthday by a dinner at the Alliance Hall, and a speech at the church by Mr. Seldon Munger.
Uniondale - Anyone ought to pity a dog that sleeps out this weather; so farmers, see that your barns and hog houses are snow tight. How would you like a snow bed? Well, I've run out of tobacco, so guess I'll quit smoking until next week, and then you'll hear from me again. [So says the author of this article].
Brooklyn - The Odd Fellows of this place, together with their wives and the members of the Rebekah degree, spent a social evening at the Austin House on Feb. 17, and all did ample justice to the excellent oyster supper and enjoyed the music furnished by the orchestra.
Forest Lake - The Birdsall Brothers are holding the reins over a fine team of colts.
Compiled By: Betty Smith