Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 24 1900/2000
Herrick Centre - The first thunder shower of the season came this way on Thursday. A small creek got lost and was found in Charley Lyden's cellar. It was allowed to run out of the cellar window until restored to its proper channel. AND - The school house will be built as originally planned and the Tirzah correspondent must look in some other direction for our insane asylum.
East Rush - Our school teacher A. C. Lowe, received a company of visitors interested in education, one day last week. As the day was pleasant he entertained them on the lawn in front of the school house, making some very marked impressions on one of the party. Dr. Fry reports him doing well. AND - T. A. Roberts has the agency for the Farmers Favorite Grain Drill.
South Auburn - The many friends of Roy Aumic made him a pleasant surprise last Friday evening, it being his 15th birthday. The evening was spent in playing games and with P.E. Trible's phono-graph.
Montrose - The Union Ex-prisoners of War Association held its sixteenth annual meeting, banquet and camp fire in Scranton last week. Out townsman, Hyde Crocker is a member of the organization, but he was unable to attend and so sent a letter of regret, which was read by Col. E. H. Ripple at roll call.
Susquehanna - Welsh Bros' Majestic Greater Dramatic Organization is underlined to appear at Hogan Opera House, March 5, presenting T. S. Arthur's celebrated, stirring drama, entitled "Ten Nights in a Bar-Room." This company presents the play as originally written by the author; each part is in the hands of capable dramatic expo-nents–all special scenery is carried for this production and between the acts many high-grade and refined musical novelties and specialties are introduced; there are no waits, which makes this presentation virtually a grand dual entertainment. The company carries its own symphony concert orchestra composed of skilled musicians. Notwithstanding the enormous expense entailed, the prices of admission will be popular. A big street parade will be given at noon time on day of performance. Seats on sale at A. P. French's drug store. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. AND - There are 4,687 books in Susquehanna public library. About 300 books are added yearly. Two hundred odd gifts were added in 1899.
Forest Lake - The Ladies' Aid Society of the M.E. church will give a night-cap social at the hall in Birchardville on Friday evening, March 9. The ladies are to bring two night-caps exactly alike. Supper, ten cents. Proceeds for the benefit of the pastor. AND - There was a good-bye party held at J. W. Hoag's on Tuesday evening for Messrs. Perley and Leon Bolles, as they and their mother were to start on Wednesday morning for their new home in the west.
North Jackson - On Thursday, the thermometer registered sixteen degrees below zero.
Howard Hill - C. D. Berg, of this place, was elected poor master of the town at the last election for which we are glad, as we feel sure we shall be properly provided for if we come to want.
Brandt - Philemon Turrel, the Brandt young man who was assaulted, has recovered sufficiently to be about. Those who were accused of knifing him are out on bail.
Brookdale - J. A. Wilbur gave a dance and supper to his friends and neighbors in memory of his birthday last Friday evening, the 16th. It was also the birthday of James Calph who is visiting at his house; There was a large company present and a very pleasant time enjoyed.
Brooklyn - F. H. Kent and family will occupy the rooms over the hardware store. Mr. Clark will vacate and occupy the rooms vacated by Mrs. Newton.
Ainey - Fred Kinney, Jr., had his foot crushed on Wednesday last, while skidding wood.
Hallstead/Great Bend - The Erie is making improvements at their station, which will add more light at night. AND - Minnetonka Council, A. of P., had a feast of good things Monday evening, as well as several adoptions. The birthday anniversaries of several members were fittingly remembered and in conclusion a collation was served. AND - Profuse congratulations are overwhelming the genial Editor of the Plaindealer, Bro. S. P. More, on his election to the office of Burgess--which was a foregone certainty as soon as the nomination was made.
Lenox - Ralph Pickering has the mumps. AND - The funeral of Mrs. Keech was held at South Gibson, Feb. 22d.
Glenwood - Election passed off very quietly. It was one of the hottest contests that has been known for several years. The Democrats carried everything.
Forest City - Prof. C. T. Thorpe, principal of the public school in that place, has numbered the pupils on the rolls at 683.
Recent Inventions - Doors can be rigidly held in any position by a new clamp having a spring controlled piston, the upper end of which has a head inserted in a semicircular slot, which will hold the piston in either a raised or lowered position. An improved tobacco pipe has a plug inserted in the front of the bowl which can be removed for cleaning, with the bottom of the bowl formed of plastic material to take up the nicotine, the filling being removed when saturated. For use in cleaning pavements, a flexible brush which is semicir- cular in shape, the center being formed of a flexible shaft, around which the bristles are inserted, the curvature of the brush rolling the dirt toward the center.
Compiled By: Betty Smith