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February 23 1923/2023

Lenoxville – Mrs. R. J. Allen recently celebrated her 85th birthday She spent the day with her grandchildren, Curtis Allen and Mrs. Clifton Barber and families. In spite of her age and years of hard work, Mrs. Allen is still a very busy lady. She took no work with her, but during the day cut and made an apron for her grand-daughter. Although having to use a cane, the result of a broken hip, she keeps house for herself and grandson, Floyd Page. She has pieced better than 400 quilts, selling some and giving some to her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great, great grandchild by whom they are highly prized. She attributes her long life to her wholesome, active work and her perfect trust in God to whom she gave her heart in young girlhood. ALSO J. P. Kline, A Civil War veteran, who has been confined to the house for the past two months, does not improve as fast as his many friends wish.

Springville – Chauncey Hunsinger and Eddie Cokley have rented the Kasson farm. There are two houses on the farm and each family will have their own house.

Dimock – This section of the country has been in the worst throes of a blizzard during the greater part of the past week that has been known in many years. The people who attended the funeral of Mrs. Shaw suffered intensely from the cold on the long drive to East Lemon. Kind friends there served hot coffee and other refreshments, which proved most acceptable. Everyone hovered near the fire, as possible, during the week and although the mercury only registered 13 below zero at the coldest, yet it seemed much colder on account of the fierce winds that prevailed.

Brooklyn – Little Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tiffany, met with an accident while coasting in a field near their home. Her sled went under a barbed wire fence and her nose received a bad cut. Dr. Taylor, of Hop Bottom, was called.

Susquehanna – Rural mail carriers out of this place are carrying grain to feed starving game birds along their routes. Trees and foliage being covered with snow and ice is causing starvation among the birds. Farmers and sportsmen should help along this line by carrying some grain into fields and woods to help preserve life till the birds can find food when the snow is off. ALSO About 1200 people are sick in Susquehanna, Oakland and Lanesboro The grip is the cause of most of the illness.

Montrose – At a special meeting of the Boro Council, the matter of paving Public avenue was given the chief consideration. It is proposed to pave this main business section the coming summer, as it can be done more economically when the paving is being done on the stretch now underway between the Ballantine farm, near Dimock, and the Montrose Borough line.  The present intention of the council is to have the center of the avenue, to the width of 30 feet, parked, leaving one-way thoroughfares on either side. The center would be of concrete, and the sides would be of brick, to afford more secure footing for horses, as the steep incline of the street would make concrete pave dangerous. A member expressed his understanding that the Susquehanna Co. Electric Company is considering placing its wires underground, as this could be quite readily done when the water main is laid.

Lanesboro – Harry French, of this place, says the road between Lanesboro and Susquehanna has been open at all times during the winter, but the roads east, extending towards Thomson, are very badly drifted, and that travelers have been obliged to go through the fields in many places.

Bridgewater Twp. – S. D. Warriner, of Philadelphia, has lately purchased the Jas. Webb farm adjoining the Warriner farm, “Fernheim.” The Webb farm consists of 100 acres and will be added to the 300 acres in the Warriner farm and summer home.

Forest City – The Policemen’s Ball for 1923 is assured. It will be held on Easter Monday night, and the place will be the municipal hall. ALSO Eddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Andraka, of North street, while coasting yesterday afternoon, met with painful injuries. He was coming down North street and collided with an automobile. His sled was reduced to kindling wood.

Forest Lake – Jon J. Kane, aged 75 years, died at his home near this place, Feb 17, following a brief illness of pneumonia, The funeral was held in St. Joseph’s church. He is survived by his wife, one son, Lawrence, of Binghamton, and one daughter, Mrs. Jos. Sweeney, of Silver Lake. Another daughter, Mrs. James Brogan, of Franklin Twp., died several years ago.

Hop Bottom – The Hop Bottom Fire Co. has made extensive repairs and improvements to their rooms and the rooms are open to the boys of the town every evening under the supervision of the men.

Thompson – Saturday evening, Feb. 24th, in Keystone hall, the last number on the Thompson High School Winter Lyceum course will be given. This is a musical number and will be presented by the Metropolitan Glee Club. ALSO The base ball team is getting organized and making reparations for the coming season. Our team stood second in the County League last season.

Rush Twp. – Henry Wilson Terry, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home, near Lawton, February 11, 1923, at the age of 84 years and 11 days. He had been a life-long resident of Rush township. He was married in 1865. His wife preceded him to the Great Beyond six years ago. He enlisted in February 1862, with Co. A, 57th Regiment PA Volunteers. He was wounded at Chancellorsville, and was honorably discharged in 1865. Mr. Terry held many offices in the township. He was collector and constable for many years. He was a good citizen, a kind neighbor, honest and upright in his dealings with men.

Friendsville – Entered into the Kingdom of Heaven, Feb. 8, 1923, after years of illness and great patience, Abigail Pinkney Morris, in her 22nd year, eldest daughter of Caleb Carmalt Morris and the late Gertrude Hill Morris, and grand-daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. John Cox Morris, of Friendsville. Burial at Georgetown, South Carolina. [John Cox Morris organized Co. H, 143d Regiment PA Volunteers during the Civil War, recruited entirely from this county. He was descended from a signer of the Declaration of Independence.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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