Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 23 1906/2006
Forest City - The resignation of A.E. Foster, as agent for the Erie here, and the resignation of his brother Guy Foster as agent at Uniondale, has occasioned a number of changes in the clerical forces on the Jefferson division. C.P. Lyden, for years agent at Herrick Center, takes charge of the Forest City office and Cecil Leach, operator and lately acting agent at this station, has gone to Uniondale to assume charge. B.B. Lyden, who has been acting as operator here, has been given the Herrick station and L. F. Flynn, of Herrick, comes here as operator. A. C. Crossley has also relinquished the Starrucca station and William Reddington takes his place. The Messrs. Foster, who have for years occupied positions of trust on the Jeff have left railroading to go into business in Thompson. They are popular young men.
Herrick - A. D. Barnes is wearing his broadest smile since the snow came and people have begun to buy sleighs.
Thomson - The G.A.R. Post had a delightful time last Wednesday. The ladies spread a fine dinner which was enthusiastically discussed by a dozen comrades and their good wives from Myron French Post, Jackson, and their own boys and their friends. After dinner an hour was spent in speeches, songs by a quartet, and selections on a phonograph and then the affair resolved into a committee of the whole and everybody talked and joked and laughed to their heart's content.
Glenwood - The old Spinsters' convention was a success. The hall was crowded to the very doors and the fun was fast and furious from 8 to 10:30. They gave their ages anywhere from 45 to 90 years. No one of the old maids present was anywhere behind; all acted their parts like old hands at the business.
Harford - The death of Mrs. Melissa (Tower) Peck occurred at her home, Jan 12, aged 86 years, 8 months and 6 days. She was born in Vermont, May 7, 1919. In 1837 she was married to Daniel H. Peck. While living in Vermont four children were born to them, three daughters and one son, the son dying at the age of two moths. In 1850 they came to Susquehanna Co., Pa., living for several years in Lenox twp. In 1868 they purchased a farm in Harford twp. Here deceased has resided 42 years. After coming to Pa., five children were born to them. Oct. 8, 1872 she was bereft of a husband, he dying very suddenly, leaving her to struggle on alone. Many a one would have faltered by the way, not so with this energetic woman. By strict economy and hard work she managed to keep the home and the children together. In March 1877 her oldest son, Frank, came home from the West and took the old farm and assumed the duties of caring for mother the remainder of her days.
Middletown - The good roads on the creek have attracted the attention of several of the Middletown boys. AND The dance on Friday evening was a success. John McCarthy and brother, of Lawton, attended.
Montrose - The postoffice department has finally announced its decision that rural mail carriers can use automobiles for that purpose. Now look out for Bert White, Homer Smith and Olin Tingley, for they may come whizzing along in autos soon. However they auto wait till the blizzards are over.
Susquehanna - It is said that Susquehanna has a chance to secure a hardware manufacturing plant. W. L. Reid, of Buffalo, was there Saturday in conference with leading financial men with a view of coming. It is understood that the firm wishes to put up a plant to cost not less than $125,000 and employ anywhere from 100 to 400 men daily.
Lawton - The firm of Kahler & Terry has been dissolved, D. W. Terry retiring. The new firm is Kahler & Son.
Tunkhannock - Fred Wall, who plied a busy trade by puling hair from horses' tails and furnishing it to jail prisoners, who manufactured it into watch chains, was fined $25 and sent to jail.
East Rush - W. V. Bedell is in very poor health at this writing, also uncle Jacob Cronk. These two old gentlemen are among our oldest inhabitants and respected by all, who regret very much their serious illness.
Lawsville - Susie Downs was thrown from a sled last Friday while riding down hill, and broke her arm. AND Mrs. Jennie Bailey has a bed quilt containing 18,018 pieces.
West Auburn - The rededication of the M.E. church will be on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Dinner will be served on both days. AND A very pleasant surprise was given to the family of A.E. Comstock on Saturday last. Their neighbors and friends, about forty in number, came with smiling faces and well filled baskets and spent a very pleasant day. They are to move to Dimock in the near future, where they expect to make their home, as he has purchased a farm there.
Hallstead - A streak of good luck followed bad luck in the case of Arthur Smith, the genial clerk at Sand's drug store. Mr. Smith, while seated in a private box in the Hallstead opera house, entertaining a jolly party of lady friends, dropped a ten dollar bill. He did not miss the money until he got to his home on this side of the great divide (Great Bend). He returned to Hallstead and informed Mr. Clune of his loss and that gentleman went with Mr. Smith to the opera house and after he had turned on the lights, a search was made, resulting in the finding of the money.
Brooklyn - The new hall under the Odd Fellows' building will make an excellent place for social gatherings.
Laurel Lake - George Kane and Will Hogan are helping Frank Shea cut wood for the Richmond Hill creamery.
Compiled By: Betty Smith