Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
February 22 1924/2024
Montrose – Miss Erma Smith spent Sunday with her parents in Sayre. She was called there by the illness of her mother, who suffered an attack of appendicitis, but recovered without the necessity of an operation. ALSO Prof. J. Wesley Gavitt, who is doing the master course at Ithaca Conservatory of Music, is playing first violin in the Ithaca Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Gavitt completes the course in May, when he will be on regular weekly schedule with his classes in Susquehanna, Wyoming and Bradford counties.
Susquehanna – The Susquehanna Transcript estimates that there are 100 radio sets in that borough, including the suburbs of Oakland and Lanesboro.
South Montrose – Our Grange celebrates its 50th year, organized by the late Roger Searle in 1874.
Hallstead – John Whalen died suddenly in the Barnes Memorial Hospital, Susquehanna, Sunday morning. Mr. Whalen had both of his legs broken two weeks previous, when a locomotive wheel fell on him while he was at work in the Erie shop. He took an unexpected turn for the worse on Sunday, due to the shock to his system from the accident, and died before a physician could reach him.
New Milford – Jesse M. Vailes was visiting the County Seat and was looking so well as to elicit the remark that his political friends (?) were kind, indeed, to let him return to the pure air and high altitudes of the county, after serving most efficiently as a special policeman at the State Capital for many years. “Jessie’s” friends are legion, even if he does happen to be on the wrong side of the partisan political fence.
Kingsley – Frank Ralph and J. M. Decker were callers at The Democrat office on Friday. Mr. Ralph has been totally blind for thirty-two years, not even being able to see in a shadowy form during that period. Yet he is an expert weaver of carpet and has woven hundreds of yards. His wife assists him in the matter of color selection, but he is able to do all the weaving in a very skillful manner. Any of our readers who may want carpet woven will find that he does it satisfactorily and at the same time assist him in having a useful and profitable form of employment.
South Ararat – A pleasant day was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas, the occasion being to tie comfortables for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorn. Neighbors and friends were invited to piece a block, also to work giver’s name on the block, each block to be accompanied by ten cents to buy batting and lining for quilt. A goodly number responded until enough blocks were given for two large quilts.
Birchardville – The Rising Sun Grange will hold a pie social at the hall on Friday evening, Feb. 22nd. Each lady is requested to bring a pie.
Forest City – Parents must have their children, unless accompanied, off the streets and at their homes by nine o’clock, in accordance with the borough curfew ordinance. All violators of this ordinance will be dealt with according to law; therefore, parents see to it that your children are at home at nine o’clock or you will be held responsible. Spooning in the doorways and lobbies of business places; congregating on street corners and sidewalks, thus blocking off pedestrians; swearing, vulgar and boisterous language will not be tolerated. The above constitutes a disorderly charge and persons disregarding this warning will be picked up and prosecuted.
Dimock – C. W. Barnes, a retired blacksmith here, has charge of the filling of the large Janssen ice-house at the milk station. Will is the right man in the right place. ALSO John Rosencrant, our mail carrier, and his faithful horse, Tom, seem to stand the cold weather good, making four trips daily to the depot, not missing a single trip.
Franklin Forks – Whooping cough is the order of the day.
Harford – Last Monday evening the “Jolly Five” played the Nicholson basket ball team with a resulting score of 13-6 in favor of the “Jolly Five.”
Rushville – Born, on Saturday, Feb. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Devine, an 8-lb. son—Boyd Wesley.
Gibson – There will be no annual meeting of the Library Association, but those who desire may become members by paying 40 cents for the balance of the year. Several good magazines are being received and new books will be purchased.
Uniondale – A Sunday radio party was held at the home of G. E. Douglas. They listened to an eloquent sermon delivered in New York City. The music was inspiring. This did not satisfy a member of the party and he insisted that the services in the metropolis were the same, except the clatter of the nickels in the contribution box. He suggested that the time-honored custom be observed, and it was so ordered.
Centennial Celebration: A meeting of the citizens of Montrose was held at the Court House to discuss the various phases of Montrose’s Centennial Celebration, to be held this summer, and to hear suggestions from those interested in the proper observance of this event. The first week in July was favored and a nominating committee was appointed. More information will be reported as plans are made. [The Borough was incorporated March 29th, 1824 and those of you who are reading this article please be aware of this significant and upcoming event.]
News Brief: Three Nanticoke saloons were raided by Troopers Leo Gratcofsky and Hintz, and a quantity of alleged moonshine liquor was seized. The men were each held under $1,000 bail for court. The raids were said to have been instigated by Rev. James Lawson, pastor of the Methodist church, formerly pastor of the Fairdale charge, this county. ALSO Henry Ford is probably the largest individual employer in the world. In his employment are 162,792 persons. His plant at Detroit employs the most people, 68,285 men. ALSO The National Christian Council of China has protested against the playing of Mah-Jong by American church members. Rev. Paul Hutchinson says the adoption of this ancient Chinese gambling device in America has appalled Chinese Christians and has brought about a critical condition in Chinese churches. Rev. Hutchinson predicts Mah-Jong will soon disappear because it is too intricate for the Western mind and is only a social fad.
Compiled By: Betty Smith