Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
February 22 1895/1995
East New Milford - We are informed that our address is soon to be changed to Lakeside. The people are not very favorably impressed with their new address.
Harford - Will anyone possessing a Sanders' First and Second Reader, first series, please drop W.L. Thacher a card? The first has the story of "Old Sim" the ape; the second, "I wish I was a kitten."
Silver Lake - All in this neighborhood were out shoveling snow and breaking roads on Monday, making it possible for Dr. Gardner to visit his patients here yesterday and to day. Rev. J. Wilkes, who walked over from Mud Lake yesterday, reported roads unfit for teams, so all who could assist in breaking to the Silver Lake post office today. Teams reach Montrose by way of Snake creek.
Montrose - Seventy-five Magic Lantern views in China will be exhibited at the Presbyterian chapel, at 8'clock Wednesday evening, the 27th. Admission: 15-cents; children, 10-cents. Proceeds for the missionary fund of the Young People's Society for Christian Endeavor.
Elk Lake - Shoveling out roads has been the order of the day for the last week. Five days without mail and four days without a team passing which has not occurred before in this place for 36 years.
Clifford - Mary E. Severance, of Clifford, a lady 82 years of age, has pieced a number of bed quilts during the past year and one this winter which contains 3,094 pieces.
Lanesboro - As train eight was passing over the bridge at Lanesboro, a monstrous ape enroute from San Francisco to New York, suddenly broke from its fastenings and with a wild yell jumped out of the door of the baggage car and off the bridge landing in the streets of Lanesboro below, a distance of some seventy feet. The horrified villagers ran to the spot, and found the stranger quite dead. Several justices of the peace ran quickly home and hunted up the statistics, but could discover no law empowering them to hold an inquest upon an ape, hence the remains were given in charge of an Erie track foreman, who interred them, sans ceremony 'neath a gooseberry tree on the hillside. He died alone, a stranger among strangers, with no kind hand to close his eyes.
Lenox - Mrs. George Jerauld and her little son. Ray took a sleigh ride to Waverly, Monday.
Dundaff - A hotel license was granted to Sylvester Johnson, proprietor of Fern Hall, Crystal Lake. It is the first new house licensed in this county in many years.
Forest Lake - Mr. Alva Lincoln has gone to Cincinnati to fetch back a bride.
Friendsville - Wednesday afternoon. Miss Sarah Degnan and L.L. Curley, Jr., of Middletown, were married in the Catholic Church here by Rev. Father Farrell.
Lawsville - Mrs. Mahanna, an old lady living all alone, was found froze stiff in bed. When first found it was thought she was dead, but after rubbing and working faithfully she came to life and is getting better. She has been moved to Mr. John Mahanna's.
Rush - B.L. Avery, the artist, had four big sleigh loads of sitters last Friday and took 57 photos of Jessup and Auburn schools, besides individual cabinet pictures.
Union Dale - Ross, son of C.A. Wedeman, of Uniondale, died of diphtheria Feb. 11, aged fourteen years. He was given two injections of antitoxin, but the remedy was not applied until the disease had been working in his system for some time, and it proved powerless to save him.
Compiled By: Betty Smith