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February 21 1919/2019

Montrose – The Ellen E. Mitchell Tent, Daughters of Union Veterans, was informed of the movement to “re-chicken” France. The very old men and women rely on their chickens and when driven from their homes they made a brave effort to take the chickens. Many of these the Germans secured, and they were obliged to eat most of those left to keep from starving. The chickens composed the property of many of the very poor, who suffered so keenly. The New York committee for devastated France has started chicken farms and has employed wounded soldiers to run them, and they sell young chickens to these old men and women who are returning to their ruined homes and have asked for gifts of chickens which they furnish for ten cents apiece. The Daughters voted to set up five old ladies in the chicken business and let the good work go on.

South Montrose – Jabez Osborn, one of the oldest residents of the county, died at his home Thursday morning, Feb. 13, 1919. Had he lived until April 27th, he would have been 97 years old. Mr. Osborne’s death came peacefully, simply dropping away in sleep. He was a native of this place, where his entire life was spent.

Gelatt – Freeman Whitney’s death was reported in last week’s “100 Years” column. Added to his record during the Civil War, is the following: He participated in 57 battles and while carrying dispatches from Col. Buford to General Phil Sheridan, was captured by Mosby’s Guerrillas and confined to Salisbury prison for several months. He was the oldest member of A.J. Roper Post, G.A.R., and the Camp of Sons of Veterans of South Gibson was named after him. ALSO Leroy Burman and Denman Hine left Thursday for Kansas, where they expect to attend an automobile school.

New Milford – Mrs. F.W. Dean enjoyed the exquisite pleasure of seeing $1,422.28 roll into her lap on Feb. 4th, as the result of an execution issued on a judgment recovered by her attorney, Edson W. Safford, before Alonzo T. Searle, specially presiding in our courts last August, this being the case where Mrs. Dean refused a thousand and sixty dollars in gold stacked upon her dining room table by the attorney for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad as a tender in full settlement of the damages accompanied by a demand that she sign a release for other lands. The Company appealed the case to the Superior court, but was defeated there also.

Elk Lake – G.A. Crisman, East Rush’s well-known merchant, lost a valuable team of horses at the Lake on Wednesday morning. The animals were being used to haul ice and were driven on the supposedly solid ice some distance from shore. It gave way suddenly and before they could be rescued they sank and were drowned.

Lake View – Nora Hill was dressmaking at Jackson for Mrs. H.M. Roberts and Miss Margaret Tyler last week.

Fairdale – The Valentine Social held in this place Friday night was a success both socially and financially, $12.00 being taken in as proceeds from the supper and bazaar sale.

Clifford – G.E. Lewis and E.G. Greene are erecting new and commodious poultry houses.

Uniondale – Theron B. Dimmick read the book on Galusha Grow by DuBois, and in speaking of the “Sage of Glenwood” he said that he recalled the first time he heard Grow speak. It was at a public celebration in Uniondale and Mr. Grow attempted to speak from the rostrum of the Presbyterian church. But such a crowd gathered outside that it was finally arranged to have him stand near one of the open windows so that all who had gathered, both inside and outside the edifice, could hear him. Mr. Dimmick said he was but 13 years old at the time, but the address impressed him strongly. [Galusha Grow was a Congressman from Susquehanna County and was elected Speaker of the House when Lincoln was in office. During that period he authored the Homestead Act, signed into law in 1862, giving 160 acres of free land in the west to homesteaders.] ALSO M.D. Daniels has disposed of his dairy, consisting of three cows, to D.B. Gibson. Morgan says there is more money in keeping chickens than in a dairy, and that no hunting license is required to find the eggs and the profit.

Forest City – On Wednesday night of last week the home of Dell Burdick was burglarized. Entrance was made through a window on the first floor. Mr. Burdick’s little daughter lost her savings bank, containing about $12 and $8 was the sum obtained from Mr. Burdick’s pockets, taken while he was asleep. The thief pried the child’s bank open with a pair of scissors and left with the contents. ALSO A pretty wedding was celebrated in St. Michael’s church on Sunday morning when Miss Anna Dobish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vandling Dobish, and Stephen Buffick, of New Brunswick, NJ, were united in marriage by Father Lictor in the presence of a large number of their friends. The couple will reside at the home of the bride and later will take up their home in New Brunswick, NJ.

News Brief: According to a statement by Gov. Sproul the Lackawanna Trail [Rt. 11] through Susquehanna County, is the first piece of road to be constructed by the State of Pennsylvania this year.

200 Years Ago, from the Montrose Gazette, February 20, 1819.

*DIED. In this village [Montrose] on Wednesday morning the 17th inst. Mr. Chapman Carr, (Innkeeper) aged 32 years. He suffered long under a severe fit of sickness, which he bore with Christian fortitude and patience, in  hope of a glorious immortality beyond the grave, and at last resigned his breath to him that gave it without a struggle or a groan, leaving to mourn his death a widow (worn down with grief for the loss of her husband who was kind and affectionate, and the loss of one of  her children which died the day before her husband, and reserved to be interred together with him) and two small children and a numerous circle of relations and friends, for he was a man respected and beloved by all his acquaintance. He was interred on Thursday and his child with him—After a funeral service performed at the Court House by Elder Davis Dimock, where was collected a very numerous assembly to pay their last respects to a worthy citizen, and what added solemnity to the scene, was the presence of the corpse of Miss Amy Gregory, daughter of Mr. Eli Gregory of this village, who died also on the morning of the 17th inst. aged 17 years. “How awful is thy chast’ning rod / May thine own children say.” [Chapman Carr kept one of the earliest journals of the people and happenings in Montrose right up to his death. Sometimes gossipy, but most valuable because he records deaths, marriages, births, building of homes, businesses, first court house, etc. He kept an inn for Isaac Post.]

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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