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February 20 1920/2020

Great Bend – The sudden death of Hiram T. Stark, occurred Feb. 8, 1920. He had been feeling unusually well and enjoyed a hearty breakfast the morning of his death. He began his morning chores and not returning as soon as expected, his wife stepped to the door to speak to him, and was horrified to find him lying dead in the snow. He was 78 years of age and one of our best known and most highly esteemed citizens. At the time of the Civil War he enlisted in Co. G., 167th Regt. Pa. Volunteers, and was promoted to the rank of Captain. He was twice wounded and captured and spent nine months in Libby prison.

Rushboro – The deep snow of the past few days has nearly blocked the roads and no one travels for pleasure now.

Keeney Pond, Auburn Twp.- George Wootton, of Canada, is visiting his cousin, G. S. Wootton, in this place.

Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – We extend our most hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford over the arrival of a little daughter on Sunday, Feb. 7, 1920. Mrs. Crawford is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Thornton, at Auburn Center. Thomas Crawford had a moving bee and is moving to the C.B. Tyler farm near Auburn Center, which he purchased last fall. We deeply regret to lose such good neighbors as the Crawford’s, and wish them success in their new home.

Birchardville – Birchardville is reported to be hard hit by the influenza epidemic. Nearly every home in that place is said to have one or more cases. It is said that two men in a neighborhood near Birchardville have been the only ones able to do chores, and they have gone from farm to farm. In some instances cows had not been milked for two days.

Montrose – Elmer Shaffer of Berwick, advertises a sale of horses at the Tarbell House barn [now C.&F. Motors] on Thursday next. Mr. Shaffer has brought several carloads into Montrose during the past few years. These animals are from Iowa. ALSO George H. Dayton, who has been quite ill, has taken rooms in the residence of Mrs. E. C. McVicar, where she and her daughter are giving him attentions which were lacking in his solitary quarters in the Maxey block. Mr. Dayton is a veteran of the Civil War and an ardent Mason, and as an ex-soldier and Mason has two homes whose doors are wide open to him, but he prefers to live in Montrose, where he has many friends, and the Republican trusts this sterling, upright citizen may live to enjoy many years here.

Brooklyn – A fine, large church organ has been placed in the Universalist church here. It is the gift of a lady in Philadelphia, who is a friend of the church. ALSO The entire community was saddened last Saturday when it learned that Boyd Austin had passed away after an illness of pneumonia. He was but 29 years of age, yet was one of the most active and respected of our citizens. He had been our stage driver for a number of years and was ever ready to help when called on for any service. He was serving as a juror when stricken and was unable to get home until seriously ill.

Springville – The school and churches have been closed for the past two weeks on account of the “flu.”

East Kingsley – Patrons of R.F.D., Route No. 1, from Kingsley, have only words of praise for R.A. Jones, the mail carrier. He has not failed to make part of his trip through the huge drifts so far each day, and his cheery voice and courteous and obliging manner is greatly appreciated by those whom he serves.

Fowler Hill – Leo H. Hitchcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Hitchcock, who entered the service of his country on April 26, 1918 and was seriously wounded on Oct. 17, 1918, having his leg and five ribs broken, is visiting his parents. He expects to return to Walter Reed hospital on Feb. 21st.

Susquehanna – Harry Reed, aged 17, son of Mrs. Delbert Reed, died in the Barnes Hospital Saturday night, as the result of injuries in the railroad yards west of Susquehanna. Reed was employed by the Erie and had charge of the pump which keeps the water tank in the yard filled. Saturday night he boarded a freight train at Hickory Grove to ride to his home near the Oklahoma yards. He rode into the yards and then the train on which he was riding went into a switch back of another train which was at that time moving out. He jumped off the train which carried him from Hickory Grove, ran on ahead and boarded the other train, expecting to get home more quickly. While running over the top of the moving train, he slipped and fell between the cars and the wheels passed over his limbs just below the hips. He called for help after the train had passed and members of a switching crew heard his cries and went to him. He was brought to the Barnes hospital but examination showed that his case was hopeless. Though suffering intense pain, the youth never lost courage and talked with those at his bedside until death ended his suffering. Besides his widowed mother, he is survived by an older brother.

North Jackson – Wishing to attend the meeting of the Northeastern Telephone Co., of which he is a member, C.F. Whitney left his home Monday evening to catch the train at Thompson for Forest City. He was driving along as fast as he could when he met a farmer who had a load of feed on a hay rack. The snow was too deep to turn out so Mr. Whitney had to unhitch his horse and then back the cutter about 50 rods before a passing point could be obtained. Mr. Whitney states that the snow drifts in this section are the worst he has ever seen. There is practically no travel on the highways.

Ararat – We are having plenty of snow. On Sunday it was so bad Walter Thorn, on going home from work, had to put his team of horses in Nick Stone’s barn and resume the rest of his journey on foot.

Marriage Licenses: John C. A. Cady, Baltimore, Md. and Agnes E. Dolan, Montrose; Arlie E. Nichols and Ruth A. Tanner, South Montrose; John Reisner and Mary Sweltz, Forest City; Joseph L. Bunnell and Florence Hall, Johnson City; Charles M. Coons and Carolyn Warren, Susquehanna.

County News: Tuesday morning saw all roads of the county badly blocked with snow—the worst condition they have been this winter. The work of opening the roads has been progressing at a rapid pace.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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