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February 20 1903/2003

Birchardville - The magic lantern show at this place Saturday evening was good, but the attendance was small. AND Mrs. M. L. Ball has 24 nice hens, Plymouth Rocks and Brahmas, that have had the best of care all winter, but have not laid one egg since Sept. 28. Can anyone give a reason, and the remedy?

Susquehanna - Richard Scales, a veteran Erie engineer, was killed near the coal pockets on Tuesday afternoon. He stepped off his engine to oil the machinery when the engine of express train No. 1, which was coming into the yard, struck him. Death was instantaneous. He is survived by the widow and several children. AND Anton Gamer, a well-known tailor of Binghamton, has disappeared, leaving his wife, who was formerly Miss Verna Churchill, of Susquehanna. They had lived in apparent happiness for some time and no cause other than insanity can be given for his curious actions. He left a note saying he was going to enlist in the army, but this is thought to be false, being used to throw searchers off the trail.

Uniondale - The Frances Willard Memorial exercises, given by the Temperance Alliance Tuesday evening, were well attended. The selections were appropriate and well rendered.

Welsh Hill, Clifford Twp. - Tom Watkins and Wallie Watkins are hauling telegraph poles to West Clifford.

Beech Grove, Auburn Twp. - An attempt to kill two birds with one stone met with a setback last Saturday. Worthy Master B. W. France and wife started to attend Grange, she with a pail of eggs. When within one-fourth mile of Hall the coupling of the wagon broke. The horses moved right on. So did the occupants of the wagon-but not the wagon. It stopped, and they alighted in the mud-eggs and all. Fortunately, no bones were broken-just the eggs. They had to go back home and change their wearing apparel, and were late to the Grange-which does not often occur.

New Milford - Had it not been for the prompt work of guests and firemen the Jay House would have been destroyed by fire. A lamp fell from the hands of a guest, who was walking in the corridor, breaking it, and the oil spread, burning fiercely, and soon the hall was in flames. By prompt work it was saved; there being no serious loss as a result of the conflagration.

Montrose - The "Narrow Gauge" failed to reach here Tuesday, but on Wednesday it made one trip, getting here shortly before noon. The snow was badly drifted all along the route, and some difficulty was experienced in getting through. The first of the week a cold wave, accompanied by snow, reached this vicinity from the West, and throughout the week we have been experiencing severe weather. The mercury hovered around zero all day Tuesday and on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning it registered eight and ten degrees below, while it is estimated that there is over a foot of snow on the level. The entire country was swept by a storm of unusual severity. Snow fell in Louisiana and Texas and the temp's tumbled to a point that brought on much suffering in the usually mild climate. In the West and Northwest the snow was drifted to such a depth and the cold was so intense that railroad trains were stalled and cattle and sheep died in large numbers.

Kingsley - G. G. Rought, of Nicholson, and J. W. Ballard, of Binghamton, have bought the Kingsley acid works of Porter & Baylas, including saw mills and contracts for timber. The consideration was $60,000. The factory will not be removed from Kingsley.

Little Meadows - The results of the recent election are: Justice of the Peace, E. B. Beardslee; Collector, F. A. Johnson; Auditor, I. R. Beardslee; School Directors, S.A. Pitcher, A. D. Brown; Judge of Election, G. Gould; Inspectors, L. Williams, C. I. Downs; Poor Master, S. A. Pitcher; Burgess, J. Guyles; Council, A. D. Brown, S. A. Pitcher; Road Com., J. Ragan.

Flynn, Middletown Twp. - An animal came to the Triangle school and scared some of the children. Some supposed it to be a tiger.

Rush - The Baptists had a wood bee at their church Thursday. The men chopped and sawed, which gave them a good appetite for the dinner the ladies aid society had furnished at ten cents a meal. They got up a nice lot of wood and the ladies took in over three dollars.

Gibson - Earl Evans has the mumps.

News Brief - (Continued from last week) Galusha Grow Elected Speaker: From that bright galaxy of mental stars a young Pennsylvanian, only 37 years of age, was chosen, without the formalities of a caucus, to preside over the deliberations of that congress, which made the unparalleled record of appropriating five hundred millions of dollars in less than 15 minutes of time, it being the largest single appropriation ever made to save a nation or protect a flag; and when that congress closed its great career it bestowed a unanimous vote of thanks upon the young and popular speaker. There is one thing which he did that stands out among the deeds of men like the bright star of the morning. The first time he lifted his voice in the capitol he pled for the sons of toll, and the last set speech he will probably ever utter there was a plea for those "whose hearts are the citadel of a nation's power and whose arms are the bulwark of liberty." The Homestead Law:

The enactment of the homestead law was due to his intelligent and ceaseless efforts and is the proudest achievement of his useful life. There can be no question as to the paternity of "Homestead Bill." Galusha a. Grow, although a bachelor, is the happy father of that wholesome child. He conceived the bill and he introduced it into congress. He fought its battles for ten years on the floor of the house. He signed the bill as Speaker of the 37th Congress, and by the signature of Abraham Lincoln, it became a law. Nearly 90,000,000 acres of public domain have been permanently occupied under the homestead law, making about 670,000 entries and the beneficiaries number over 7,000,000 of souls. This land has been given to honest settlers and not to land grabbers and railroads. It is an area covering more territory than all of New England and it now represents, roughly estimated, the astonishing value of $15,000,000,000.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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